Painted_Doll: from Steam :
What a nice guy .
Enebias: Well, a Steam user being a total rectum pain... not really news, here. The sheer mass of arrogant scrotumclasts there is beyond my counting ability. As it is almost everywhere on the Internet, actually.
Whenever I've posted a question on Steam the result is typically:
- 80 % calling me some kind of idiot or other, or that I must be wrong (that a game crash is
not a game crash)
- 15 % starting arguments with other people or simply saying things that have absolutely no relevance at all
- 4 % just rambling up every solution they have learned or heard of, not having fully read my post
- 1 % who have actually read my whole post and understood my question
So getting an intelligent response from the Steam Community is a major challenge.
With GOG, the ratios have more or less been the reverse of the above, in my experience.
However, the vast majority of Steam users don't seem to want anything at all to do with the forums, let alone write reviews. If a game sells a million copies on Steam it only gets ~10k reviews at best, that's just 1% of the buyers. I think the percentage is the same when it comes to the Steam forums, it's more or less the same few people you see.