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Lovstrelfra: (...)
foxgog: Hello Lovstrelfra and friends!

Ok, ok. That is without any doubts from the opening section of "Anodyne 2 - Return to Dust".
Why am I so sure?

Well, first, I used the same game (albeit with entirely different screenshots) almost a year ago in this very forum game:

Post 22949 in November 2022
Post 22955
Post 22961
Post 22964

Formerly, correctly guessed / solved by kalirion

Solution in post 22965

And secondly, it is clearly visible in one of the screenshots on's game page:
Anodyne 2 - Return to Dust

What is next? ... Ah, I have an idea:

"Danger incoming - not a place where I would want to be..."

Kind regards,
LOL, the funny thing here is that you proceeded directly with your turn even though I haven't told you that your guess was right. And yep, it is Anodyne 2 indeed. :)
Lovstrelfra: (...)
LOL, the funny thing here is that you proceeded directly with your turn even though I haven't told you that your guess was right. And yep, it is Anodyne 2 indeed. :)
Hello again, Lovstrelfra!

I am sorry. I did not intended to offend anyone. Frankly, I thought the presented evidence was sufficient. ;)

And the last months, I am not so frequently visiting and its forum(s) anymore for I am working most of my spare time on a personal gaming-related project (which I hope to be able to pull off and reveal in the near future).

I try to take a look and response a little more often now, after participating again in this forum game.

Kind regards,
Lovstrelfra: (...)
LOL, the funny thing here is that you proceeded directly with your turn even though I haven't told you that your guess was right. And yep, it is Anodyne 2 indeed. :)
foxgog: Hello again, Lovstrelfra!

I am sorry. I did not intended to offend anyone. Frankly, I thought the presented evidence was sufficient. ;)

And the last months, I am not so frequently visiting and its forum(s) anymore for I am working most of my spare time on a personal gaming-related project (which I hope to be able to pull off and reveal in the near future).

I try to take a look and response a little more often now, after participating again in this forum game.

Kind regards,
No worries. :) I was just a little surprised, that's all. Also, welcome back and good luck on your project! ^.^
foxgog: What is next? ... Ah, I have an idea:

"Danger incoming - not a place where I would want to be..."

Kind regards,
Shot in the dark.... Seek and Destroy?
foxgog: What is next? ... Ah, I have an idea:

"Danger incoming - not a place where I would want to be..."

Kind regards,
kalirion: Shot in the dark.... Seek and Destroy?
Hello kalirion!

Your guess is somewhat close with respect to the era and type of games, but the actual one was (and still is) more niche than "Seek and Destroy"...

By the way, the hint in the first picture is not in the forefront!

Maybe the second screenshot helps to identify, what is going on...

Kind regards,
foxgog: [...] but the actual one was (and still is) more niche than "Seek and Destroy"...
By the way, the hint in the first picture is not in the forefront!
Before this line I was about to guess whether the game in question was Hind but since you refer to the actual hint probably being the approaching cruise missile I guess it's something else entirely. Some RTS by chance?
kalirion: Shot in the dark.... Seek and Destroy?
foxgog: Hello kalirion!

Your guess is somewhat close with respect to the era and type of games, but the actual one was (and still is) more niche than "Seek and Destroy"...

By the way, the hint in the first picture is not in the forefront!

Maybe the second screenshot helps to identify, what is going on...

Kind regards,
Nuclear Strike?

Probably not. In any case, I believe more hints are needed, Cap'n!
Duke Garland: (...) whether the game in question was Hind but since you refer to the actual hint probably being the approaching cruise missile I guess it's something else entirely. Some RTS by chance?
Hello Duke Garlan!

Well spotted, the actual hint was the incoming missile. Unfortunately, it is neither the game "Hind" nor a (typically base building style) RTS. Sorry...

kalirion: (...) Nuclear Strike?
Probably not.
Hello kalirion!
Yes, I intended to post the next screenshot yesterday. Only a regional interruption in general electricity prevented me from doing so.
You dismissed your guess already, and indeed, it is not from "Nuclear Strike" or any of the "Strike" series.

kalirion: (...) In any case, I believe more hints are needed, Cap'n!
But you gave the next hint already...

I do add another screen anyway. ;-) "Maybe, we should try something different?"

Kind regards,
foxgog: But you gave the next hint already...

I do add another screen anyway. ;-) "Maybe, we should try something different?"

Kind regards,
Me thinks another hint is about due :)
Hello again!

Another hint, for sure!

"Aye, Aye Capt'n, solutions entered into the controls. Time to impact seventeen minutes..."

Good hunting.

Kind regards,
So, with that "confirmed" cap'n... We're in control of a ship (or submarine?) capable of launching tomahawk missiles and whatnot onto all sorts of things during what might be the 1st Gulf War aera? (Assumption based on the first 2 screens, with the Hind choppers and the (presumably) oil rigs.)

In terms of graphics it could range anywhere from '93-'95 (though closer to the latter I guess), but either way I'm not nearly resourceful enough to make anything solid out of it. (And those cryptic hints don't really help narrowing it down.)

In order to rule out (or cut it down to) one mid-90s publisher of warfare sims: is it an i-Magic game we're hunting for here by any chance?
foxgog: Hello again!

Another hint, for sure!

"Aye, Aye Capt'n, solutions entered into the controls. Time to impact seventeen minutes..."

Good hunting.

Kind regards,
Ok, found it by googling the terms on that final screenshot. "Fast Attack: High Tech Submarine Warfare". I never even knew Sierra made games like this!
kalirion: I never even knew Sierra made games like this!
Seems like Sierra is just a publisher, game was made by Software Sorcery.
kalirion: (...) "Fast Attack: High Tech Submarine Warfare".
Hello kalirion!
Congratulation, it is indeed Software Sorcery's "Fast Attack: High Tech Submarine Warfare"!

A fantastic submarine simulation with time period authentic station interfaces unlike the later Sonalyst's Series.
Unfortunately, the original release in 1995 was plagued with a lot of game crashing bugs.

However, I can highly recommend the 1996 re-release or the patched game version (Version 1.01), if someone is interested in such type of games.

It does not feature any (realtime) 3D camera with an outside look, but it is very immersive, technically quite accurate and boasts a reasonable challenge on higher simulation difficulty levels where the focus is one maneuvering and manual firing solution elaboration.
Since I like to explore a lit more, I also recommend the modded mission timer, which increases the available time per mission from two to six hours. The corresponding files can be found on the

Fast Attack - Time Limit Expander (by John Channing)
download on

The game is a DOS application and runs fine in DOSBox.

Oh, now it is your turn again, kalirion!

Kind regards,
5_cool.jpg (77 Kb)
6_sunset.jpg (86 Kb)
Aight, next one!