New start! And a clever diversion... Mislead some friks from before into believing, that i am going elsewhere, while i am actually getting completely elsewhere. Plus, i established a constant "presence", right behind them. Poor sobs are now pishing in their own pants, thinking that i am behind the backs of each and every one of them, bwa ha ha ha ha!!! They 'll be "seeing" me even while i am not there...
Truth be said, though, one man can never be too cautious. Besides, where i am heading next, i know for sure that friks also have a presence and a "stronghold", round those parts, as well. This time i will have to masquerade in both "elysium" and "combat" area. Acting, the one and only thing i 've always hated, well now, i must become a real master at it! Lucky thing, i am a fast learner! But i somehow have the hunch, they are also going to "expect" me before i arrive in there, too. Have to prepare before venturing forth. Intuition is good and all, but only so long as it's PRE-EMPTIVE.
This and... Finally, i am going UP! Enough with the base of the pyramid. Finding treasure among garbage was a real life-changing experience, a transformative feeling, until the filth stole it back right from my hands, that is. Let's see what i discover there and the future unravels...
Post edited September 26, 2019 by KiNgBrAdLeY7