It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.

We would like to give you an update that, while we are still continuing in our efforts to fully stabilize the situation, we've mitigated the majority of technical issues caused by our storage and CDN provider's outage. Should you encounter any further problems with downloading or updating your games, be sure to let our Customer Support know.
lupineshadow: I'm guessing all of you unlucky people posting are currently engaged with the support bot right now.

Because everything is more or less fixed.
Why is the message still up if it's fixed?
X_faro7: Today was the first time that I bought a game on GOG and I can't download the game... Terrible service, terrible experience. My download got stuck at 92% for 3 times
Yeah, my first time also on GOG and last. I don't know if it's like this all the time in here or is this just some bad luck that it happened when I came to this place first time in my life. Anyways, I have never had any problems with Steam so from now on I will stay at Steam and don't even look anywhere else.
XevronSeven: well you sure act like it since you have a lot to say about how someone else spends his money the greed is apparent from you're side lol
locomojito1: What are you even talking about? I'm just commenting on him because he bought a cheap ass illegal key during server downtime and now he cries in several pages about GOG and its service. If he paid double through Steam he wouldn't have this problem now, but he chose the cheaper option and now has to wait till it works again, just like all of us. Other than that it is his choice how he buys his keys but people that buy through unofficial channels shouldn't cry pages long;)
if the key works then it is not illegal since it cleary works after he bought it regardless of who he bought it from you my friend are just here to act high and mighty pretending you are better cause you bought yours full price and did not even consider checking for a better deal lmao

and are you here to check why the program is not working or just to be a troll/karen?
lupineshadow: I'm guessing all of you unlucky people posting are currently engaged with the support bot right now.

Because everything is more or less fixed.
Syphon72: Why is the message still up if it's fixed?
It's not fixed, the downloads still get stuck.
XevronSeven: well you sure act like it since you have a lot to say about how someone else spends his money lol

also a little question for you if there is a baker who sells a loaf of bread for 7 euro's and you have a neighbour who is not an official baker but also sells bread and makes it in the exact same way as the "official baker" but sells his for 50 cents will you buy the 7 euro bread instead?
locomojito1: That's the dumbest example ever. In your example it would mean that the cheaper baker resells the bread of the more expensive baker. But when I buy this cheaper and not so fresh bread atleast wouldn't complain at the more expensive baker about his bread.
see you can't even read yet have a lot to say he does not resell he makes his bread in the same manner as the "official baker"just cause you can't understand logic does not mean its a bad example rofl
Post edited July 22, 2023 by XevronSeven
X_faro7: Today was the first time that I bought a game on GOG and I can't download the game... Terrible service, terrible experience. My download got stuck at 92% for 3 times
Samulii: Yeah, my first time also on GOG and last. I don't know if it's like this all the time in here or is this just some bad luck that it happened when I came to this place first time in my life. Anyways, I have never had any problems with Steam so from now on I will stay at Steam and don't even look anywhere else.
ok this is a bad time for GOG agreed, but to say Steam never has issues is a reach! it's few and far between but it does have it's problems from time to time as well.
There has never been a problem like this before. No major CDN outage has happened here as far as I can remember, and I've been here a long time.
X_faro7: Today was the first time that I bought a game on GOG and I can't download the game... Terrible service, terrible experience. My download got stuck at 92% for 3 times
It's annoying for sure, but it really seems to be caused by matters outside of GOG's control. In this case, I'm trusting them to do all they can to repair things as soon as possible. And: welcome, good you are here.
Syphon72: Why is the message still up if it's fixed?
016R35: It's not fixed, the downloads still get stuck.
Thank you. This issue is a pain that I hope gets fixed today. But it has not effective me at all. Since I have all my games back up and have something to play untill it's fixed
lupineshadow: I'm guessing all of you unlucky people posting are currently engaged with the support bot right now.

Because everything is more or less fixed.
Syphon72: Why is the message still up if it's fixed?
*sarcasm detected*
Post edited July 22, 2023 by g2222
Syphon72: Why is the message still up if it's fixed?
g2222: *sarcasm detected*
I see. Haha
locomojito1: That's the dumbest example ever. In your example it would mean that the cheaper baker resells the bread of the more expensive baker. But when I buy this cheaper and not so fresh bread atleast wouldn't complain at the more expensive baker about his bread.
XevronSeven: see you can't even read yet have a lot to say he does not resell he makes his bread in the same manner as the "official baker"just cause you can't understand logic does not mean its a bad example rofl
you are such a domme kaaskop my friend, this baker doesn't remake the bread in the same manner but literally buys the bread from the other baker. ALL keys are coming from CD PROJECT only. I didn't pay the full price, I actually bought it cheaper from GOG itself because of the 50% welcoming discount, now I'll patiently wait until it works again. My money went fully to the creater and by doing this I didn't make some criminals rich, I'm happy;)
It's not just sarcasm.

The post said that the issue was majorly resolved. If you have problems:

be sure to let our Customer Support know
If you don't create tickets GOG can claim that they resolved the issue adequately.

I was being facetious but now that I've posted, I feel compelled to create a support ticket myself so as not to be a sniping hypocrite.
Clownski_: We would like to give you an update that, while we are still continuing in our efforts to fully stabilize the situation, we've mitigated the majority of technical issues caused by our storage and CDN provider's outage. Should you encounter any further problems with downloading or updating your games, be sure to let our Customer Support know.
I've been here this am, just reviewing a lot of the posts that have arrived since last night.
I left for a time, and upon coming back to more or less offer an update to my own experience, the first thing I noticed is/was that several pages of posts are gone. I'm guessing that was all the arguing about keys having been bought etc.

So my real business here is in the Quote above there. Way up there in blue. "...we've mitigated the majority of technical issues..." is rather blatant, or at the very least remarkably optimistic.
My other game rig, immediately to my left is snagged at the customary 92% on DOS2 btw... which I did purchase on my birthday from GOG. That having been said - why the misdirect?
Secondly, why bait or guilt people into purchasing with, as it was stated in the original post, that the discounts won't be extended as a result of this delay? Honestly? Folks cannot install what they're BUYING!

I have to say that very early on, for a couple yrs I wasn't so sure about GOG. That changed dramatically. Infact I lost touch once upon a time, with emails having changed and I moved across country and they really Helped me get it straightened out through emails. One or two folks worked very closely with me to verify that the account was indeed mine. So my trust grew, and as a consequence, I'd spend more and more.
This type of misdirection, I think I called it, is extremely discouraging. When you have so very much, why indeed would you posture yourself to mislead people in order to get more? These, We, are your customers. You'll reap what you sow.
Thing's like this happened all the time to companies. People seem to forgot Xbox has this and all player's were locked out of there games. Sony had this issue more than once. Lol

Not sure why people acted like this is end of the world.
Post edited July 22, 2023 by Syphon72