It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated

Mac Installer updated to 1037

Changelog posted by the developer in the game forum OSX


Reordered the graphics API to use OPENGL over METAL. METAL was causing a slow down on some system configurations. If OPENGL is not available, METAL will be used a fall back.
high rated
Starcrawlers has been updated to version There is no changelog in the library, but the developer has provided one in the game's forum:
Post edited May 06, 2020 by Grargar
high rated
Close Combat: The Bloody First

Update 1.1.3 (05 May 2020)

Fix for in battle crash that could occur with units under fire while very close to map border.

Fix for unit to unit LOS issue when unit has soldiers at significantly different elevations.

Fix issue with deleting saved games / custom battles when file name contains extended ASCII characters.

Added error message if deleting a saved game or custom battle fails due to file access permissions.

Map Editor: Fix error that could occur when saving / loading height map images.

Map Editor: Fix for issue with dragging mouse while right button is down and changing heights.

Map Editor: Added editor-specific release notes.

Map Editor: Rolling autosaves every 2 minutes (see below)

Map Editor: Updated versioning format to match main game

Units LOS can now see slightly further into or out of buildings before LOS is considered blocked.

Soldiers position better when a unit is deployed / moved into a building.

Soldiers prefer positions inside the same building their parent unit is inside when several buildings are very close together.

Soldiers are better able to area fire near a target when their parent unit can see the target but the individual soldier can not.

Infantry soldiers that can't fire at their unit's target will try to reposition so they can. They will move if the new position would not separate them from their parent unit and the new position provides either good cover or at least better cover than where they are.

Fixed issue where older saved games that were saved during a battle might not load correctly.
high rated

Patch 1.1.2624 rev880 (5 May 2020)

Defeating a mech cluster now gives a mood boost to all player pawns on the same map.
Reduce work cost of smelting metal from slag from 1600 to 800 (to help reduce clutter).
Reduce uranium slug turret cost per shot from 4 to 3 and increase its damage from 45 to 50.
Butchered cenitpedes now yield 10 plasteel when shredded, modified by difficulty and pawn skill.
Crashed ship parts now drop an advanced component.
Plasteel no longer burns.
Reduced commonality of mechanoid raids at high points levels.
Reduced deep drilling research cost from 4000 to 1000 and moved from multi-analyzer tier to microelectronics tier.
Reduced cost of deep drill from 200 steel and 4 components to 100 steel and 2 components.
Reduced cost of ground-penetrating scanner from 2 advanced components, 6 components, and 200 steel to 1 advanced component, 4 components, and 150 steel.
Increased deep drill yield for steel, plasteel, uranium, silver, and jade. Reduced yield for gold.
Reduced max deep lump size for gold, and jade, and steel.
Reduced deep drill power consumption from 300W to 200W.
Deep drill can now extract from the 21 closest cells instead of only the 9 closest.
Imperial settlements offer more psytrainers.
Mechs created by the mech assembler mechs now defend the cluster instead of attacking.
Mech assembler now shuts down after spawning 4 mechs.
Double the effect of pain focus.
Seperated deep drilling speed from mining speed. Drill arm now affects deep drilling speed less than normal mining speed.
Tune monument size and construction time.
Monument damage consequence size is no longer affected by challenge rating.
Removed extra selection weight for mech cluster as monument damage consequence.
Adjusted monument protection duration based on challenge rating.
Colonists with bloodlust no longer suffer a mood debuff when harvesting organs.
Adjust Alzheimer's to nullify fewer conditional thoughts, otherwise it can be impossible to keep guests happy with Alzheimer's and it's a bit weird that their mood ends up locked at default.


Reworked how monuments are generated to produce more compact structures without weird large gaps.
Optimized deep drilling for modded games with more rock types.
Explicitly mark some more things as part of Royalty in code for clarity: Shuttle, bladelink weapons, musical instruments, thrones, projectile interceptors (shields).
Refactor royal title warning texts in order to do the formatting programatically.
Removed unnecessary 'You must keep [guestName] at colony' from hospitality quests as lodgers should not be able to be transferred.
Removed 'showCreatedAt' on recipe def and used existing IsSurgery property instead.
Removed unnecessary check on text height for architect category tab.
Changed psychic amplifier graphic to match archotech artstyle, since it's an archotech item.
Moved IncomingDamageFactor damage mitigation to ApplyDamageToPart.
Optimization: Make GridsUtility.GetDoor use GetEdifice instead of checking every thing in the cell.
Adjusted apparel debug outputs.


Monument quest descriptions now better handle multiple allowed floor types.
Added more quest name content for PawnLend quests.
Adjusted monument resource readout to include all possible floor type required resources.
Added a warning popup about conceited colonists when a royal favor quest is about to be accepted (similar to anti-social colonists).
Combine warnings when attempting to accept a royal favor quest for someone who is both conceited and anti-social.
Made it clearer why a Praetor cannot call an orbital imperial trader.
Reduced the tooltip delay on storyteller difficulty selections to zero
Rewrote natural goodwill rise/fall tooltip to display yearly change. Removed redundant text.
Pain focus readout now rounds to the nearest whole number.
Adjust text and fully define mining stat order.
Added an explanation to the psycast 'Target' stat entry.


Fix: You cannot shoot over unstable power cells.
Fix: Sometimes the wrong people can be ordered to enter shuttles.
Fix: Quests sometimes generate manhunting packs with > 100 animals.
Fix: Spawning sketch that wipes doors with no adjacent regions causes an error.
Fix: The translation files cleaner tool uses LF in the end of the first line (xml root).
Fix: Cocoa trees are marked as unlocked for both 'Tree sowing' and 'Cocoa' research projects.
Fix: Quest lodgers being attacked by colonists (temporary or permanent) during murderous rage and other aggro mental states cause relations loss.
Fix: Typo in peaceful difficulty description.
Fix: Some custom backstories with gender set to "either" have a default gendered body type.
Fix: Manhunter incident can fail for very high points.
Fix: Padding for mod requirement box is uneven.
Fix: QuestPart_RequirementsToAcceptBedroom causes errors for pawns with royal titles which don't have bedroom requirements.
Fix: Tough trait incoming damage multiplier doesn't work properly.
Fix: Item hitpoint slider precision - unequal values shown as same.
Fix: NPCs incabable of doctoring can self tend.
Fix: In the info card for a psycast, all entries in the lists of Target are capitalized.
Fix: Formatter tool adds and deletes same values because cyclic reference prevention would skip value types falsely.
Fix: Luciferium not healing chronic conditions but the message says it did.
Fix: Ship parts sometimes land on walls and skip upon spawning inner thing.
Fix: TryFindSafeLandingSpotCloseToColony only checks single cell instead of occupied rect for blocking things.
Fix: Accepting two shuttle-based quests one after another causes one to land on top of the other.
Fix: Siegers receive extra supplies they don't need.
Fix: Various StockGenerator_Tag missing countRanges which made some settlements not carry items they should have.
high rated
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
just updated on Galaxy.

Patch 1.10 (07 May 2020)

Zangetsu is now a playable character
Randomizer game mode

Bug Fixes:

Crash in Boss Rush mode after entering Craftwork’s room.
Player floating after pausing the game while on moving objects.
Force Feedback would remain active after defeating Bloodless or Vepar
Left/Right controls would be active at the same time on rare occasions
Camera going out of bounds while collecting some shards
Issue with Bael when parrying attack
Issue when casting shards while jumping
UI window visible during room transitions
Loss of functionality while at the shop
high rated
Abandon Ship
Update 1.2.14089 (30 April 2020)

- We've added more improvements to the Simplified Chinese and Polish translations.
- We've also fixed a bug in a quest where a new Friend or Enemy could be displayed incorrectly.
- Windows & Mac standalone installers updated (1.2.13829 ⇒ 1.2.14089): 06 May 2020.
- Linux not updated yet.


Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! [InDev]
UPDATE v0.80 NOTES (5 May 2020)

- Metro Central Territory added! Over 35 levels under the gloomy skies of Jackson, MS.
- The Max Wieners food truck is on the loose! Watch for their super attack that severely damages all holding stations, decreasing freshness times by 80%!
- Two new trinkets added. These are just for the territory- we have another big trinket update coming soon!
- Five new achievements added!

- Added a "Clear All" function to the Customize Truck feature.
- Fixed a possible issue where holding station counts would be incorrect when toggling them on/off.
- Fixed the button prompt for filtering in the Customize Truck editor not appearing for gamepads.
- Fixed an extremely rare bug that could lead to an impossible Halo Halo order.
- Fixed a bug where Creme Brulee would not respond to the torch, causing it to be raw or frozen forever no matter how long you held the torch button down.
- Fixed issue with the Rejuvinator upgrade that would count "bad" or "unfresh" holding station foods as servings, giving incorrect serving counts in the Today's Menu display.
- Cook times for Medium Well and Well Done meats have decreased, especially for Well Done, which takes 50% less time to cook.
- If the Dialogue SFX in the Audio Menu is set to 0, the game audio is no longer lowered every time the dialogue box pops up in-game.
- Fixed some inconsistent recipe names.
- Fixed some spelling thingys.
Standalone installer updated (0.75f ⇒ 0.80a): 06 May 2020.


Crypt of the NecroDancer
Update (07 May 2020)

- added support for macOS 10.15 Catalina
Mac standalone installer, and that of its DLC, updated: 1.29(DLC 2.59) ⇒ 1.29(DLC 2.59) B.


Dry Drowning
Update 1.2.0 (30 April 2020)

Changelog posted in the game forum by the devs here:

- We're happy to announce that Dry Drowning has been localized in JAPANESE!
Standalone installer, and that of its DEMO, updated (1.1.0 ⇒ 1.2.0): 06 May 2020.


Empires of the Undergrowth [InDev] (mismatch between update and installers version)
Update 0.23 (02 May 2020)

Freeplay Fixes and Changes
- Solved a bug preventing the 4 new ubers showing up in freeplay (they would be announced but not show)
- Landmark spawn rate with leafcutters reduced down to 200% (from 250%) as it was filling all available landmark spots causing landmark droughts on some maps
- Leaves now regenerate every 4m down from 5m
- Increased the number of landmark locations on Towhead by about 8 (and shuffled some around)
- Added a couple of central crossing paths into Towhead to allow better access to the new landmark locations from all spawn points
- Funnel web landmarks no longer spawn pebbles (eliminates a bug making ramps inaccessible if the web spawns near one)
- Fixed an issue where creatures could end up stuck on top of your nest in freeplay
- Uber spawn chance increased when playing Hunter victory condition
- Creative mode now automatically spends resources allowing you to harvest resources if you wish
- Wave number will no longer increase if defeated before the timer for the next wave starts in freeplay
- Added option in freeplay to disable difficulty increase when approaching victory
- Renamed a couple of difficulty options in freeplay
- Uber spawns now cause a minimap ping
- Funnel web landmark despawn timer will tick down 4x as fast if all its inhabitants are dead
- Funnel web spiders will not be given targets until they reach their nest
- Besieged victory now occurs on final wave defeat rather than just before spawn
- You can no longer save the game during an attack wave

Other Fixes and Changes
- Achievement fail and success messages are now off by default and can be turned on from an option in the menu or from the scoreboard (achievement tracking)
- Fixed a bug that could break formicarium challenge 2 if you kill the tube spawning ants too quickly after they spawn
- Fixed a bug that could cause a green riser to appear if you cancel a dig job the moment a cavern is tunnelled out
- Fixed more issues with creatures or food getting stuck under ramps
- Funnel web now has immunities to several crowd control effects
- Hungry Spider projectile is now visible again
- Hungry Spider mouse movement should feel a lot smoother however it no longer paths around walls so you need to manually manoeuvrer it
- Fixed an issue where Hungry Spider bite and venom strike were doing less damage than intended further from the centre of the attack
- Creatures with low visual range can now see enemies that attack them from further away
- Fixed some text issues
- Fixed an issue that could cause aphids to float (sometimes very high in the sky) when ladybirds attempt to pick them up
- Ladybirds will no longer try and escape once they have started picking up an aphid (they will escape after anyway)
- Fixed an issue with brood tile hotkeys not functioning correctly
- Massively reduced issues with chamber rep panel thinking the mouse is hovering over a chamber when it is not (worse at lower FPS)
Standalone installers updated (0.2121 ⇒ 0.213): 06 & 07 May 2020.
high rated
FoxTail [InDev]
Release of the Third Chapter! (07 May 2020)

Changelog posted in the game forum by the devs here.
- Linux & Mac standalone installers updated: 1.2.527.3391 ⇒ 1.2.896.4370.
- Windows not updated yet.


Help Will Come Tomorrow (not sure if changelog corresponds to latest update)
Patch 1.0.2! New recipies and low HP and Morale warning! (03 May 2020)

Changelog posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone installers updated (1.4 ⇒ 1.6): 06 May 2020.


Patch Notes - #42416 (29 April 2020)

Link to said patch notes (on Steam) posted in the game forum by the devs here.
Standalone installers updated (40093 ⇒ 42416r): 07 May 2020.


Noita [InDev]
HOTFIXES (April 30 2020)

- UPDATE: Made some drinking effects more fair, or less dangerous
- UPDATE: Switching item from Ukkoskivi when submerged is safer
- UPDATE: Kiuaskivi no longer works as X
- UPDATE: Kiuaskivi provides protection from X
- UPDATE: Swapper is less common
- UPDATE: Gamepad spray/throw scheme can be changed via Options

- BUGFIX: Stomach was very small if continuing old save, making eating and drinking very dangerous

- MODDING: Lua - added EntityIngestMaterial()
Standalone installer updated (20200428-1707 ⇒ 20200430-1833): 06 May 2020.


Project Hospital
Update 1.2.19730 (7 May 2020)

- Enabled shortest path distance for selecting employees to tend to collapsed patients
- Enabled undo for 'add perimeter walls' button
- Enabled undo for moving rooms
- Implemented automatic panel UI scale rules for resolutions around 1680 x 1050 to fix overlapping icons

- Fixed a recently introduced performance issue related to memory allocations (causing frequent microstuttering)
- Fixed pharmacy and gift shop sometimes stuck reserved by a patient who has left
- Fixed training stuck if employee's trained skill gets removed by the player (possibly by assigning the employee to a different department)
- Fixed training script stuck with multiple projectors
- Fixed training - projector activity without a projector
- Fixed stuck training scripts still reserving chairs
- Fixed staff at pathology not filling needs because of patients with critical symptoms
- Hotfixed bucket carts stuck reserved after janitors pick another cart (probably after deleting their room)
- Hotfixed broken attachments on broken composite objects
- Fixed generation technologist without specialization in character editor
- Fixed compression wraps not starting for hospitalized patients at specialized departments
- Fixed ice wrap not allowed at internal medicine department
- Fixed peritoneal fluid analysis sampling not allowed at ICU
- Fixed incorrect cafeteria minimum size detection
- Fixed wrong observation and regular ward decal name
- Fixed diagnoses percentage showing different values in diagnosis table
- Fixed text overlap in department statistics panel
- Fixed a typo in cz, 'parto' instead of 'patro'
- [CAMERA ROTATION] Fixed ambulance parking not correctly highlighted when placing foundations with rotated camera
- [CAMERA ROTATION] Fixed undo misplacing objects when undoing a delete action with rotated camera
Standalone installers, and those of its DLC, updated: 1.2.19532 ⇒ 1.2.19730.
high rated
(very belated update/changelog; for those interested, an even more belated changelog of previous updates in the game forum)
v0.9.14 'BIG BOOK OF BOTANY' Now Live (3 April 2020)

- a new mystery, BIZARRE BRUIT OF THE BLOOD-CURDLING BOTANIST, has been added with 4 endings
- new items, including a new powerful weapon
- three new enemies and two new enemy types: UNDEAD and PLANT
- a new random TOWN STATUS, making playthroughs harder and less predictable
- a new DOWNTOWN shop, VENDING MACHINES for all characters that don't want to rely on the dog shopkeeper for CIGARETTES

- (right click) now deletes the last combat action
- you can save and load your sequences
- BRACE now protects you against concussion

- new modding options including:
** wavy_art (optional) (defaults to "0")
--> accepted string: "0" or "1", makes the art move, use with wavy_speed
** wavy_speed
--> (optional) (defaults to "0")
--> accepted string: any value (like 0,0.5,0.1,1), speed of the wavy effect when wavy_art is defined as "1"
** wineffecta/faileffecta/wineffectb/etc
--> (optional)(defaults to "")
--> accepted string: "bloodsplat","whiteflash", adds an extra visual effect when selecting an option
** to find more custom events, the most convenient place to look is in WORLD OF HORROR's official Discord channel

- increased the price of RITUAL DAGGER by 1 (2->3)
- lowered some of the -DOOM% prizes you get from HOLY CANDLE
- police station: lowered the information cost from 30exp to 15exp
- SALT's damage increased (4->8)
- STEAK KNIFE's base speed increased (80->65)
- burning down the school now hurts the player wishing to avoid the boss fight
- CURSED DOLL’s damage increased (2-4 -> 4-6)

- You no longer can accidentally explore the mansion while in the level-up screen during the VIGIL mystery.
- ITHOTU's description fixed to reflect the gameplay changes.
- CRESTFALLEN MASK/GRUESOME TOTEM equipping exploit fixed
- hidden the information about yet unfinished TRUE BELIEVER+ difficulty level
- CRAB FEST/CLIFFSIDE RITUAL event's description changed to reflect the stat changes
- reset your progress button now works correctly
- school bathroom's exploit fixed
- HUNTER RIFLE displays its boost stat correctly (PER)
- MUMMIFIED HEART now works correctly
- many typos and grammatical errors fixed
- BURNING MAN now reacts to spiritual actions correctly
- CIGARETTES won't be consumed if you're not an addict
- ancestral strength now boosts correctly the kick damage
- witness curse now works properly
- minor bugs fixed
- hospital text wraps correctly
- proper feedback when advancing in the botany mystery
- you can't fire at ghosts anymore
Standalone installers updated (0.9.13 ⇒ 0.9.14): 07 May 2020.


Standalone installers updated 06-07 May 2020 with no changelog:
- Depth of Extinction: ⇒
- Disco Elysium - Mac: 76a259fa ⇒ cddf87b6.
- Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest: 1.2.1 ⇒ 1.2.6.
- House Flipper, and its DLC Garden Flipper,: 1.20100 (1c489) ⇒ 1.20122 (27c8c).
- Jupiter Hell [InDev]: 0.9.0b ⇒ 0.9.0c.
- Kingdoms and Castles: 117r5 ⇒ 117r6.
- Kynseed [InDev]: ⇒
- Long Live the Queen - Mac: (gog-13) ⇒ 1.3.94 (likely a Mac OS Catalina compatibility update).
- MarZ: Tactical Base Defense: 1.0.GOGp180619 ⇒ 1.0.GOGp270420.
- Streets of Rogue, and its DLC: v89h ⇒ v89i2.

Also, from updates/changelogs posted earlier:
- BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION - Mac: 1032b ⇒ 1037.
- Close Combat: The Bloody First: 1.01.01b ⇒ v1.01.03.
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and its DLC: 1.19 ⇒ 1.19 hotfix.
- Outward: 1.0.0 ⇒ 1.1.2.
- RimWorld, and its DLC: 1.1.2618 rev713 ⇒ 1.1.2624 rev880.
- StarCrawlers: v1.1.3.5 - 26 Nov 2019 ⇒ v1.1.4.1 - 04 May 2020.

And Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night standalone installer not updated yet.

@GOG, ITTA doesn't have a forum, and its forum link directs to the General Discussion board; please fix.
high rated
HypersomniacLive: @GOG, ITTA doesn't have a forum, and its forum link directs to the General Discussion board; please fix.
The same is true of "The Great Perhaps" and "Heroland".
high rated
HypersomniacLive: @GOG, ITTA doesn't have a forum, and its forum link directs to the General Discussion board; please fix.
mrkgnao: The same is true of "The Great Perhaps" and "Heroland".
Thanks for reporting, i'll pass the info to the GOG Staff for fixing this.
high rated
mrkgnao: The same is true of "The Great Perhaps" and "Heroland".
PainOfSalvation: Thanks for reporting, i'll pass the info to the GOG Staff for fixing this.
Thank you for watching this and helping out here. I wasn't sure if GOG staff is still watching this very important thread anymore. Now we can be sure that complaints about such things will not go unnoticed. Good job! Maybe you could also forward that update flags are missing completely now since quite a long time, would be great!
high rated
Endzone - A World Apart (In Development)

Update 0.7.7432.29150 (7 May 2020)

(Galaxy & Offline Installer)

- Side Missions: Added 17 new Side Missions
- They can feature many different rewards and goals
- Mission can scale with your settlement
- Side Missions: Added an additional Town Center upgrade
- This allows you to intercept radio transmissions from other settlers that may want to join your camp
- Tutorial: Added a new, comprehensive Tutorial with over 30 quests
- Much more detailed steps
- Building Highlights
- Unlock buildings on the way
- Expeditions: Added a filtering system to the Expedition Window, so it is easier to find the right people for your expedition
- Localization: Added French to supported languages
- Main Menu: Added Extras section and “Game” Options, this includes a credits roll as well as the option to disable the intro video playback at the start of the game.
- Achievements: Added a new achievement for finishing the new tutorial.


- Resources: Fixed a bug with production buildings, where produced goods were not correctly transported anymore
- Buildings: The Medical Facility now shows its efficiency when selected.
- Buildings: Pubs can now be connected to Power Grids
- Resources: Resource amounts are not longer added to produced statistics if the resource is added to the town center inventory
- Resources: ResourceAwards (Awards from completing a Side Mission) are now added to the statistics under produced
- Buildings: Added production group to medical facility
- Buildings: Fixed an error if a building gets dismantled during an upgrade
- Resources: Fixed global inventory to be at 100% way too early. Storage weight is now saved separately.
- Settler: Child birth status effect is now correctly set (Settlers do now correctly get a buff on their confidence when having a child)
- Settlers: Settlers now correctly pick up Neckscarfs, Activated Coal Masks and Radiation Suits when the player has enabled filters in the Towncenter
- Plantations: are no longer completely cut down when you click on "Harvest now”
- Plantations: Fixed wrong textures for Cherry trees
- Resources: Fixed settler not equipping radiation protection if protection is set to “None” in starting conditions.
- Buildings: Irrigation Plants no longer affect lakes
- Buildings: Upgrading a building now correctly modifies the global inventory max weights
- Buildings: All buildings of category “Water” now add to the max water capacity of global inventory as Rain Collectors and wells now also modify the global inventory
- Buildings: Water that is stored in the town center is now subtracted from the global inventory fill rate
- Buildings: Fixed possible error when placing forester lodge at edge of map
- Expeditions: Fixed ruins not being available to scout after cancelling an expedition
- Environment: Amount of wildlife doubled


- Professions: Morticians now recycle gear of dead settlers if condition is above specific value.
- Tutorial: Added a new character (Arthur Sawchyn) for better immersion during the tutorial missions
- Side Missions (and new Tutorial): Now have an Intro text
- Side Missions: Can now be “accepted” or “declined”
- Side Missions: Can now highlight UI elements
- Side Missions: The timer for Side Missions is now a small progress bar and the tooltip displays how many seasons you have to fulfill the mission goals
- Side Missions: Added typewriter effect to mission descriptions
- Side Missions: Settler talking to you won’t change anymore during a mission. During a mission, the same character will talk to you and will only change if he/she dies.
- Settler Badges: Changed the Settler Badge System: Settlers are now rewarded with a Badge when they reach the Age of “Old Adult”. They receive a Badge for the Profession they worked the longest in. If a Settler was fully educated in a school during his childhood he will receive another Badge when he reaches the age of “Adult”.
- Expeditions: Changed around some expedition goals, so the rewards make more sense
- Expeditions: The Back-button in Story Dialogs during an Expedition now goes back to the previous Dialog instead of always going back to the Story Entry.
- Improved the visuals of the tasks overview in the upper left corner.
- Buildings: Gatherer Hut now has a new ambience sound
- Buildings: Refactored Town Center Clothing Restriction UI.
- Buildings: The ambient sound volume of the Expedition Station was reduced to be less dominant in the overall soundscape
- Notifications: Improved displaying of notifications, some of them now stay active until clicked, so they catch your attention better.
- Settler: Settler avatars now feature supersampling to avoid flickering.
- Survival Handbook: Increased size of Survival Handbook for better readability.
- Game: If the player starts a new session the game is no longer paused during the intro camera animation and dialog.

Known Issues

- The Forester’s Lodge is currently a bit imbalanced. Having the option “Cut & Reforest” active does not result in trees being cut down and planted again equally. Cutting them down is much faster.
Post edited May 08, 2020 by Hustlefan
What happened to the update flags? For many weeks now, not a single game in my account has been marked.
mattymuc: What happened to the update flags? For many weeks now, not a single game in my account has been marked.
Yes, GOG scrapped them atm and afaik there never was any statement about it. It might just be because of them working from home right now though ... no odea. At the moment yoou can just check this thread on a daily basis.
high rated
fonimul: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
just updated on Galaxy.

Patch 1.10 (07 May 2020)

Zangetsu is now a playable character
Randomizer game mode

Bug Fixes:

Crash in Boss Rush mode after entering Craftwork’s room.
Player floating after pausing the game while on moving objects.
Force Feedback would remain active after defeating Bloodless or Vepar
Left/Right controls would be active at the same time on rare occasions
Camera going out of bounds while collecting some shards
Issue with Bael when parrying attack
Issue when casting shards while jumping
UI window visible during room transitions
Loss of functionality while at the shop
Offline Installer now updated as well.
Post edited May 08, 2020 by Hustlefan