Posted October 30, 2018

The guy who won might be just a less bad option or even a very good president. Only time will tell.
Oh another (related) thing to make me happier: the economy reacted favorably and the dollar started falling.

Well I say it like the government doesn't have money for anything but that's not entirely true, in these past 4 times they took the office it never lacked money for one thing and that's corruption, in levels never seen before. Maybe it's a coincidence that one former president is in jail and the other has been impeached? Or that every time there was a corruption scandal it was only drowned when the next scandal hit the news? Or that Dilma Rousseff's entire ministry lineup didn't survive in office for two years?
Thankfully PT already had a solution for that: among their proposals for the next government cycle was the reduction of the investigative powers of... I don't know what would be called the office which has the task to investigate corruption of politicians, sorry.
But if you like PT I recommend you take them to Netherlands and put them in charge. I promise I won't try to stop you. Tell me in ten years how that worked out for your country.
Post edited October 30, 2018 by joppo