Posted July 11, 2019

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

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Registered: Sep 2010
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Posted July 11, 2019
I get regular post-withdrawal check-ups from friends 'n' fams 'n' SOs. It's nice to be wanted.

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Bad Hair Day
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Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted July 12, 2019
Score one for the beautiful people.
The Census has been saved.
A small victory against corruption and bigotry, but a victory none the less.
The Census has been saved.
A small victory against corruption and bigotry, but a victory none the less.
Post edited July 12, 2019 by tinyE

Downvote Collector
Registered: May 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted July 12, 2019
I know, i was doing so well, then all of a sudden the downvoting tiered off as GameRager stole the limelight, the theif.

Downvote Collector
Registered: May 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted July 12, 2019

I just also paradoxically(correct term?) believe in individual freedoms being more "important" than people's feelings in that people's feelings shouldn't dictate unfairly taking away one person's/group's freedoms to give to others.
So are a childs "feelings" irrelevant? no. The fact is the parents are responsible for bringing that child into the world, they have to accept that they won't have the freedoms they once had, and that the child is more important than their need to smoke, drink or go out partying on a friday night, thats responsibility, they have had a child, they accept responsibility for that childs upbringing.
No excuses. A parent who smokes while pregnant or around that child after it is born is pretty fucking ignorant and their claim of "freedoms" wouldn't be an valid excuse over ignoring the responsibility they have to their child.
Outside of that, people can freely smoke, the world is still a large place, and there are plenty of places to do it without making someone breath it in as they walk towards their destination, but the fact is they are too fucking lazy to do it.
People's "feelings" are not arbitrary when the issue at hand affects their own health or that of their child.
It's not about banning it, it's not a blame game, it's about taking responsibility, and those who start it need to accept that.
Tell me, with all the information on smoking in today's world, would people still smoke in pub's, restaurants and everywhere else that is now currently banned, if the ban was not in effect? despite the health risks to those around them?
There is only one answer to that, so i'll follow on with the next question;
So for all those that don't smoke, what would they have to do? avoid pubs? restaurants? public places in general to avoid it? I KNOW how bad pubs were over here in the UK, it was like fog as you walked in , but as a child i didn't have a choice either.
Damn, Bus Stations would be an awful place, you'd literally have to stand outside the bus station and across the street to avoid it if that was the case, otherwise you'd be walking around telling 40-60 people to please stop smoking, all the while you're breathing it in, but what? it's their freedom of choice and nothing would be against it, right? So they could politely tell you to piss off and there ya go.
Banning as it happens with the ignorant populace, is a necessity at times, despite the fact you could educate them out of it, with the levels of human ignorance it would probably take 3-4 generations to get to that point.
History does prove that, ya know?
I do believe that you can't educate people by forcing them to do something, as it can make them do the complete opposite, but in situations like this where it's just a general public place ban, it can benefit those that don't and people that want to can still do it elsewhere, besides it can also be considered policy, as some pubs/restaurants and other public places would do it by choice if there wasn't a ban.
But people are a long way off taking responsibility.
Post edited July 12, 2019 by DetouR6734

Dreams Come True
Registered: Dec 2016
From Spain
Posted July 12, 2019

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Registered: Feb 2014
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Posted July 12, 2019
Huh. Apparently my summer vacation started just now!
Also, the mug I referred to earlier has a better than zero chance of arriving as early as next week.. although I'm still thinking it's more likely to get stuck at cuss toms for long enough to not make it in a week.
Also, the mug I referred to earlier has a better than zero chance of arriving as early as next week.. although I'm still thinking it's more likely to get stuck at cuss toms for long enough to not make it in a week.

Downvote Collector
Registered: May 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted July 12, 2019
Sorry i stole it, it's mine all mine!

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted July 12, 2019

Also, the mug I referred to earlier has a better than zero chance of arriving as early as next week.. although I'm still thinking it's more likely to get stuck at cuss toms for long enough to not make it in a week.
Every year, the first week of June it says:
"Join us on June 21st to ring in the 1st day of summer!"
followed by:
"Join us on June 24th to ring in the last day of summer!"

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted July 12, 2019
I would provide such but neither of us has a digital cam/mobile phone with cam that can also send it across the net.
It is all black with a white stripe going from it's across the middle of it's belly, though.
He names it alice after the story, I believe.
Bah, you can have it if you truly want it. I'm no rebel/"bad" guy type, so it doesn't suit me like it'd suit someone like Caleb/etc.
It is all black with a white stripe going from it's across the middle of it's belly, though.
He names it alice after the story, I believe.
Bah, you can have it if you truly want it. I'm no rebel/"bad" guy type, so it doesn't suit me like it'd suit someone like Caleb/etc.
Post edited July 12, 2019 by GameRager

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted July 12, 2019

So are a childs "feelings" irrelevant? no. The fact is the parents are responsible for bringing that child into the world, they have to accept that they won't have the freedoms they once had, and that the child is more important than their need to smoke, drink or go out partying on a friday night, thats responsibility, they have had a child, they accept responsibility for that childs upbringing.
No excuses. A parent who smokes while pregnant or around that child after it is born is pretty fucking ignorant and their claim of "freedoms" wouldn't be an valid excuse over ignoring the responsibility they have to their child.
Outside of that, people can freely smoke, the world is still a large place, and there are plenty of places to do it without making someone breath it in as they walk towards their destination, but the fact is they are too fucking lazy to do it.
People's "feelings" are not arbitrary when the issue at hand affects their own health or that of their child.
It's not about banning it, it's not a blame game, it's about taking responsibility, and those who start it need to accept that.
Tell me, with all the information on smoking in today's world, would people still smoke in pub's, restaurants and everywhere else that is now currently banned, if the ban was not in effect? despite the health risks to those around them?
There is only one answer to that, so i'll follow on with the next question;
So for all those that don't smoke, what would they have to do? avoid pubs? restaurants? public places in general to avoid it? I KNOW how bad pubs were over here in the UK, it was like fog as you walked in , but as a child i didn't have a choice either.
Damn, Bus Stations would be an awful place, you'd literally have to stand outside the bus station and across the street to avoid it if that was the case, otherwise you'd be walking around telling 40-60 people to please stop smoking, all the while you're breathing it in, but what? it's their freedom of choice and nothing would be against it, right? So they could politely tell you to piss off and there ya go.
Banning as it happens with the ignorant populace, is a necessity at times, despite the fact you could educate them out of it, with the levels of human ignorance it would probably take 3-4 generations to get to that point.
History does prove that, ya know?
I do believe that you can't educate people by forcing them to do something, as it can make them do the complete opposite, but in situations like this where it's just a general public place ban, it can benefit those that don't and people that want to can still do it elsewhere, besides it can also be considered policy, as some pubs/restaurants and other public places would do it by choice if there wasn't a ban.
But people are a long way off taking responsibility.
They do and should, but a parent will still try to make time for themselves or to think of themselves(and imo they should to a certain extent).....doing stuff like smoking/drinking outside or away from the child's sight, or going out and hiring a sitter.
Some parents who are oblivious or poor will do it closer to home/the child as well in some cases, but in some instances I think some exceptions are justified(not all, though) depending on circumstance.
Not so much while pregnant, but if a parent does such after a child is born I feel they should have the right(and be scorned rightly for doing so by others) rather than have a state blanket ban on somking in ANY home with kids/teens in it. To me that'd be overkill and unfair on the freedoms of a smoker. I'd rather they make the right choices themselves or let society handle the ones who don't do so(via shaming/reporting for other abuses the parents is doing which can be actionable via the law/etc).
(Disclosure: I have a birth defect(won't talk about it here besides this bit) and it was caused by my mother smoking while pregnant. To be fair she was part of the "smoking is ok even while pregnant" club and imo wasn't trying to harm me intentionally & she was pretty nice to me when alive so I gave her a pass for what she did to me)
No one should have to walk past such if they don't want to but on the reverse no smoker should have to go to a subbasement/forest/other far out of the way place to enjoy a smoke just because of other people not liking it.
And yes children are important but 'feelings on anything are more arbitrary(to me) over things like how much actual health impact something has via various factors(severity/time of exposure/how easy or hard it is to avoid it/etc) when deciding what to ban/limit.
Some actually want it banned everywhere and no matter how many concessions non-smokers get they always want more because they don't have enough spaces to enjoy apparently. I myself am a non-smoker and even I see how rediculous it is and just avoid smoke when I can or live with it when I cannot.
Also responsibility goes both ways.
Some would, to be respectful. Also restaurants could stick with the old closed off smoking sections that were doing well before the blanket bans(they blocked off 95% of smoke from reaching others on average).
I AGREE some limits should be in place, btw, just not too many or those which unfairly limit ANY group to give advantages to another over their "feelings".
What about smoker standing in the cold just to smoke?
Bus stations could implement the same closed off indoor smoking sections, or perhaps make an outdoor semi-enclosed space so smokers could stay warm as well while smoking outside(to be fair).
Tbh i'd rather have limits(fair ones) than bans.....and if they banned anything that made life unfair in any way for one group to placate or help out another i'd be against it as well.
Yes but non-smokers(some) and those who want to placate them and get votes still puish for more and more spaces for smokers to be banned and non-smokers(some) are still not happy. Some would sadly only be happy it is was banned everywhere(like in some countries now), and to me that is taking away one's own freedom to give to another and wrong on so many levels...regardless of who it helps and to what level.
I agree people(some) can be irresponsible though
What kinda mug would it be to get stuck at customs that long? A bong mug like in Cabin in the Woods? o.0
Post edited July 12, 2019 by GameRager

New User
Registered: Feb 2014
From Other
Posted July 12, 2019

Also, the mug I referred to earlier has a better than zero chance of arriving as early as next week.. although I'm still thinking it's more likely to get stuck at cuss toms for long enough to not make it in a week.

Post edited July 12, 2019 by clarry

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted July 12, 2019