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Austrobogulator: I have made two edits to the screenshot - and one of them is cropping the image.
chanopan8: Is it SimCity?
It is not; it's a very different kind of game.
chanopan8: Is it SimCity?
Austrobogulator: It is not; it's a very different kind of game.
Populous: The beginning?
Austrobogulator: It is not; it's a very different kind of game.
kalirion: Populous: The beginning?
Completely different to that.
kalirion: Populous: The beginning?
Austrobogulator: Completely different to that.
Postal? Guess based on the hint, not the image :P
Austrobogulator: Completely different to that.
zeffyr: Postal? Guess based on the hint, not the image :P
No, but that's much closer.
zeffyr: Postal? Guess based on the hint, not the image :P
Austrobogulator: No, but that's much closer.
Crusader: No Remorse then?
Austrobogulator: No, but that's much closer.
Fever_Discordia: Crusader: No Remorse then?
Nope. Another hint: The image has been rotated 90 degrees.
The image is a bit small - any chance you could undo the rotation and provide a larger image?
There's a reason why I have cropped it to be that very specific size.

Also, as I've said before, this is a very well known game - people that don't know anything about games know about this game.
Austrobogulator: There's a reason why I have cropped it to be that very specific size.

Also, as I've said before, this is a very well known game - people that don't know anything about games know about this game.
Uhm, this is a wild guess, but perhaps Lara Croft in her mansion in the first Tomb Raider? Background doesn't seem right tho
Post edited June 09, 2015 by Matewis
Austrobogulator: There's a reason why I have cropped it to be that very specific size.

Also, as I've said before, this is a very well known game - people that don't know anything about games know about this game.
Matewis: Uhm, this is a wild guess, but perhaps Lara Croft in her mansion in the first Tomb Raider? Background doesn't seem right tho
That is indeed correct.

Here's the full image:
Matewis: Uhm, this is a wild guess, but perhaps Lara Croft in her mansion in the first Tomb Raider? Background doesn't seem right tho
Austrobogulator: That is indeed correct.

Here's the full image:
Heh, the poster which was hanging over my bed almost 20 years ago had more rounded 'mountains' - no surprise I haven't recognized them ;-) Great riddle though! :-)
What can I say? I'm good, really good! Round of drinks all round on me!

Bloody hell that was a sneaky one though! Kudos to you sir! Once I rotated 90 degrees and zoomed they immediately looked like breasts from the early 3d era, but it couldn't be Tomb Raider because she didn't wear a gray top in TR1 and by the time of TR2 they weren't pointy anymore. Luckily I looked at some tombraider screenshots anyway and saw that in the mansion she wore a gray top, but that weird background threw me off, which as it turns out when you posted the full pic, was a window.

I'll upload a next, much easier one in a bit.
Post edited June 09, 2015 by Matewis
Ok here's the next one, from an old favorite of mine:
metally.jpg (19 Kb)
Matewis: Ok here's the next one, from an old favorite of mine:
Is it a Mega man? It also has a Ducktales vibe from the moon level!