You think, our fight is a lost cause and you think we should not post here at all because it is senseless. You only posted this to tell us your opinion. Well - you did. We disagree but we heard your opinion.
The thing is, it likely IS senseless(though there is a slight chance it COULD succeed) is akin to trying to carve a tunnel through a mountain with a pickaxe instead of better methods.
So do you really want to convince us to stop our fight and stop posting here for GOG to see?
No, I wish some trying these methods would try better methods(that are more likely to succeed), or be able to move on when/if it becomes apparent the cause is truly lost.
Oh - and we are still posting here because we DON'T think that our fight is already lost ... at least we don't think that it is a bad idea to let GOG know that we are still offended.
It's been one month, the wishlist has 600 votes, and GOG hasn't replied beyond their one reply on the matter....I would say it's likely a good chance that the cause is lost, and that those fighting for it(yourself included) should try new methods that will work or be prepared to move on(mentally, I mean)(of course that's just advice....not me trying to make anyone do anything).
I mean ... wait ... perhaps you are just bored in your live and doing this for entertainment. In that case let me please tell you that this might entertain you but it's extremely annoying for everybody else.
If it's that annoying, just do what others do: just click the minus sign next to my posts and move's not that hard to do, and then you don't need to get offended by my posts.
Also no, I am not doing this for entertainment.....I just see this as a lost cause or close to one, and those sticking to it are living in denial, and am posting my thoughts on such hoping that maybe some will come to their senses and try something that will work or move on[mentally] from this is need be)
Breja: I seriously don't get why are you all still responding to this guy. He's just about the most obvious troll since Bert, Tom and William from The Hobbit.
As the guy from The Princess Bride said: "I don't think that word means what you think it means."
I'm not trolling(or trying to troll)....I am just seems these days some(including yourself) seem to think criticism of others or people not agreeing with/being nice to others 24/7 is trolling.