WildHobgoblin: Apart from being disruptive, what is even the point of this? I don't even understand what they're trying to sell me...
Kind of a double fail.
Randalator: More importantly, who even clicks on that kind of spam or in this case actually types the URL into the address bar?
It must be successful or otherwise it wouldn't exist, but I can't for the life of me imagine a human being stupid enough to make it successful. And I'm of the opinion that the average human has the IQ of a wet rock. That's saying something.
If there was at least a clickable link I could understand that someone might click it by accident, but like this?
But you're right, there must be some way this actually works, maybe curiosity?
Incidentally, the German forum is still infested, if someone feels like lending a hand (love thy neighbour and all that ;) ).