Thanks, will be checking it!
Look who I found while browsing Phillips Smith's twitter from 10 Aug headlined "Mozilla fights misinformation with a new program".
" Katharina Borchert
Chief Innovation Officer at Mozilla.
Ex-CEO Spiegel Online. No ghostwriters harmed in the making of these tweets. Contains traces of irony and personal opinion."
Look up her previous workplace. Now spiegel is under clear definition of "fake news".
Edit: Article@Guardian above
Soros link confirmed. AI complexity confirmed (fuzzy logic decision via databank, self learning). Not confirmed that it will be part of Firefox, its writted instead that its a tool for journalists, but possibly for general public later. Reading on, contribute - anyone?
Edit 2:
"In another version of the software, the fact-checks pop up on the TV screen as politicians are speaking, giving viewers instant verdicts.... developers want to expand the program so that it carries out its own fact-checks by using databases of statistics and verified information. Work is also under way to give Twitter and Facebook users the chance to fact-check their social media feeds, where the large majority of the worst fake news has been distributed."
"Stephen King, the Omidyar Network’s global lead on governance and citizen engagement: these tools will expand the reach and impact of fact-checkers around the world, ensuring citizens are properly informed and
those in positions of power are held accountable."
The "verified information" is stored on external site I assume, with no access. I see a possibility of self-learning and user-profiling distributed machine, with client part integrated into Firefox directly or by tool. Unlikely as a standalone tool since it will want mass-learning, both possible I assume.
Edit 3: article@Wired
"The other, Trends, tracks repetitions of inaccurate claims to see where misleading information is coming from."
So, yes, this is impossible with distributed tracking. So firefox user tracking confirmed?
"Gulati, a former city analyst who co-founded UK artificial intelligence startup"
AI confirmed.
".. was awarded €50,000 by the Google Digital News Initiative to develop a system to detect and correct misleading information online"
possible link with Google profiling and tracking.
" If a statement deviates in any way
from the strict truth, Gulati claims his system will be able to spot it."
Whats "strict truth"?... I mean, humans are all floating points.
"Gulati is building his startup the Silicon Valley way, with bold talk of 'AI' and 'democratisation' ”
So I guess AI complexity is really confirmed here.
"correct claims related to economic statistics. When Factmata’s text-reading software detects a statement .... shows static example, base on life exchange on Twitter. Someone called Chris Conyers is debating, in the futile way of social media, a man using a Republican elephant as his avi."
This software has access to browser canvas and it will serve 3rd party. Server part closed source, database closed source I assume. A lot of anti-trump things there. Also a lot of anti-right and anti-trump tweets in Katharina Borchert profile. I am anti-right myself, but I am not pro-left or pro-fake either.
"To function effectively, an automated political factchecker will need to be open: that way it can be tested against generally accepted standards, and be held accountable when it goes wrong. But although Gulati says the code for Factmata will be open source, he doesn’t mean openness in the political sense."
So database and server part - closed, client - possibly open, but possibly partially.
"Factmata is going to work, then it can’t be funded by grants"
So its currently fully funded by Soros grants.
So this clearly looks like a complex modular distributed tracking software developed to be used by biased political force, which is currently controlling Mozilla... well done.. :/