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yoshi.png (20 Kb)
Is there no UI to these screens that might give an idea or is it too unique and would give the solution away immediately? At this point I'm even more confused because I couldn't tell which of the two (if any to begin with) is the game's PC... :/
It's Frogatto (& friends)!

Searching open source frog game did the trick :)
Dark_art_: It's Frogatto (& friends)!

Searching open source frog game did the trick :)
Yep. Your turn.
Here's a fast and easy one.
linus.jpg (19 Kb)
Dark_art_: Here's a fast and easy one.
One of the King's Bounty games in the Legend-Darkside line, although not sure in which one this dwarf specifically was. If a specific guess is required, I'll go with Legend.
Post edited Yesterday by idbeholdME
idbeholdME: One of the King's Bounty games in the Legend-Darkside line, although not sure in which one this dwarf specifically was. If a specific guess is required, I'll go with Legend.
It's Crossworlds, more specifically Bolo Island (the 3rd Island). Close enough to be granted the "your turn" prize.

There are several references to the same Linus Thorvalds in the first 3 games (didn't played Darkside yet).
Dark_art_: It's Crossworlds, more specifically Bolo Island (the 3rd Island). Close enough to be granted the "your turn" prize.

There are several references to the same Linus Thorvalds in the first 3 games (didn't played Darkside yet).
Yeah, there are a lot of recurring characters and even though I played all the games in the series (although only Armored Princess, not Crossworlds), it can sometimes blur together. Definitely recommend Darkside, my 2nd favorite after Legend.

Here is the next one:
guess.jpg (495 Kb)
Post edited 9 hours ago by idbeholdME
Titan Quest?
Numen: Contest of Heroes?