djdarko: and Cons for having the console in:
- users can damage their game and produce weired configurations.
- if console commands can be used it is difficult to reproduce crashes
- in Multiplayer console commands are a no go.
- in Single player Microtransactions can be undermined with console commands
- we do not know, if it is possible to manipulate Steam Microtransactions with console commands. In the documentation it is highly recommended to disable them.
Weird logic here on their part, I must say:
- damage the game and produce weird configurations: I think anyone that uses a console to cheat is aware of the risks of borking their game.
- difficult to reproduce crashes: as above, only with the caveat that if you use the console, you don't get to whine about game crashes.
- multiplayer: can it not be disabled for multiplayer? If not, isn't it up to the players to decide whether they want to allow the use of it (after all, it's not an MMO)
- Microtransactions can be undermined:
seriously??? I think he meant to say: it's harder to soak money out of the player.
- the Steam angle may be the only legitimate observation, but again it amounts to "it may interfere with soaking more cash out of the players".
The mind boggles...