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Fever_Discordia: Oh great - and now I've lost The Game - today just keeps getting better and better!
Zacron: You... you suck!
tascodlx: Fun fact: the game shares it's name with a song by a popular American country music singer.
If it helps, he has a Scottish name.

(BTW, I hope you're enjoying all these clues I'm dropping as much as I am.)

Here's another screenshot. We'll see if anything develops.
blue.png (105 Kb)
That's not a game, it's Led Zeppelin IV.
I really have no idea.
tascodlx: Fun fact: the game shares it's name with a song by a popular American country music singer.
tascodlx: If it helps, he has a Scottish name.

(BTW, I hope you're enjoying all these clues I'm dropping as much as I am.)

Here's another screenshot. We'll see if anything develops.
That pic is an accurate representation of what I imagine various cults' propaganda films look like.
Might as well post another shot before I go. Remember: if you get hungry while searching for the game, you can always eat the breadcrumbs.
noclue.png (125 Kb)
tascodlx: Might as well post another shot before I go. Remember: if you get hungry while searching for the game, you can always eat the breadcrumbs.
The WTF in that screenshot is about right...
tascodlx: Might as well post another shot before I go. Remember: if you get hungry while searching for the game, you can always eat the breadcrumbs.
Looks like something out of Cryostasis, except for the UI elements on top and symbols on bottom...
tascodlx: Might as well post another shot before I go. Remember: if you get hungry while searching for the game, you can always eat the breadcrumbs.
toxicTom: The WTF in that screenshot is about right...
Too True.
Maybe that's the name of the game, "WTF".
tinyE: Maybe that's the name of the game, "WTF".
I don't know. Kinda short for a game title...

If you're still stuck, feel free to review my previous posts.
Start here:
Post edited June 03, 2014 by tascodlx
WTF? Still nothing? Time to redouble your efforts. Just remember to cross your I's and dot your T's, lest you be mistaken.
tascodlx: WTF? Still nothing? Time to redouble your efforts. Just remember to cross your I's and dot your T's, lest you be mistaken.
Uhm, I know the U.I. looks nothing like it, but I'm going to say it anyway. Myst? :D
AHA! That game is Welcome to the Future! I'd recognize that out-of-place mask icon anywhere.
tascodlx: WTF? Still nothing? Time to redouble your efforts. Just remember to cross your I's and dot your T's, lest you be mistaken.
My usuall methods of Googling and Moby Games have failed me thus far, though I feel the answer is right in front of me and I just don't recognize it.
Edit: Ninja'd. I knew it was obvious.
Post edited June 03, 2014 by Exoanthrope