Posted December 01, 2018

I'm not familiar with early DraQue iterations (well, unless we count the 3DS remakes) but It's always interesting to me to see people manage that kind of feat. Oh, and to learn that mechanisms works in a different way in some versions.
EDIT : And I just about love to farm Stats Seeds. My 330hours DraQue XI save have about 150 hours just to max stats.
By the way, seed farming is possible in a few other games, including a couple of the Final Fantasy games (7 and 8) and in Chrono Trigger (though only for 3 stats). It's also possible in some Wizardry games (5, 6, and 7), though with stats not growing as high (in absolute numbers), I don't think it's as fun. I think I might have read about one of the later Disgaea games having an item that functions like a stat seed.
Also, apparently in Japan there is a 3DS remake of Dragon Quest 3. It's not the best version (apparently is a port of the phone version, so it's missing a few things, like the Pachisi minigame and enemy attack animations), but seed farming and HP/MP gains work just like in the SFC version (the GBC tweaks and additions are not present).
For something completely different (but still DQ related), I am having some fun watching runs of the Dragon Warrior Randomizer (which can be rediculous with things like HURTMORE (Firebane/Sizzle in later translations, but it's actually the most powerful attack spell in that game) being used by normally weak enemies and sometimes even the player at low levels, or the player not having any healing capability until higher levels; it's all random.