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L-O_1: Anybody may post next game!
It's been 2 days and no one's stepping up. Maybe you could post the next riddle after all?
Gentle reminder that it's the turn of whoever wants it.
I'll give a clue in a few days if no one gets it.
download.jfif (430 Kb)
Dark_Light748: I'll give a clue in a few days if no one gets it.
Links don't work...
untitled.jpg (400 Kb)
untitled2.jpg (437 Kb)
Duke Nukem Forever?
Time4Tea: Duke Nukem Forever?
Shouldn't have put the first image, made it too easy. It's a good game though, it's just the game that is cool to hate.
Post edited 2 days ago by Dark_Light748
Dark_Light748: Shouldn't have put the first image, made it too easy. It's a good game though, it's just the game that is cool to hate.
Yeah, the first one was a bit of a give away. I haven't played Forever, but that looks like a higher-fidelity version of the classic Duke 3D boss in the stadium.

I'll see if I can post a new one over the next few days!
Time4Tea: Duke Nukem Forever?
Dark_Light748: Shouldn't have put the first image, made it too easy. It's a good game though, it's just the game that is cool to hate.
I played it, it was very average gameplay wise, and incredibly bad taste humor wise. Like Duke making fun of the deaths of soldiers who are fighting the aliens along side him, and making fun of women who were raped by those aliens.
Alright, here's the next one ... ;-)

(I'm actually playing through this one atm)
Post edited 16 hours ago by Time4Tea
Fade to Black?
Time4Tea: Alright, here's the next one ... ;-)

(I'm actually playing through this one atm)
maxleod: Fade to Black?

kalirion: Bioforge?
No, sorry. Try again!
Post edited 14 hours ago by Time4Tea