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We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Xeshra: Not entirely how i sense this language because "could not care less" would mean, they do absolutely (the term absolute) not care less... which i feel is not true.
Yeah, they probably could care less if they chose to.

Gog Gamers: "This deal keeps getting worse all the time"
GoG: "Pray I don't alter the deal any further"
Post edited July 24, 2023 by GamezRanker
Well, they may have in mind "We lack the leverage for making it more customer-friendly and taking into account many wishes". This is a short sighted view because this is a chain-reaction: If you act less customer friendly the leverage may be reduced too as the customers simply may lower their support. So, it is not all about "having a launcher" or "having the biggest stick", in the end it is a mix of many factors leading to some final results.

And if you think, it is a good idea just keeping a platform on a "life support" and not trying to invest as much as many of the competitors... then obviously at some point the quality of the service may crumble... so, making a great platform may require sufficient investment and taking the users wishes into account, if there is any sort of serious validity.
Post edited July 24, 2023 by Xeshra
seems to be fixed :)
I only ever tested part 2 of the offline installer for Shadowrun Returns, and that's finally downloading now instead of leading to a 404 error. Awaiting mrkgnao's report to see if the situation is at last resolved, or this is just random.
Ice_Mage: I only ever tested part 2 of the offline installer for Shadowrun Returns, and that's finally downloading now instead of leading to a 404 error. Awaiting mrkgnao's report to see if the situation is at last resolved, or this is just random.
Hmm, as of this writing, Dungeon Keeper II appears to be back. Would have been nice to have been told by a resolution technician.
avatar We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
GOG please add patch to offline JA3 downloads ! Impossible ?
Ice_Mage: I only ever tested part 2 of the offline installer for Shadowrun Returns, and that's finally downloading now instead of leading to a 404 error. Awaiting mrkgnao's report to see if the situation is at last resolved, or this is just random.
I just retested all these from the other day and all now work. Looks like it's back online.
Can also confirm that all of the website installers which were previously giving me the "404" error are downloading normally now.
karnak1: Can also confirm that all of the website installers which were previously giving me the "404" error are downloading normally now.
GOG please add patch to offline JA3 downloads ! Impossible ?
high rated
Due to the lost data caused by our CDN storage provider's outage, and out games distribution system currently use our secondary storage. After investigating some performance and stability issues, we've deployed additional fixes that should have mitigated the occasional errors with offline installers that were still occurring.

That being said, until our provider brings back all of our storage data, which is aimed for Thursday morning (CEST), there still may be singular cases where downloads/updates are unsuccessful, slow downloads speeds are also to be expected in the nearest future. Please contact our Customer Support should you encounter such problems. We will keep you updated the moment I have new information on the matter.
Xeshra: Not entirely how i sense this language because "could not care less" would mean, they do absolutely (the term absolute) not care less... which i feel is not true. However, they do not care quite as much compared to the launcher... not even nearly i assume.
Usually the expression is used to express absolute lack of caring, hence "couldn't care less", but it's a common mistake, seemingly even among native speakers these days, to say "could care less" instead, which doesn't really make sense. It's also one that particularly annoys me for some reason.

Anyway, sorry for butting in to nitpick, carry on.
Fuguss: Not like GoG can start hosting torrents of them.
Why not? Humble Store has done that. I think it would be a great optional way to download one's GOG offline installers, and for many users it could improve the download speeds quite a bit as well.
chandra: Due to the lost data caused by our CDN storage provider's outage, and out games distribution system currently use our secondary storage. After investigating some performance and stability issues, we've deployed additional fixes that should have mitigated the occasional errors with offline installers that were still occurring.

That being said, until our provider brings back all of our storage data, which is aimed for Thursday morning (CEST), there still may be singular cases where downloads/updates are unsuccessful, slow downloads speeds are also to be expected in the nearest future. Please contact our Customer Support should you encounter such problems. We will keep you updated the moment I have new information on the matter.
Honestly - hands down.


GOG please SIMPLY add patch to offline JA3 downloads ! Impossible...
The manifest entry for Happy's Humble Burger Farm is now generating properly and I'm in the process of downloading the installers for it. Thanks.

However, it would be great if in the future, GOG had a self-monitoring system in place for its installers and proactively fixed broken installer links without users having to file at ticket for it.

If after detecting that an installer link is broken, you expect an installer to be unavailable for a while, you could post it on the game's page or forum.

That would increase customer satisfaction quite a bit and reduce the technical support load.

If you require assistance with tooling, I'm somewhat of an expert at detecting broken links in the browser at this point. I could adapt gogcli specifically for that purpose to generate a report. The license is very liberal, the tool is written in golang and will run standalone both in Linux and Windows. Don't hesitate to reach out.
Post edited July 24, 2023 by Magnitus
Fuguss: The legal liability from the developers unless they managed to lock it down so that the tracker could keep track of their accounts and which torrents they could access and all.
My faint understanding is that such a validation system is possible already now with bittorrent. GOG would e.g. use a private tracker that requires a GOG login and checks to which games/files the user should have access.

As said, Humble Store has used bittorrent as an optional way to download your DRM-free game installers from them for many many years. I am not fully sure how they are managing it, but I presume they do check which games you have bought from their store before you can initiate a bittorrent download for it.