EndreWhiteMane: Agreed, amazing how upset people can get about something that needn't affect them. ;)
It's what Joker said in Two-Face while he was in the hospital in "The Dark Knight".
"The mob has plans, Ubisoft has plans, Valve has plans...You know? They're schemers...Schemers trying to control their little worlds...I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how...pathetic...their attempts to control things really are...
So when i say that "no Old Games for this week is nothing personal", you know that i'm telling the truth.
Look what i did to this community with a few movie releases and a couple of In Development releases...hm? You know what i noticed? Nobody panicks when "things go according to plan", even if the plan is horrifying..."
You know what? I can actually imagine this scene reimagined with one of those edits that cuts out Joker's face and puts GOG LOGO instead.
So GOG just introduced a little anarchy, that's all!