ZFR: And that's the crux of the problem. If Firefox starts censoring out Fake New, someone might rightfully fear they end up censoring News They Don't Like.
This might actually have been an interesting topic to discuss, if
had made a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_in_technology#Netiquette]proper , with a summary and [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperlink]link(s) at the end, instead of the
one he made.
And if he hadn't then asked for a politics-free discussion after making a politically-charged post.
As it is, I'm staying out.
Lin545: ZFR, with all respect, your links are substance-empty.
I understand that you question the way I posted, please create a new post with proper formating and etiquette, then I will change the OP to the better version.
"politically-charged post" Where is it politically charged? If you claim that I have posted something incorrect, then please correct me. Thanks.
I meant only to illustrate that the format of your post was particularly hard to follow. A much better one would have been a summary, followed by link or links. Like so:
Using GOG? Then you should know this:
Gog is bundling Galaxy with all its installers for some of their games. Although Classic Installers are available too, it's not easy for new users to find them.
Link 1
Evidence suggests that the notorious JudasIscariot, previously responsible for removing notifications, might be the mastermind behind this move:
Evidence link 1
Evidence link 2
Other than that, having spent as much time as you have on these forums, you should have known better than to start a topic like this and expect a nice politics-free discussion.
Either way, good luck. I didn't mean my first post, or this one, to be a personal attack on you.