MarkoH01: I am a bit confused. GOG Downloader also did not show what had been updated - you still needed to look at the website and follow the "What did just update" thread (if you did not want to use GOGrepo or similar tools.
Thorfinn: Wow. I hadn't even noticed the reply. Sorry if you thought I was ignoring you. For a year. ;)
What the downloader did was only download the things that actually changed. If there was something new in the goodies, it skipped all the stuff you already had. Instead of downloading all the 4GB .bins, it would run the CRC if you already had the file to make sure it wasn't corrupted somehow.
Now if it says it's been updated, and I can't figure out what, I just download everything and do a full check with FreeFileSync, then delete it from the downloads directory.
Okay, I am crossing you from my "obviously hates me" list :D
No, don't worry - all is fine.
I understand. The downloader did not download anything it already had but again it also never told you what exactly changed. That is a thing you still had to figure out by yourself since changelogs are rare.