timppu: Is this the same with the rest of the TES games (from Daggerfall to Skyrim), just so that I know to be prepared with savescumming?
toxicTom: I don't know about Daggerfall, but the later TES games have a very different leveling system:
Good to know. I got annoyed by this "random number of skill points on level up" (as well as the additional health points you receive on level up) that I decided to restart the game from the scratch, with a similar mage character.
Now whenever I level up, I retry it a few times so that I get two things:
- 6 additional skill points to distribute (it seems to randomize it between 3-6, I see no reason why I should be content with only 3 as it permanently affects the rest of the game negatively).
- Near max amount of additional health points. Currently it seems I can get max 11 extra HP on level up, so if I can reach something like +10 (while also getting 6 skill points), I'm fine.
I also started by distributing all the skill points I receive into Endurance (until I got it around 90, on top of which I have a Steel Staff of Endurance which puffs the Endurance to max 100), because apparently that also affects how many extra HP you get on level up, so it is better to get it up as soon as possible.
After that I've been distributing the skill points mostly to Luck, as the manual suggested that is quite a powerful modifier too, affecting lots of things in the gameplay.
Plus, I am already on my way to obtain that one artifact that will grant you extra 50 skill points free.
Needless to say, already now my character feels much more powerful than my earlier character, even though I haven't even leveled up as many times yet. Also it seems it didn't take that long to get to the same point where I got in a couple of weeks with the earlier character, as now I knew what to do and where. Earlier I just dabbled and roamed around wondering what I should do and completing some useless subquests for a minimum amount of money and experience, but now I knew right away which quests to go for and what to do.