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ncameron: 1. But it's rare.
Grargar: Like the release of a Bethesda game here. Got it. :P
Touche. :P
Grargar: Warrior Kings: Battles was released here before Warrior Kings, because GOG had some trouble getting the first to run.

In general, the release of a sequel before the previous part of a series has occurred quite a few times here (more than 10 if I recall correctly) for a variety of reasons, so I wouldn't be surprised if something similar occurred with Oblivion/Skyrim.
I'll take your word for it. I'd be quite happy if you're right, I'd prefer to see Skyrim.
fortune_p_dawg: Detective 2: Hmmm... son, it appears Doom 3 and Doom 4 were released on GOG, DRM-free, AT THE SAME TIME!!!
Hmmm, you made me check front page just in case.
The modern Bethesda games are renowned for being buggy messes right, so I wonder will Gog patch them or include community patches with them to fix those bugs like they did with VtMB or just release them as is?

I assume they all work on modern systems anyway not being that old, but it will be interesting to see what Gog considers 'working as intended' for them....
adaliabooks: The modern Bethesda games are renowned for being buggy messes right, so I wonder will Gog patch them or include community patches with them to fix those bugs like they did with VtMB or just release them as is?

I assume they all work on modern systems anyway not being that old, but it will be interesting to see what Gog considers 'working as intended' for them....
Aren't you jumping the gun a bit here? We're not entirely sure that we're getting the games yet! :-)
2nd game -> Goliath
IFW: Maybe Doom at midnight today...?
Maybe Civ VI... *dream*
rgnrk: Why is everybody waiting eagerly for Call Of Doom? I sure hope the AAA bullet to be wasted on that mediocre game. At least that's what mostly everyone with a tiny bit of critical sense that played the beta said.

It's doom in name and aesthetic only.
fortune_p_dawg: dunno, i don't think it looks that good personally. i just think it would be cool for us to be included in a major release for once.
Lord_Kane: God if Doom 2016 and Doom 3 came out here, I would orgasm till I started cumming blood and then died.
fortune_p_dawg: *investigators arrive at the scene - a shriveled husk of skin lying on the floor*

Detective 1: Sir, it looks like he somehow managed to ejaculate his bodily fluids, all of his organs, and his entire skeleton! How is this possible?!

Detective 2: Hmmm... son, it appears Doom 3 and Doom 4 were released on GOG, DRM-free, AT THE SAME TIME!!!
that would result in all of GOG getting arrested.
okay maybe not.
blakstar: Aren't you jumping the gun a bit here? We're not entirely sure that we're getting the games yet! :-)
Pssh, the list had Skyrim and Fallout 3 (or New Vegas, can't remember which) on it (SCPMs, not the other one) so I'm fairly confident they will come here.

It may not be next week, but they will come!
adaliabooks: The modern Bethesda games are renowned for being buggy messes right, so I wonder will Gog patch them or include community patches with them to fix those bugs like they did with VtMB or just release them as is?

I assume they all work on modern systems anyway not being that old, but it will be interesting to see what Gog considers 'working as intended' for them....
Considering how many people that's involved in all that community patching GOG getting the required permissions to use those patches is probably close to nil.
adaliabooks: Pssh, the list had Skyrim and Fallout 3 (or New Vegas, can't remember which) on it (SCPMs, not the other one) so I'm fairly confident they will come here.

It may not be next week, but they will come!
"The List" featured New Vegas and Oblivion. If that is true, Fallout 3 can't be far behind. ;)
Tarm: Considering how many people that's involved in all that community patching GOG getting the required permissions to use those patches is probably close to nil.
Yeah, that's probably true.

I do wonder whether they will release them as-is and riddled with bugs or make their own fixes...

I'm imaging the former (with a mod / patch spotlight thing to point people in the right direction)
Nergal01: "The List" featured New Vegas and Oblivion. If that is true, Fallout 3 can't be far behind. ;)
Ah, I knew there was one from each series but couldn't remember which ones (or be bothered to check)

I can't imagine Skyrim and Fallout 3 not making it here if the others do.
Post edited May 12, 2016 by adaliabooks
Tarm: Considering how many people that's involved in all that community patching GOG getting the required permissions to use those patches is probably close to nil.
adaliabooks: Yeah, that's probably true.

I do wonder whether they will release them as-is and riddled with bugs or make their own fixes...

I'm imaging the former (with a mod / patch spotlight thing to point people in the right direction)
I'm hoping as is. If I remember correct some mods didn't like the patches. A sticky in the games forum for patches used at your own risk would be enough for me.
adaliabooks: Ah, I knew there was one from each series but couldn't remember which ones (or be bothered to check)

I can't imagine Skyrim and Fallout 3 not making it here if the others do.
Yeah, I can't imagine Bethesda agreeing to a DRM-free New Vegas without including their very own Fallout 3 in the deal.

But DRM-free Skyrim? Now that would be a real coup.
anothername: the latest CD Project "we aim to be number 1" speech conference.
Da fug? #1 in regards to digital distribution? Maybe in the far future...
Nergal01: Yeah, I can't imagine Bethesda agreeing to a DRM-free New Vegas without including their very own Fallout 3 in the deal.

But DRM-free Skyrim? Now that would be a real coup.
Both New Vegas and Skyrim are currently Steam-only games. The presence of one here won't surprise me about the arrival of the other.