bobrpggamer: I have been in a stasis chamber, forgot about this and I am available now for a while so I will get my covers out.
And I hope that you are kinder than my demented dentist, this guy was close to the dentist in "Little Shop of Horrors".
To Mobeeuz: I am not a very good with an airbrush in Photoshop and without seeing what is behind the sticker, I have no Idea what to paint in. So would it still be useful to some of the amazing talented artists here to do the sticker removal themselves. In other words I do restoration and color correction and a little filling in here and there but that is my skill set and airbrushing an area without knowing what is under is not.
Actually my skills are in 3D design and Architect Visualization. Also to uploading, can I get 10-15 covers in gog attachments or is there a particular link to an upload link of choice that will give the artists here the proper access to them.
And you can do anything with them - no disclaimer here. Also Vaporum will need a release soon, although I would never ask it would be nice.

jhonssmithds: No problem at all! It's understandable that you got caught up in the game. Regarding the cover uploads, you don't necessarily need to include them on a template. Uploading the covers as they are and announcing that they need to be placed on the template should work fine.
I apologize if you felt ignored on the thread. Sometimes it takes a while for responses to come through, but I'm here now and still interested in what you have to share.
Uploading the covers to a third-party service and allowing others to take what they want, edit them, and place them on the template sounds like a good approach. It's great that you're offering covers that have been edited to remove cracks and tears, ensuring better quality. Your attention to detail and perfectionism will certainly be appreciated by those using them for their game collection programs or launchers.
As for the stickers, it's understandable that most people prefer covers without them. Providing "virgin" covers without stickers would be a good choice.
I agree that it's worth sharing your covers with a community that will appreciate your efforts. Even if the download-to-comment ratio may not be proportional, people are still benefiting from and enjoying the covers. Your scans will be valuable for preserving the classics, and I personally intend to use them in multiple places, such as D-Fend, which is my preferred launcher.
It's great to hear that you're available now and ready to share your covers. Regarding the removal of stickers, if you're not confident with airbrushing in Photoshop and you don't know what's behind the stickers, it would still be useful for the talented artists here to handle the sticker removal themselves. They can work their magic based on the covers you provide, and it will give them more flexibility in the restoration process.
Since you mentioned having 10-15 covers, you can try attaching them to your message here as GOG attachments. If that doesn't work or if you prefer a different upload method, please let me know, and I can suggest alternative upload links or services that would allow the
artists here proper access to the covers.
And don't worry about disclaimers. You're welcome to share your covers, and the artists can work with them as they see fit. Regarding Vaporum, while you may not ask for it specifically, it would be nice if it could be released soon.
Man I have been gone a while, the last time I remember posting may have been back in 2019. Thank you very much for your kind words though.
I am wanting to add some more covers in my Game Collection software and I need some Gold Box games to add. But have gotten lazy in my old age, so If anyone has a link to previous pages with Gold Box Game Covers I would be very grateful.
If not I can work on some Moby Games generic covers and if anyone would want them I will upload them, but will take me weeks to do all of them.
Like mentioned above I hate the guys that put those stickers on the game boxes, they are art to me and lots of others and should have never been done. So If I make some covers from internet scans I will be stuck with some stickers, I guess if they are IBM PC sticker it would not be so bad. Seems some of the best covers you need have the wrong format you own like Apple II or C64 or whatever. I have all the Gold Box games collected from the Amiga in WHDload packages as well, except Buck Rogers.
has the European cover and not the US cover so it does not look right.