Still playing Saviors of Sapphire Wings. (Not playing Stranger of Sword City Revisited right now because I've had the game basically crash/freeze on me randomly, and the game only lets you save in town; SoSW has this issue, but it allows you to save mid-dungeon.)
Some thoughts for this late stage of the game:
* Sometimes, the encounter rate is too low, especially when you need to get into an encounter so that enemies can walk into traps so that you can fight them for treasure. (I prefer SoSCR's hiding spots to this.)
* There's one particular enemy that is a real pain (calling for help and refusing to die) unless you use instant death attacks. Unfortunately, Requiem doesn't seem to work unless the target is undead in this game, and for one encounter I didn't have any instant death capable weapons equipped. Of course, I forgot about a certain lower level druid spell that can instant kill, that would have significantly shortened the battle.
* Reached the final dungeon, and it feels the game is holding my hand too much for this point in the game. (Also, apparently most of the final dungeon becomes inaccessible once you beat the game.)
* I do like the way you can easily respec race/stats, and that you can change the main character's gender at any point with no issue. (One complaint: When the main character's gender is "unknown", the dialog emphasizes the main character's male-ness; I really think the game should have used gender neutral language in this case instead of doing so. The dialog for the female main character would have worked, since that dialog doesn't emphasize the main character's female-ness in that case.)