JMich: Aha! Curiouser and curiouser. I'll have to pay a bit more attention then to not repeat outdated information.
Wishbone: That would of course be somewhat easier if GOG actually
provided the updated information. Sadly, historically speaking at least, communication is not a strong suit of GOG's.
In all honesty, while I do agree that knowing how banning is executed and what offences are going to be affected by what bans is important for the users, I don't believe that knowing how it works internally is detrimental to people's behaviour on the forum. In other words, if you adhere to the forum rules or react positively should you slip up and receive a warning, why is it dealbreaking for you to know whether we would ever ban someone from accessing their library or from buying games?
Fairfox: Seems liek this has gone ker-razy off-topic an' all should be in teh other threadie. Ho hum, Imma contribute to taht, sorryksorry.
Mah quick, dirty, overall impressions of GOGie's general forums are: It's a safe place to be called retarded, told homophobia is a perversion, held to a weird standard because Imma not male, told I should be raped, learnin' (in teh verrr loosest sense) all kinds of right(-right)-wing political paranoia, seein' moar xenophobic an' religious fervor thaaan I cans shake a stick at, an' wadin' thru trolls an' scammers taaaht don't even care (an' in teh latter case ruined giveaways). Teh stick? It's brown an' sticky. Odd thang to focus on... *shifty eyes*
Then somethang, somethang gamies waaai down teh list. An' humor; nevah forget teh humor. Not my humor :/
Lordy-Lord help teh passerbys an' lurkers.
Also! Damage done with Google results.
Also! Also! Imma
Fairfox an' nice (mostly). I write real weird, which causes mass-attacks in teh non-physical sense. Hai to passerbys an' lurkers!
<3 Thrice Also! I liek