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high rated

Updated to 48229s01 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Blue Flames DLC available now.

Changelog from Steam:
Chernobylite Enhanced Edition is live!


This is it! Season 1 and Chernobylite Enhanced Edition - the first big update in 2022 and one of the biggest ones planned for Chernobylite is now live!

Post-Release DLC Roadmap

You will not only be able to see the Zone like never before thanks to the implementation of Ray Tracing and Tessellation, but you will also find new, exciting content!

Image 1

First of all, New weapon - Tactical Crossbow - which will allow you to even better adapt to the stealth style of play. Then you will find new story details about Igor and Tatiana in Memory of you, and, last but not least, a new DLC pack that allows you to include different additions to our base, environment and NPCs!

Image 2

Detailed changelog below:


Silent Assassin - new weapon - Tactical Crossbow

A tactical crossbow - new, silent weapon for close-quarters combat with a dozen or so improvements that can be made on the new crafting table. Highly customizable weapon to emphasize on the stealth combat approach and to expand the existing weaponry arsenal.

Memory of you - collectible photos

Igor will get the opportunity to search for dozens of Tatyana photos scattered in hidden places around the Zone. Each photo will display a short animation and play the voices revealing the part of the backstory of Igor and Tatyana.


Ray tracing

Ray traced effects allow for more realistic reflections and level lighting. This is a significant change in the quality of graphics and you will be able to notice that difference right away ;)


The trees now look more realistic thanks to much greater detail.

Paid content:

Blue Flames Pack

The structures that we build in the base and outside of it will now have a blue aura giving your base a new and gloomy style.


Hidden Easter eggs appear in the zone. Will you find them all? ;)

April Fools’ Day

The look of the masks of our comrades and opponents is now more like the masks of the clowns everyone likes so much. You all do love clowns right?

We hope you enjoy the new content and your experience with the game will be even greater. Remember, this is not our last call because we’re planning more massive updates this year :)

Enhanced edition - new, richer version

The game today is different than the one you remember from the PC launch in 2021. So far we added a huge new location - Pripyat Residential, new missions, new monsters and today also a new weapon and story elements.

One last thing - Ukraine

Recently we launched a Charity DLC to aid Ukraine. During the war this country is being bombed every day and more civlian casualties and victims need help. Help which will be needed in the following weeks and months. For this reason, we and our publisher All in! Games will take long-term measures to meet the current needs and deliver resources necessary to rebuild the destroyed cities in Ukraine.

Chernobylite - Charity Pack

We’re not gaining any profit from it, all we earn goes for charity. If you feel like it, please support the cause. We want to do as much as possible for our friends in Ukraine. That’s all.
high rated

Updated to release_1.0.2.8_e64ad590 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

No changelog.
high rated
No Man's Sky
Installer updated to 3.88_Outlaws_86087

"Fixed an issue that caused Sentinel technology to be incorrectly classified as illegal for trading purposes.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Liberation expedition milestone to become unfinishable if players declined to speak fully to the captain of the first freighter they saved.
Fixed falling through the floor when leaving photo mode while sitting.
Fixed an issue that caused the reticle to be misaligned when scaling the HUD.
Fixed an issue which caused Vy’keen horns to flicker.
Improved cape visuals.
Fixed a visual issue on scorched rocks.
Fixed a rare crash related to squadrons.
Stability improvements."
high rated
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous seems to have received a minor update, from 1.3.0k.574 to 1.3.0k

(Version numbers are looking a little strange here)
high rated
AI War 2 has just received another couple of updates over the past couple of days, from 4.025 through to 5.000 (via 4.995) for Windows, Mac and Linux. Both change logs included, oldest first.

4.995 DLC3 Release Candidate 1
(Released April 21st, 2022)

-Fix a mistake where self-assembly unit tooltips were showing the wrong value on the Full Tooltip
--Thanks to zeus and ptarth for reporting
-Fixed a longstanding issue where if you had an issue on load in the first couple of seconds of it starting, or if you closed the game during the first few seconds of it trying to load, it would lose your settings.

-Added a bunch of Quickstarts for DLC 3
-Add necromancer journals for shipyards, totems, towers and modules.
--Thanks to zeus for suggesting and contributing the text
-Fixed a bug with the Migrant's Dynamic Description not being entirely accurate in a particular fringe case
--Thanks to Strategic Sage for the report
-Elderlings now all have high albedo for theming and balance (counterplay)
-Transcendent Elderlings statblock updated to make this truly final tier. Not quite Jormugandur but close
-Transcendent Elderlings (aka Yellow Star / Red Giant Elderling) Weapon Rework
--Both have same weapon weapons. Primary weapon is a fan beam (yellow and red, respectively). This powers up new, secondary weapon
--Supernova weapon added. Requires 10 weapon points to fire (via primary weapon attack). Unleashes a supernova blast centered on itself with effectively planetary range hitting up to 500 targets. Ships with albedo >=0.7 take only 1% damage
-Transcendent Flagship operational! Acquire this by summoning and defeating a Transcendent Elderling
-Draugr ROF increased from 17s to 12s. Damage reduced from 1,700 to 1,200. Has same DPS but should be more impactful in a fight due to its knockback effect applying more often
--Draugr's gravity generator now has the same range as its attack
--Thanks to Starkelp for pointing out this unit was not living up to its potential
-Increased Ikiryo gravity generator range so these aren't outshined by Draugr
-Skeleton Lord Homes create 3 Lords per home from 2
--Thanks to Tom for pointing out these were a bit underwhelming
-Added Amber Turret to the lineup of available beach heading options for Sappers. This is a paralysis user that loves picking on smaller targets. No longer just Lazurite spam 24/7!
-Disable the bubble forcefield modules for the necromancer due to some balance concerns on discord
--The module will no longer appear in the UI. Existing games with ships that have used this module will have balance problems since you can no longer interact with the module (even to disable it).
-Bubble forcefields from modules are now immune to Fusion's shield bypass, just like regular bubble force fields
--Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting

-Significant balance adjustment to ships included in FRS picks. Due to complaints that the paper numbers always made fleet boosting options better even before the boosts are applied there have been some changes made.
--Fleet boosting lines have been standardized to start at Mark 3 instead of Mark 5 and 6. These are mainly picked for the boosts they give rather than direct combat benefit of the line itself. Expatriate tech options still start at Mark 2.
--Both fleet boosting lines and expatriate tech options have been adjusted to use standard line sizes with one exception. The Pincushion Corvette has a base line size that remains lower because of its significantly higher durability and damage output when compared to a standard Concussion Corvette.
---End result is fleet boosting lines end up ever so slightly less OP in of themselves while the bonuses they grant are still the star of the show in Humanity Ascendant. In Expert mode they don't have a significant advantage in line size and starting tech level when comparing options.
-Its been a long time since the Poltergeist was moved from T1 to T2 exowar tier. It was never touched up stat wise to remotely belong with its newer peers.
--Hull and shields have been adjusted to the same values as all other T2 exowar units.
---Hull 6,000,000 -> 12,000,000
---Shields 3,000,000 -> 6,000,000
--The speed of the unit has been revised upwards from 300 to 500. All the better to slip through a gap in the player defenses and snipe command stations.
--Additionally with the increased durability its base metal value has been adjusted upwards to the T2 standard to better reward successful metabolism kills of this unit.

5.000 End Of An Era
(Released April 22nd, 2022)

-The main menu has been updated to reflect the fact that multiplayer is no longer in beta status.

-Given a report that the Samurai Frigate and accompanying Katana sub-units were rather weak adjusted the units to have a much more applicable niche.
--Instead of only having a bonus when enemy armor exceeded 180mm now has a split set of bonuses. If the target has no shields do an extra 50% damage. If the target armor is below 80mm does triple damage.
--Moved 300 base damage from the main entity to the sub-units. These now comprise a significantly larger share of the total damage potential.
-Fix some typos in the necromancer journal
--Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-Fix a possible bug if you are trying to hack-swap a necropolis while it was still under construction
--Thanks to ptarth for reporting
-Fix a null reference exception in the necromancer fleet code
--Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting

-Fixed error complaining for missing DLC1 when DLC2 is active.
--It regarded Makeshift Drones missing the encyclopedia_counting_redirects_to that is set to the DLC1's Makeshift Drones.
--Added a new "skip_error_message_if_encyclopedia_counting_goes_to_is_missing" tag to prevent the game from complaining in these edge cases.
--Thanks to Lord Of Nothing for the report.
-Fix a memory leak in the CPA Bunker code
--Thanks to Matt Dyer for reporting
-Any related units to a notification on the top bar of the screen now get extra frequent syncs from the host to the client in multiplayer.
--This should solve various lingering issues with timers being out of sync, data being slightly stale, etc. There aren't that many notifications up there even in the super crazy cases, so just making sure that the client and host are extra in sync on those items is not a big network load.
-Added a new IsUltraFrequentSyncedInMultiplayer flag on world-external and faction-external data for multiplayer purposes, and applied it to the AIP central info from world-external, and the sentinels data from faction-external, so that MP clients are really frequently getting updates on the status of AIP and waves and similar.
--Tested, and verified that wave warnings and similar are perfectly in sync now.
high rated
The Tenants (In Development)

Updated to 0.85b (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
The Tenants - Patch 0.85b


- Babysitting jobs will now still produce events even in Creative Mode regardless of the player tenants setting.
- Added a services & sabotages tutorial popup in the Pedro Trashing tutorial.
- Adjusted a number of kitchen sets to include the new dishwashers.
- Fixed an issue with storage items not being accessible.
- Fixed an issue with preferred items not being ticked off in Creative Mode when apartment work time scale was set to 0.
high rated
Fallout New Vegas has a minor update, no patch notes.
high rated
Blade of Darkness recieved a small update today (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

v107 (Apr 23, 2022)
• fixed bugs related to levers
• fixed a fullscreen related issue
high rated
AI War 2 has just received another update to 5.001 for Windows, Mac and Linux.

5.001 First Post-Completion Tweaks
(Released April 22nd, 2022)

-Update the tooltip for the bubble forcefield module to clarify the behaviour
--Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-Fix a bug where the Spire Infused Empire was not generating its periodic exos, and the 'exo on spire city build' was trivially small. This will make the Spire Infused Empire much more interesting
--Thanks to Trantor63 on discord for the initial report, and Lord of Nothing for providing a save game to examine
-Fix a bug where the necromancer would basically get no resources if played on Challenger or above.
--While the necromancer is not really intended to be played except for in HA mode, there's no reason to break it at higher levels
--Thanks to Gzar for reporting
-Swapping a necropolis that has an amplifier now causes the amplifier to change which necropolis owns it. Previously the amplifier would just vanish, which was not great
--Thanks to Doc_Den for reporting
-Clarify distribution nodes for necromancer
--Thanks to ptarth for suggesting
-Elderling hacks no longer make you select a particular hacker (since it doesn't matter which hacker is used)
--Thanks to ptarth for suggesting
-The necromancer text popup at the beginning of the game now explicitly warns players who are above HA that they may have unexpected issues.
-Also clarify the Necromancer description to explicitly disclaim necromancer support
--We had a couple people playing on Challenger today and finding bugs (Gzar and ussdefiant in particular), so I want to make it clearer that Challenger+ is not really supported
-Small correction of oversight in albedo for a strikecraft within DLC 3 with cloaking.
--Stealth Bombard albedo 0.4 -> 0.7
-Fixed a grammar error in "The Migrants: The Arrival" Journal.
high rated
The Blackwell Legacy has been updated to version 2.4a (55326). I did not get an update flag.

The changelog has been posted by the dev on the game subforum:

Blackwell Legacy v2.4a

-Fixed the infamous guard issues, gracefully reported numerous times by our players!
-Now the tooltip label confines within the screen, so you can read where the mouse is over!
high rated
AI War 2 has just received another couple of (fairly large) updates from 5.001 to 5.003 (via 5.002) for Windows, Mac and Linux. Both change logs included, oldest first.

5.002 Venators Optional
(Released April 23rd, 2022)

-Orbital mines for captured outposts were dying to remains that the Necromancer could not interact with and thus making captured orbital outposts with minefields effectively null and void since they could not replace expired minefields with dead ones clogging the slots. While this will definitely help newer games already impacted games may simply be out of luck.
--The attribute never_leaves_remains="true" has been set for the various types of orbital minefields. Replacements are put in play by the host outpost.
-Received report that AI Spire Rail Destroyer were massively larger than their common cousins visually. Went ahead and made their regular AI Spire Destroyer companions a little larger visually while making the AI Rail Destroyers smaller but still larger slightly visually.
--AI Spire Destroyer visual scaling 1 -> 1.5
--AI Spire Rail Destroyer visual scaling 3 -> 2.0
---It is still useful to the player to be able to distinguish which ones are infinite range at a glance in a mixed group.
-Venators are now enabled/disabled in the game lobby. They default to 'off' for HA, but are forced on for Challenger+
--Thanks to Ecthelon for the request, and Chris for deciding what to do about said request
-The 'Unspent Modules' notification will now cycle between unspent entities, if you don't spend all of your points on the first

Tooltip work
-The current amount of Weapon Points is now displayed in the buff row.
--Thanks to Puffin for creating the mechanic and zeusalmighty for requesting.
--The FixedResourceTextStats class is now renamed FixedTextFormatingStats (as it supports more than just resources), has been moved to the AIW2 Core project and given the ability to support Geo icons.
-Began an overhaul of the entire entity type tooltip to fit more icons instead of text, and in uniform show either icons or text and not a mix of the two. For now this is inactive code, existing next to the original tooltip code. In the future there will be a setting to use the experimental tooltip code instead of the current one. Thus all of the below has no effect on the game just yet:
--Removed the old Start[Something] or Add[Something] extension methods for ArcenCharacterBufferBase. Now they are either named Start[Something], End[Something] and Wrap[Something] to clarify.
---Additionally there now is support for generic resources to automatically find the correct FixedResourceTextStats object to work with, support for the PlayerTypeData resources and a way to end with the resource name.
--The tooltip for planetary energy and metal boosting after X seconds now has an unified code path, and will combine the numbers for energy and metal if they are both the same, and both are either enabled or disabled.
--The tooltip code for Factory assisting, factory boosting, claiming, rebuilding and repairing has been rewritten in large parts. Individual repair speeds for hull, shield and engine can now actually be displayed. The assist range will only be displayed once, sine all except internal factories (which measures range in hops) use the same range.
--Unified the code paths for the lower part of the orbiting tooltips, ships orbiting the gravity well will now show the current distance.
--Unified and completely rewrote the code for planetary attack and speed amplifiers and inhibitors.
--The "CEASEFIRE" and "CEASEFIRE BLOCKER" parts are now in color so they stand out more.
--Unified the code paths for harmonic damage increases.
--Units with a hacking response multiplier that is >1 (= units that worsen the AI response to hacks) will now display it as a "HACKING MALUS" instead of always "BONUS".
---This section also no longer refers only to hacking the AI, as other factions may also have responses.
--On minimum tooltips the hull, shield and speed values now display the percentual values (for hull and shield the percent of the maximum, for speed the percent of the base value)
--On medium tooltips the hull, shield and speed values now display the same information as full tooltips do, but with icons instead of text.
---Thanks to General Frost for requesting.
-Add some improved debugging code for entity tooltips
--Reported by Daniexpert

-Removed the seeding of Elderlings' beacon when a Necromancer Empire or Sidekick is present in game.
--Thanks to LilLillyFox for the report!
-Fix a bug where the Move Necropolis hack was causing errors in longer-running games
--Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-Put in several message response buffers to prevent timing issues on multiplayer clients that were responding to several things at one time.
--Thanks to AxiomExotic and FwiffoForce for the report.
-Fix to a multiplayer error in the ultra frequent sync that could happen if a client was told about about a planet it did not yet have info for.
--Thanks to AxiomExotic and FwiffoForce for the report.


5.003 Revenant Efficacy
(Released April 23rd, 2022)

-Elderlings/Templar that die from Corrosive damage now grant resources to the necromancer
--Thanks to a number of people for reporting, in particular Gzar for uploading a save
-Fix a typo in the templar haking response
--Thanks to AxiomExotic and Ushgarak for reporting
-Fixed some nullref exceptions that could happen in UnrolledDoFor_CheckForHostiles in the tachyon, gravity, and tractor beam background threads if the sync on an MP client was messed up in a certain way.
--Unfortunately, the original error that led to this state is lost because the error cascade went on long enough that the error log looped and thus did not include the inciting error. But this particular trio of error cascades will no longer happen.
-- About error cascades:
--Thanks to Haeris for reporting.
-Added a new "Debug Zoom If Above" mouse setting specifically to help one specific user figure out what is happening with their mouse. It will be interesting to see if it yields anything more broadly applicable as well.
--Thanks to Tankor Smash for his patience since... um... 2019 apparently. This is one of our older bug reports.
-Finish adding C# support for the fallen spire module journal entries
--Thanks to vinco for suggesting these, and contributing the text
-The "Save Preset" function in the debug menu now actually works! Previously it was using an old format for quickstarts, because I forgot that it was even a thing.
--I added the makequickstart gamecommand, which works great. Now the save preset function does as well. The command is able to save to whatever quickstart folder you want, but doesn't save a tooltip file. The debug menu only saves to the Community quickstart folder, but DOES save a quickstart file.
--Thanks to Dragoris for reporting the difference in filesizes, which was critical to noticing this. The format changed for quickstarts right before the great refactor (specifically so that they could survive into the new save format).
-The "Neinzul Galaxy" quickstart by Dragoris now shows up in the Community quickstarts section if you have DLC3 installed.
--Thanks to Dragoris for creating it!
-Correction! The third quickstart in the Necromancer section for DLC3 was the one by Dragoris, and that has now been corrected to the new format that won't error on load.
--Thanks to Dragoris, Smidlee, and ptarth for reporting.
-FiresThroughEnemyShields now pierces bubble forcefields as the tooltip suggests it should
--Thanks to Darkshade for reporting.
-If the escape menu is open, the game will no longer respond to mouse inputs for the camera view. This is already the case if the game doesn't have focus, but this should help if you haven't yet unfocused the game because of multiple monitors.
--Thanks to MaxAstro for requesting.
-Major necropolises now actually respect their galaxy cap
--Thanks to Exlium for reporting
-Fixed an issue where fireteams that had a long time to process something (more than 10 seconds) would claim they were leaking memory. They now allow for 120 seconds of time to elapse for making this declaration.
--Thanks to Zer0h1nder for reporting.
-Fixed the description of the "Battlestations receive turrets from hacks for all" setting, which erroneously stated that it defaults to off (it defaults to on), and in general it had its logic stated backwards.
--Thanks to Ushgarak for reporting.
-Fixed a typo in the Samurai frigate's description.
--Thanks to Ithuriel0 for reporting.
-Removed an old drone-correctness check that was being triggered on some NPC drone usage cases.
--Thanks to Dismiss for reporting.
-The text at the top right of the screen that shows the build cost no longer displays metal costs for the necromancer
--Thanks to LilLillyFox for reporting
-If the game is in the process of shutting down, there's a certain class of errors that could happen that were spurious but pretty rare that no longer can happen.
--Thanks to Badger for reporting.
-Corrosion damage now explicitly blocks repairing. In compensation, make corrosion tick down a little bit faster at the end
--Thanks to vinco for reporting
-Instrumented the SpawnTeliumIfAble function so that if there is an error in there it will give us more precise locations for what is wrong, and it also won't shut down the entire macrophage faction anymore.
--Thanks to JDingDong8 for reporting.
-Pathfinders now wait 300 seconds before declaring themselves as memory leaks, rather than merely 30 seconds. When things are really busy, they can legitimately need to be in use by a background thread for more than 30 seconds.
--Thanks to Zer0h1nder for the report.
-Updated the kickstarter backer credits to include one missing backer (from backerkit, a later addition).
high rated
Grimlock: Bright Memory: Infinite received an update, version 1.1 (21 April 2022), just Galaxy for now.
Offline Installer now updated as well.


Medieval Dynasty

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
Hotfix to v1.3.0.6.

Hello everyone!

We have another small hotfix, taking the game to v1.3.0.6.


- The possibility of upgrading modules in some non-residential buildings.


- Double doors in one of the houses in Jezerica.
- Crossbow collisions.
- A crash when returning to main menu while being near to NPCs.
- In case there was an issue when gaining the achievement "Happy wife, happy life" for the first time, any subsequent tries would also fail.


- Rendering optimisations.
- Reworked models of the Excavation Shed modules.
- Reduced costs for some building modules.
Post edited April 25, 2022 by Hustlefan
high rated
Saint Kotar

Updated to 1.25 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
Saint Kotar - The Void Update v. 1.25

- Fixed bugs, improved performance and presentation. For our dear players!
high rated

Updated to 1.8f (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
1.8f Update

This months update contains the following changes:

- added modding support for custom Go-Karts
- added modding support for changing the sitting pose on custom trains
- fixed savegame not loading if there is a flat ride in the park that somehow has a part of its platform deleted
- fixed savegame not loading if it contains tracked rides of a ride type that does not exist (i.e., trying to load a savegame while missing some mods)
high rated
AI War 2 has just received another (small) update from 5.003 to 5.004a for Windows, Mac and Linux.

5.004 Misc Polish
(Released April 24th, 2022)

-Fixed scourge spawning from beacons.
--Thanks to Ragnaidin for the report.
-Fixed duplicate text in the Build Rows for the entity tooltip.
-The "Cannot be supercharged" info in tooltips now no longer tries to appear in the Ship Class row but instead is part of the normal tooltip similar to the zombification immunity "Cannot be captured by other factions".
--This fixes a format-unfriendly visually noisy "Cannot be supercharged" attaching itself to the wrong row in the tooltip of probably all flagships and centerpieces.
-Fixed a variable typo regarding resources rewards given on death.
-Improve the sapper economic logic to let it make better decisions as to what sort of crystal to flower
-Add some more defensive code to wormhole borerers to try to prevent them from connecting already-connected planets
-Necropolis buildings are now properly destroyed when the necropolis moves
--Thanks to strategic sage for reporting
-Let the templar track how many ships a wave leader has rallied. Untested, and only for debugging purposes, in case we need it for templar wave balance
-Add some defensive code to the templar hacking reaction
--Thanks to MadTwit for the bug report
-Fix a bug where the new "beat the game with scourge enabled" achievements weren't triggering
--Thanks to Ecthelon for reporting
-Elderlings should no longer be able to trigger raid engines
--Thanks to ptarth for reporting
-Fix a miscommunication in tutorial 4
--Thanks to LaGrange for reporting