Fonzer: Nice to find a supported browser called mypal for win xp. Now i can at least watch youtube without the html5 video errors.
Crunchyroll and other things.
And pc is old that is why it has xp, hope to get a new pc next year after my room redecoration.
Older and less powerful computers are also great choices for running Linux.
For example, I have a Lenovo IdeaPad 110S-11IBR (albeit the one with 64GB of storage rather than only 32GB). Some reviews have commented on it having issues in Windows with the limited storage (particularly with Windows 10's updates taking more space), but with Linux, particularly with a lightweight distro/configuration, it works comfortably. (Admittedly, boot times are not as fast as they are on my newer, bigger, and fancier laptop, but they're still manageable and sleep mode works; once in a while the keyboard will fail to work, but putting it to sleep can fix that issue.)
Fonzer: Nice to find a supported browser called mypal for win xp. Now i can at least watch youtube without the html5 video errors.
Crunchyroll and other things.
And pc is old that is why it has xp, hope to get a new pc next year after my room redecoration.
Dogmaus: I actually miss XP and 7, I never got used to 10 and I use a software that makes it look like Windows 7. It's called classic shell.
I've gotten to the point where I use Linux exclusively (unless I want to try out some other OS in a VM). At this point, for me I have a harder time using Windows than Linux.
My new laptop came with Windows 10, but I have already wiped it and installed debian bullsyee. It boots *really* fast, and its 256GB is big enough that Windows could run on it if I so choose (as opposed to my older, smaller, lighter one that I would not recommend Windows on).
Also, another thing that made me happy today: Seeing a topic on the Cyberpunk 2077 forum here about an accessibility issue (key rebinding, in this case) get "high rated".