No need to reply, but if you want you can read this...thanks for the replies/kind words/advice, and have a good one: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FiatLux: I think that that which you yourself comprehends as your 'persistent standing up for yourself even in the face of extreme adversity' here is a complete waste of your time and something that are never going to bring you any true peace of mind, any true happiness or truly better your life in any way.
These words are well meaning and seem to come from a good place....that said: The social interactions between me and others usually do make me feel better mentally, and give me a way to interact with the world(
being mostly stuck at home even before the lockdowns),
Also as I's only
partially me replying due to feeling I need to stand up for myself.....I also like to talk with others online on various topics(not all of it in this manner....some of it is just minor conversation and misc. talk).
FiatLux: My advice to you is that you start using your life (in the 'positive sense') on taking care of yourself and your own health physically and psychically. You have been neglecting your own life far too long!
This is very good advice as well.
(And coincedentally I already have been doing light exercise at home(and some jogging), and I also meditate a bit sometimes to relieve stress and center myself)
FiatLux: Rather than setting yourself the high unattainable goals of your dreams (or fantasies) then set yourself small attainable goals. You know , if you want to run but can not run then start by walking , and if you can't walk then start by crawling and if you can't crawl all of the distance to start with then start by crawling that which you can crawl and appreciate yourself for doing that.
You know from here that you are capable of standing up for yourself when the going gets tough so now you need to take all that energy and turn it into something positive that will better your life (as in IRL) rather than you pointlessly keep trying to prove something to yourself and others here....
Also good advice.
From time to time I try to do some of this as well(and sometimes succeed :))....I set little goals and work on them, etc. FiatLux: It's possible that you will keep rejecting sound advice which in that case will prove this to be still more waste of my time.
Imo it wasn't a waste regardless of if I took any of it and used it or cheered me up to see the kind words and to me that is also an important thing. So thanks for that. :) FiatLux: It's also possible - though not very likely - that you will take my advice and start spending your time better than wasting it here in which case I do not have to sit here either.
Well unfortunately my own issues keep me mostly at home/in the home
even if I want to go outside(
though I try to go out a little more when I can).
That said, there's no need for you to sit here trying to help me out forever....
the kind words and advice so far are/were appreciated, though. FiatLux: in any case I find it a waste of my time to have to keep sitting here reasoning with you - this means that I will not do that one more time with you.
So , you know , take care and live your life sensibly and spend your time wisely !
You too, and stay safe+well as well. :) ----------------------------------------------------
Also a sidenote: One of the reasons I keep replying so much in/on this topic is, oddly enough, that I see those who kept at it for a long time[the movement to bring DLer back] to be wasting their time &
I didn't/don't want to see them waste their time[as time is precious as you said] essence I care somewhat about them in some respect with regards to this effort of theirs)
Addition: I also reply more on topics I like and am interested in...combined with the fact that less interesting threads get made(imo) on GD as of late, and you can likely see why that leads me to post in some more than others
To everyone else:
I am sorry if I put anyone down in the threads on this subject....that was not my intent, so I apologize. I also apologize for the bit of derailing I unintentionally started here by talking about myself as of late.
Also even though I still see this as a waste of time, I wish you well in whatever you choose to do/not do about this issue.
Later, all