HereForTheBeer: Well, I did find this post ironic: Where it was said:
Today i am happy, because some scumbags yesterday... Low rated my post for celebrating that <snip some socio-political whatevs>... And here i thought our site was strictly about games, gaming and all, meh
HereForTheBeer: dtgreene: 2. It sounds like you are suggesting conversion therapy, which is known to not work, and is known to be harmful to those forced to undergo it. There's a good reason some US states (and I believe some non-US countries) have banned it.
HereForTheBeer: I believe it refers to a forced change of how someone thinks in general, not something directly related to you and / or your specific causes.
Any Hoover...
Really nice day outside yesterday. Just under freezing, sunny, little breeze. Felt great out there. Got to do some music / movie / book shopping downtown, and found a couple books for our trip Monday. In spite of some utterly crappy news from an old friend a couple days earlier, the day was good.