Posted June 02, 2017
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Second, other is "going underwater" much more due to the "measures against Russia" that EUSSR and former USA administration impose on them (and Russians reply by measures of their own against EUSSR, even "Other"), rather than some worthless scam treaty, which is to profit a bunch of crooks and dupe all gullible activists (it benefits the environment? Don't make me laugh).
When I say that Other is "going underwater", I am using the phrase literally; the sea level will rise, and Other will end up below sea level, giving you no place to live. Why don't you actually look at the science?
Also, this site, while it still exists:
At least for me, a Google search for "climate change evidence" comes up with many other articles with evidence, and if you want to dig deeper, you can look at the scientific literature.