Playing Diablo II with the PlugY mod: It makes Diablo II a far more enjoyable game and fixes three of my main bugbears with the game:
1) Much, much larger stash. Now I don't have to throw away lots of valuable equipment just because I have nowhere to put it. I get that part of the appeal of these types of games is to force you to make choices, but the original stash size was just too small when equipment forms such an important part of the game.
2) The ability to transfer equipment amongst my characters, just like Sacred 2. I had a warrior on Hell difficulty and I was nowhere near completing even one item set.
3) The ability to reset one's stats. Now I can enjoy experimenting with builds and not panic when I finally get to Hell difficulty and find my character is completely nerfed. If I find a great piece of equipment, I can now modify my stats to complement the stats of that equipment.
Unfortunately the PlugY mod doesn't work with v1.14 yet, so although I have the DRM-free v1.14b installer downloaded from, I actually had to go back to installing the game from my CD's and patch to v1.13d. I was expecting to have a problem getting the game to run on Windows 7 64-bit, but it installed OK.
Hoping they release the mod for v1.14...