It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
blotunga: Looks like some of the Blackwell games can't be downloaded now :(
Pitney_b: I had problems previously with all 5 of the Blackwell games but they have been fine since Tuesday
I still get the following error message when I try to download The Blackwell Legacy through the website:

<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
No such object: games-45971d/secure/offline/1207662883/1207662883/56678574730632228/7636/setup_blackwell_legacy_3.0_(65984).ex e
Post edited August 03, 2023 by Randalator
I can't download the installers for the five Blackwell games either, same error message as above.
ConsulCaesar: I can't download the installers for the five Blackwell games either, same error message as above.
I have just checked and unfortunately the errors are back for me as well.
So it seems that they are still having problems or the restore is still ongoing.
marcinl0: Honestly - hands down.


GOG please SIMPLY add patch to offline JA3 downloads ! Impossible...
chandra: Thanks for bringing this to our attention – our Team is investigating issues regarding JA3.
And it is outdated again for more than a day...
Same for "Jupiter Hell".

Since other games got updates as expected, i am wondering if the build failed for this 2 games?
Post edited August 04, 2023 by roidal
rjbuffchix: I'm confused at the discussion about offline installers being updated...does this mean they will match Galaxy versions?

What about instances like Tempest where in my experience the most recent offline installer 1.74 was unplayable without Galaxy? Can that be updated/fixed to work without Galaxy?
Kalanyr: If an offline installer doesn't work without galaxy that suggests that the offline installer has files that are corrupted (one of the things that Galaxy does when importing a new game from an offline install is to verify the files against what Galaxy expects (and check for updates) and install those). If that remains the case with the most recent installer you should report it to GOG through their support channel.
Thank you for your input, I appreciate it. I actually do have a ticket open regarding Tempest; I guess I naively hoped the fix would be coming faster as opposed to still having no timetable :(
Are the known problems still ongoing?
Post edited August 05, 2023 by ABitAlarmed
ABitAlarmed: Are the known problems still ongoing?
Had no problems downloading my whole library (2+ TB) over the last few days.
ABitAlarmed: Are the known problems still ongoing?
Berzerk2k2: Had no problems downloading my whole library (2+ TB) over the last few days.
I think you answered to a bot.
PaterAlf: I think you answered to a bot.
Well at least my answer could be helpful for those real people here having the same question.
I checked my installers yesterday and I had 16 updates and I was able to download them all. Seems like they fixed the issues for the most part :)
PaterAlf: I think you answered to a bot.
Berzerk2k2: Well at least my answer could be helpful for those real people here having the same question.
I frankly think this unhinged "bot paranoia" is totally out of control.

Berzerk2k2: Had no problems downloading my whole library (2+ TB) over the last few days.
Atreyu666: I checked my installers yesterday and I had 16 updates and I was able to download them all. Seems like they fixed the issues for the most part :)
Alright, thanks for the info. Then I might finally more-or-less trust downloads again, mark new ones as OK.
Post edited August 06, 2023 by ABitAlarmed
PaterAlf: I think you answered to a bot.
ABitAlarmed: I frankly think this unhinged "bot paranoia" is totally out of control.

Atreyu666: I checked my installers yesterday and I had 16 updates and I was able to download them all. Seems like they fixed the issues for the most part :)
ABitAlarmed: Alright, thanks for the info. Then I might finally more-or-less trust downloads again, mark new ones as OK.
How is it paranoia to inform someone that they are answering to a zero-games-created-today account? Combined with your completely generic question there was a very high probability that they were talking to a bot. And I don't want people to waste their time.

Sorry that I was wrong. I don't get why you have to hide behind a secondary account to ask a legit question though.
ABitAlarmed: I frankly think this unhinged "bot paranoia" is totally out of control.
Fuck off with your social commentary on a throwaway account. Who are you to lecture anyone?
PaterAlf: How is it paranoia to inform someone that they are answering to a zero-games-created-today account? Combined with your completely generic question there was a very high probability that they were talking to a bot. And I don't want people to waste their time.
That's how: "Paranoia—a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others,"—Merriam-Webster.

I see-see, you think you do "a service," yet a new user might be a new user, a human being, as simple as that. To meet a new user by stripping-off their humanity from them is a horrible idea.

I don't see how lacking the response will serve the topic in the 1st place. Berzerk2k2 is correct in that to have the information after a few days is very valuable to everybody, from old users, to new ones and to readers who never talk and will not talk at all. So, can you please start to see not through "I or them the machines, everyone new is a machine, I firmly believe it" but "I and us the people, what value does the response to this text has for us the humans in general on the topic, should I do anything?" To spread suspiciousness/distrustfulness instead, it doesn't help anyone.

PaterAlf: Sorry that I was wrong. I don't get why you have to hide behind a secondary account to ask a legit question though.
I don't have the 2nd account in the 1st place, just like I'm not a bot.

Please let's move-on, it's technically offtopic, you know. What's more important is to keep an eye on GOG's technical issue.
Post edited August 05, 2023 by ABitAlarmed
ABitAlarmed: I frankly think this unhinged "bot paranoia" is totally out of control.
Nejde ani tak o paranoiu, jako spíš o to, že kontrola spamu na GOGu je tak mizerná, že máme tendenci považovat každý čerstvě zaregistrovaný účet bez avatara za robota.

Kdyby dokázali vytáhnout hlavu zpoza zadku a skutečně implementovat některé ze sedmi řešení, která jsme jim v průběhu desetiletí nabízeli, tento problém by neexistoval.

Místo toho jen používají PR Kecáš!