Mr.Mumbles: *keeps playing the games he's interested in and not giving a shit about the rest*
I play mostly Indie's & replays of older games and am generally unaffected too. However, even though we still have modern Indie's, it's not been remotely healthy to rely solely on those and for the AAA's to go from being merely uncreative (
oh look, another Tomb Raider, Call of Duty, Hitman, Far Cry, etc, 1997-2004 era IP game in 2018) to post-2015 games almost completely falling through the floor in terms of the "direction" they're heading in (micro-transactions, lootboxes, pay2win, grind2unlock being ramped up to extremes to "highlight" pay2win DLC, the return of multi-layered DRM, per-play DLC, trying to kill off / monetize / platform-lock community modding, more consolization, more dumbing down, more politicisation, remake-itis even worse than Hollywood's, etc).
Indie's aren't perfect either simply for being Indie's. From games abandoned with bugs / unfixed issues (even on GOG), to poor optimization to Early Access / Kickstarter Hell to similar platform-locking of modding into Steam-Workshop only, etc.
A few decent modern Indies aside, PC gaming has been going downhill for years and is long past its Golden Era peak on an industry whole. 20 years ago everyone was excited about the future of gaming. 20 years on, people just shaking their head in disbelief at the "direction" we're heading in, and amusingly re-playing 20 year old games a lot more than late 1990's gamers were playing 70-80s games at the time. Example articles:-
Eidos Montreal dedicates itself to producing online-games now:- EA patents system that deliberately mis-matches gamers in MP shooters to encourage the weaker one to buy pay2win:- Ubisoft marketing guy Tony Key, Senior explains how Ubisoft wants to force micro-transactions to make every $60 consumer into a $200 consumer:- Perfect World Entertainment closes Runic Games due to focus on online games as a service:- Ex Bioware dev says EA wants Micro-Transactions in absolutely everything:-
Assassins Creed Producer says optimising for PC not important:-
Take-Two CEO plans to have MT's in all future games:- Future gaming AI will deliberately tamper with your gameplay to 'steer' you towards more micro-transactions:- As
Emob78 said in post 2, what we really need is one giant boycott-related crash to knock the floor from under AAA studio's for 1-2 years. Sadly the sheep & the whales are too dumb to "see the forest for the trees" to take part.
Personally, I've already "bunkered down" with mostly replaying my existing collection + unfinished backlog + future Indie's. But even though I'm happy to make do with that, there's no question 2016-2018 PC gaming isn't remotely where it should be vs previous decades, and that consolization and mobilization has had a massive negative impact on almost everything PC-gaming related, and that the future planned direction seems we're nowhere near the bottom which feels like we're going to end up
with the video gaming equivalent of how the future of TV was portrayed in the movie Idiocracy.