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mihuk: Check picture in attachement.
Download "Offline backup installers" not "Extras".
tw3ce.jpg (127 Kb)
mihuk: Check picture in attachement.
Download "Offline backup installers" not "Extras".
BreOl72: Erm...
Change language.
BreOl72: Erm...
mihuk: Change language.
AWG43: Yes, I tried that and it doesn't work. It shows the same error as the page in English.
Grargar: Change the language and download the main installer, not the one from the extras. You'll notice that the Complete Edition for other languages is version 1.31 and only has 10 files instead of 21.
I thought that I should change a language of the GOG site. Now I got what mihuk meant. Changing the language of main installers let me download the classic version.
lang.jpg (66 Kb)
been a while since i been here... so glad to see a healthy dicussion...
i have, via my daughter, upgraded to a rizen laptop which is currently running...
Fallout 4, Cyberpunk 2077, Mertro series, Dying Light ( which started this post )
and with over 100 top games in my library... all working fine... i am a happy-chappy.

Now, today, GOG is celebrating 15 years... which is fantastic... it works...

i have all the intalls i need on my back-up drive... so it like my shelves are full again.
just miss the big-box packaging we used to get... Ultima 9 was awsome...
heh... now there is a thread some-one could start... best game package... dude...

let's celebrate GOG n keep it going ... steam is now removed from my life...

anyway... cool-dudes... happy-health along the zen-lines... RB

any chance of getting Death Stranding... ???
I rated this response...

simply because they obviously read and understand my post...

why should I have to spend thousands of pounds and Old Mother-Earth resources ( yes it matters )

to play a game I been looking forward to since I first found it... in it's original form...

Now … I don't mean to buy it as soon as it comes out... simply because I know it won't work on my current system...

But fast-forward a year-or-so... and I can now afford to upgrade to the Games requirements...

But-Wait... what's happened between me seeing the game a year or so a go and now... now I spent a thousand quid on a new-ish laptop... but one I know would run the original game...guess-what... they updated the graphics...

So my Thousand quid was a waste of money... but I am a working -class person... work-work-work = No Spare Cash...

And no option to find the original Game that I 'Ogled' over a year or so ago... now I got to spend even more money and 'Mother earth resources' to get to work...

Yes I understand about down-loading the original files... but back then... I thought... yeah … wait till I get the system to run it... then buy it... so... there ya goo... if ya fancy a game... buy it then and there … download the install files...
then … when you upgrade to the particular spec... you got the install files...

good advice... but still does not address the actual argument...

If you are a developer... thinking of up-grading an 'old' game... then please … as - per - my profession... CAD...
or website design... or even... dare i say it... programming... keep a back-up... then at-least allow us poor people... and or... us who care about Old Mother Earth resources... let us have access to the original game...

the ones who want the latest graphics will be more than happy to spend to upgrade than those who can-not afford it...

The End...
Post edited October 08, 2023 by BandanaBob