TonyRadX: Come to think of it, there are two more games I played that take killing "seriously", for lack of a better word. Namely Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Ixamyakxim: The sequel (Mankind Divided?) plays like that too. It's actually a little annoying to me, because the gunplay, mods and lethal options seem EXTREMELY well done... but I can hardly bring myself to use them because the game rewards stealth and non-lethal with more EXP.
It kills me that I'm a sucker for Min/Maxing - when secretly some times I just REALLY want to blast away with my awesome tweaked out assault rifle.
Did you play the second installment, "Invisible War"? I heard it's worst of the series (Well, aside from "The Fall" which is basically a bad mobile port), but as a completionist I'll most likely play through all Deus Exes in my next playthrough of the series.
I used to be kind of a min/maxer myself, especially in hack 'n' slash games. Nowadays I'm more of a completionist, as in completing games in reasonable sense, not meticulously hunting down every single collectible. Main and side storylines are enough for me, after which it's on to another game. As I mentioned in previous posts, I had a slight detour into mmos for a few months but frankly there's something about games with contained, finishable stories that's captivating in a way that an endless grind of multiplayer, unfinishable games simply cannot match.
Back on topic, I think I'm about halfway through the
Beneath A Steel Sky, after which it's on to
Flight of Amazon Queen and