KiNgBrAdLeY7: Today i am happy because i discovered lots of dirt. By chance, by accident. Sometimes, i myself am even amazed, at what the hell i come across sometimes, even without actively pursuing to get wind of it. For the time being, i have only pen at my disposal, not sword, so i made some good use of it in a place that certain people from various professions and paths in life can notice my writing... Hopefully, someone that can do something about it might both read it there and decide to take some action.
Sometimes i regret choosing my current profession and am thinking it would be better to go after specialization for working in a private investigator office. But right after, i remember that in my current state, i would never hope to pass unnoticed anywhere where i live now... Plus, the info that i tend to get is completely randomly thrown at me and as i already realized, completely by chance, entirely by accident.
That's why we live on a place called Earth.