Posted July 12, 2016
Chacranajxy: Didn't some numbers come out just this last week that said that like a fraction of 1% of Steam users are on Linux? Like, I appreciate the enthusiasm for it, but that whole Linux thing as a gaming platform? It ain't happening, guys.
yes and in the same thread it was mentioned that the number says nothing because of the way it was counted (IIRC only on which system the games are purchased not on which they are actually downloaded and played (and also often wine is used which is then counted as windows...) anyway what do I care about statistics, I use linux so I care for linux releases and for all the crappy win only releases I use a (linux based) steamlink on tv or directly stream to my linux laptop (from a quasi headless win 7 desktop) which means I can enjoy the win only games without having to touch that foul adware of an Operating System directly :D win win.
hopefully soon the internet connection is getting fast and low latency enough so one can just rent some windows box with high powered graphics cards in the net to render your games and we can all play the stuff in linux without having to put up with shit like virus scanners just because we want to play games ;)
(you know sometimes I have to use it again but then I miss the console or try to pin a window to the top so it doesn't get minimized when I open another task and then I realize that there's a reason I changed ;)