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Klumpen0815: Now I'm interested in "Battle Yebond the Stars" which seems to have the awkward title "Sador - Herrscher im Weltraum" here and the cheapest one I could find was a DVD for 33€ and a used one with so-so condition for 15€. :/
I've never heard of this movie before and it seems to be completely unknown in Germany.
InfraSuperman: Ah, so it's one of those stupid cases where the DVD went out of print and WB never bothered to release another one. I was fortunate enough to pick one up for about 6€ several years ago.
Please vote:
No point. It's not a boring indie video game documentary nor a crappy looking "nerdy" comedy.
This is where ancient films get this thread, the forth page, with like, two people participating.

Post something fun and it rocks along with tons of people participating. My original complaint still stands, pick more exciting movies.
Post edited September 27, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
bad_fur_day1: This is where ancient films get this thread, the forth page, with like, two people participating.

Post something fun and it rocks along like one of the best threads on Gog with tons of people participating. My original complaint still stands, pick more exciting movies.
Just because it is less seen, doesn't mean it's less exciting. Henry Fonda is a king of acting, and I dare you to try 12 Angry Men (the original, not the remake, though that remake is pretty good, George C. Scott taking the place of Fonda in a TV production, it works, but why not just watch the original?!) and not find it thrilling.

I don't like to guess at movies I've not seen, but since this is not getting a lot of guesses I'll go with:

Fort Apache
You guys seem to enjoy killing this thread dead. Whatever, back to the sixth page it goes then.
Post edited September 27, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
drealmer7: Fort Apache
No, this movie was made a few years earlier.

As an additional hint, this film also has, generally, a bit more in common with Twelve Angry Men than with "typical" westerns.
two_men.jpg (87 Kb)
drealmer7: Fort Apache
InfraSuperman: No, this movie was made a few years earlier.

As an additional hint, this film also has, generally, a bit more in common with Twelve Angry Men than with "typical" westerns.
I'll hold off on guessing for a while so others can chime in and perhaps take charge of the next movie. Though, maybe I'll try to go for something less obscure for my next turn, it's really hard to find that area of not too well known that it is obvious and gets said right away vs. a movie that very few on this site have seen that will take a while.
Klumpen0815: Now I'm interested in "Battle Yebond the Stars" which seems to have the awkward title "Sador - Herrscher im Weltraum" here and the cheapest one I could find was a DVD for 33€ and a used one with so-so condition for 15€. :/
I've never heard of this movie before and it seems to be completely unknown in Germany.
Time to spread the word to your fellow germans! Party at klumpen's house for Battle Beyond the Stars viewing (magic allowed him/her to get access to it, a birdy told me!!)

bad_fur_day1: You guys seem to enjoy killing this thread dead. Whatever, back to the sixth page it goes then.
Take the day and watch some older movies! Try and find an actor, director, or genre that might appeal to you more and go ahead and attempt some, you might surprise yourself if you're able to be open-minded about it.
Post edited September 27, 2015 by drealmer7
drealmer7: [...]

Fort Apache
If I'm not mistaken, it's about a bunch of guys (Anthony Quinn plays one of them) faced with being hanged for killing someone and stealing their cattle. But I can't remember the title.
drealmer7: [...]

Fort Apache
HypersomniacLive: If I'm not mistaken, it's about a bunch of guys (Anthony Quinn plays one of them) faced with being hanged for killing someone and stealing their cattle. But I can't remember the title.
You should go to IMDB with that information and deduce it!!!
drealmer7: You should go to IMDB with that information and deduce it!!!
OK, I got off my lazy butt, checked what Western films Anthony Quinn was in with Henry Fonda, and I think it's The Ox-Bow Incident.
drealmer7: You should go to IMDB with that information and deduce it!!!
HypersomniacLive: OK, I got off my lazy butt, checked what Western films Anthony Quinn was in with Henry Fonda, and I think it's The Ox-Bow Incident.
That's pretty high on my to-watch list, but haven't gotten to it yet, I think that could be the right one!
HypersomniacLive: OK, I got off my lazy butt, checked what Western films Anthony Quinn was in with Henry Fonda, and I think it's The Ox-Bow Incident.
You win!
Good form. My bad.

Forgive me for being a regular complainer about the movie choices in this thread. You guys have a much more comprehensive film view than me just being stuck in the 80's. I even complained about Serpico fer god sake. :P

Continue the game.
Post edited September 28, 2015 by bad_fur_day1
bad_fur_day1: Good form. My bad.

Forgive me for being a regular complainer about the movie choices in this thread. You guys have a much more comprehensive film view than me just being stuck in the 80's. I even complained about Serpico fer god sake. :P
Well, if it's any consolation, 80s is a great decade to be stuck in. Michael Mann's early movies, Miami Vice, Disney's surprisingly dark movies like Black Cauldron and Return to Oz, some of the best sci-fi like Wrath of Khan, Blade Runner, TRON, Terminator, Bill & Ted's excellent Adventure, and of course the glory that is Top Gun.
OK then, let's put the next one up. Should not be difficult for anyone that has watched the film.
film01.png (178 Kb)
film02.png (120 Kb)