dtgreene: (What happens when you name that folder "CON", out of curiosity?) This restriction also applies to MS-DOS and I believe MSX-DOS as well.
Just Skip This is just an explanation or some additional info on the naming of "con", a short for Console, to file in Windows.
Any file (jpg, pdf, docx, txt, etc.) when you actually name it as "con" the operating system
would not allow it. A notice through a pop-up would say, "the specified device name is invalid".
Why? --> Because its a reserved file name
And yes it has something to do with the ms-dos and the msx-dos of microsoft back then as "con" is actually a device
file name for a code that has something to do on how your programs access or communicate to a connected hardware
with your computer (e.g. printer, keyboard).
Why does something like ms-dos or msx-dos feature years ago have something to do with the now latest windows 10?
- Well, it is simply because of how the now latest windows 10 has some parts that are simply built on upon the
old ones. Think of it as the old Disk Operating System, being upgraded or built upon over the years until the
it finally reached OS you have now with all the GUI and stuffs.
For more additional info:
This video explains the thing in an informative way.