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"New" game below. Don't trust the title!
almabrds: "New" game below. Don't trust the title!
almabrds: "New" game below. Don't trust the title!
Austrobogulator: Jumpjet?
Yeah, , not [url=]Jump Jet, or Jumpjet Rex.
Your turn.
Post edited April 23, 2017 by almabrds
Okay, next!
Austrobogulator: Okay, next!
I am Dolphin? A wild guess...
Austrobogulator: Okay, next!
Ghorpm: I am Dolphin? A wild guess...
Everything - Consciousness Simulator?
Alligatorcon: Everything - Consciousness Simulator?
Yep, it's Everything. Your go.

Not sure that I've seen the 'Consciousness Simulator' subtitle though.
Right, this one should be fairly easy.
Huh, I guess a hint is needed (despite that being the desktop icon in the picture.). The game was published in 1996.
I know this picture and I know I was playing this game, but I don't remember where I saw this icon.

Is it maybe Civilization 2?
Nope, it's not Civilization 2.
Alligatorcon: Right, this one should be fairly easy.
I've seen this icon! But where? Judging by the name it is not Diablo so perhaps... three games come to my mind:
HoMM 2?
Tomb Raider?
Warcraft 2?
Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures? yoda stories?
Ghorpm: I've seen this icon! But where? Judging by the name it is not Diablo so perhaps... three games come to my mind:
HoMM 2?
Tomb Raider?
Warcraft 2?
No, the icon for that one shows a shield with a lion on it.
No, that one has a picture of Lara Croft.
Nope, that one has an axe and a sword crossed.
And no, it's not Diablo. It was meant to be called The Making of Diablo 3, but that was sadly too long. Diablo has an icon really similar to that though, but with a red background.

nicohvc: Indiana Jones and His Desktop Adventures? yoda stories?
Nope and nope.
This really reminds me how many great games were published in 1996. The game in question shares engine with atleast 4 other games.