Posted March 14, 2019

Have you tried contacting them and ask them to sell their old games (like Command & Conquer or Far Cry 3) on GOG?
Because I'm sure GOG already tried.

splinter cell is here to
I suspect we only have some old EA games here (like the Ultima series) because GOG and EA made some sort of protocol where GOG got the right to sell them if they managed to make them work on new PCs.
As for the old ubisoft games I think they're only here because ubi probably once had someone on the management who had no issues with getting their old games DRM - free. And that person has since been kicked from office. Just a theory, of course.
Look, if GOG contacted Blizzard in order to sell such huge classics like Diablo and Warcraft, I find it hard to believe that they haven't tried to sell other fan things like the GTA series, Settlers 1,etc.