Tauto: It was cold and noisy but my first winter in the steel bay was close.Steel can hold a lot of coldness,like walking into a freezer.Using bare hands on the steel was the worst and yes we had gloves but they made it actually harder to handle the steel.
HereForTheBeer: Oh yeah, cold steel is no fun. Just sinks right into your hands.
Did some work on submarines, beneath the skin and outside the hull. January, sitting on that cold black steel... We'd have to peel our butts off the hull whenever we moved - body heat would thaw the sheen of ice and then re-freeze once we got settled in.
That puts a hilarious image in my head. Bunch of sailors frozen stuck to the hull of a submarine, screaming in terror as it submerges into the depths. Call me sadistic, but that thought of that cracks me up.
So I laughed, and that made me happy. Thanks, buddy!