Unkalibriert: And how is it blocked? I can see the game and put it into cart (won't buy, not interested).
seppelfred: Well, then I was wrong. I thought most world war 2 games have swastikas in it, which means they have to be blocked. But since this one is USA against Japan, there aren't any swastikas in the game.
*edit*: I just bought it. ;)
Don't take this the wrong way. Honestly I'm apalled how the german government still mantains that stupid censorship concerning swastikas. The swastika has been a symbol of good fortune and protection against evil in the East for thousands of years. Even if the nazis corrupted it, it shouldn't be censored given its original meaning.
Christian fanatics have used the Cross symbol for hundreds of years, while performing terrible acts. The same applies for muslim fanatics. Yet no-one censors the Cross or the Crescent Moon.
It's time the german people end that ridiculous censorship.