Posted October 13, 2016

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
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The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

Registered: Jan 2013
From Germany

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 13, 2016
Bob Dylan won a Nobel Prize!
How cool is that?
How cool is that?

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 13, 2016
I set a conflict straight. Partially, but still...
Post edited October 13, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Ltd. DeepSeeker
Registered: Jul 2011
From Norway
Posted October 14, 2016
I was about to ask you if you were OK - but then a quick search confirmed it... That is WAY cool!
Apart from that; After a long day, logging on to GOG after a long break, to find YET another "bad-day-trolling" thread, where it actually ended up on the politics and philosophy on human rights and property... priceless!
Apart from that; After a long day, logging on to GOG after a long break, to find YET another "bad-day-trolling" thread, where it actually ended up on the politics and philosophy on human rights and property... priceless!

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted October 14, 2016
happen to see the girl i kinda like on entering work. Again little bit later. She is supernice but aloof..........

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted October 14, 2016
When I was younger I tend to make friend with aloof people and always ended up founding out they're by themselves for good reasons and regretting it, personally I would approach carefully.
Post edited October 14, 2016 by eksasol

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 14, 2016
Second reason to be happy. President Duerte called Obama, United Nations Department and European union, "stupid fools"! I am beginning to think that the single last bastion of healthy thinking, lies exclusively with our asian bros, after all. Everyone else seems to have become a "stupid fool"!
Can't wait for his 5 questions to shame those stupid fools! On air and worldwide! This dude bangs! And rocks! And keeps it real!
Can't wait for his 5 questions to shame those stupid fools! On air and worldwide! This dude bangs! And rocks! And keeps it real!
Post edited October 14, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted October 15, 2016
Yesterday I became EXTREMELY happy that I didn't hit a motorcycle police with my car. :)
It was a rush hour, and I was trying to turn right to the main road. It was green for me so I watched mainly to the right where I was turning, trying to find a lane to go to as I had to get to the most left-side lane in order to again turn left away from that main road.
Just as I was about to push gas to go... a police motorcycle comes from front left and cuts before me. He doesn't use any siren or anything (do the police motorcycles have sirens, and a light on top of the police helmet?) so the only reason I didn't ram him was because I happened to look that way too just before I pushed gas fully. I did an emergency break (from low speed though). I wasn't expecting anyone to come from there, but of course it is good idea to always check. Glad I did!
I think he cut me like less than a meter, I presume he saw some other car going against red light and wanted to catch him, or something. Apparently he was in such a hurry that he needed to cut me. I think he also realized we were near colliding as he fishtailed a bit while cutting me, apparently trying to turn harder than he really wanted to.
I guess it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if we had collided. From my point of view, he did wrong, cut right in front of me from left and didn't use any sirens (so I would have known he is in an emergency situation)? Or is there some secret law that policemen always have right of way, always?
It was a rush hour, and I was trying to turn right to the main road. It was green for me so I watched mainly to the right where I was turning, trying to find a lane to go to as I had to get to the most left-side lane in order to again turn left away from that main road.
Just as I was about to push gas to go... a police motorcycle comes from front left and cuts before me. He doesn't use any siren or anything (do the police motorcycles have sirens, and a light on top of the police helmet?) so the only reason I didn't ram him was because I happened to look that way too just before I pushed gas fully. I did an emergency break (from low speed though). I wasn't expecting anyone to come from there, but of course it is good idea to always check. Glad I did!
I think he cut me like less than a meter, I presume he saw some other car going against red light and wanted to catch him, or something. Apparently he was in such a hurry that he needed to cut me. I think he also realized we were near colliding as he fishtailed a bit while cutting me, apparently trying to turn harder than he really wanted to.
I guess it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if we had collided. From my point of view, he did wrong, cut right in front of me from left and didn't use any sirens (so I would have known he is in an emergency situation)? Or is there some secret law that policemen always have right of way, always?
Post edited October 15, 2016 by timppu

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted October 16, 2016
Just purchased a Sony KD55X9300D 4K HDR TV with 3D for $2,100, should be here in a few days.
Currently downloading Transsexual Babysitters in 3D in excited anticipation.
I think transsexuals will showcase 3D in all its glory as they provide more depth.
Currently downloading Transsexual Babysitters in 3D in excited anticipation.
I think transsexuals will showcase 3D in all its glory as they provide more depth.
Post edited October 16, 2016 by Kleetus

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted October 16, 2016