AI War 2 Standalone installers updated (
2.012 ⇒ 2.016): 03 April 2020.
Depth of Extinction Update & Update (02 & 03 April 2020) Changelogs posted in the game forum by the devs
here and
Standalone installers updated:
51.5.1 ⇒
Good Company [InDev] Version 0.6.1 (03 April 2020) Changelog posted in the game forum by
the devs here.
Standalone installer updated: ⇒ 0.6.1.
Imperator: Rome 1.4.1 Hotfix (3 April 2020)
- Corruption now scales character wages up to 250% instead of just 100%, because what’s the point of theft and graft if you go small time?
- Sanctioned Privileges National Idea now decreases corruption by 5% instead of 10%.
- Updated capital tooltip to be more descriptive.
- Many fixes to the non-english localization files.
- Added a 2 year cooldown per territory for the city sacking event for ruler led armies
- Moving country now clears interaction loyalty modifiers.
- Antigonus now remembers what country Seleukos is in charge of, when ceding land to him.
- Fixed bad reference to location in desecration popup.
- Added goto button for Sack event
- Fixed Destroy Apulians bypass to require both Apulian nations as subjects.
- Added trait to forgotten daughter Ptolemais in Miletos
- Athens now starts with regular old Athena in its pantheon. Fitting, since she gave the city its name and all.
- The people of Acragas have overcame their initial crisis of faith, and decided on what deities they want to worship at the start of the game.
- Kanya Devi now uses Monthly Stability Change rather than Monthly Stability Decay. Fixes an issue which made the deity harmful to worship.
- Tag exclusive deities will no longer disappear or become unavailable after you complete a formable or otherwise change names in some way.
- Fixed problem with Krishna’s deity modifier.
- Added Golden Horn to Byzantion, so Constantine XI will have something to stretch his chain across.
- Restored missing option to change player name in the main menu, fixing an issue locking people out of logging in for multiplayer.
- Fixed the 'Laconic If' achievement, so Sparta will once again be able to sack Pella properly.
- Fixed checking for Agathokles dead father rather than Agathokles in the Potter to King achievement and the Pyrrhus events. His ID was changed in the 1.4 setup update.
- Game won’t crash if there is an invalid entry for province treasure
- Fixed a number of rare crashes and out of synchs.
- Fixed Diplomatic Range modifier having a full stop
- Initializing crowdmap on recalculatecache
- Added 'Blood of the Lagidai' trait to Ptolemy's children by Thais.
- Armies without a leader now also loot provinces instantly. Province loot modifier is now visible right away in the tooltip.
- Fixed rival's name not appearing in Twisting the Knife event
- Fixed literally unplayable typo in the Pan-Hellenic government mission description
- Satrap armies no longer get a +70% morale boost from the Satrap Project event.
- Fixed Incompetent Storage and Stockpile Disappears food events sometimes not subtracting food
- Fixed minor characters having unrelated negotiators in marriage proposal events
- The Spartan mission task 'Civilizing the Valley' now states that the territory in question must be a city.
- Fixed Seleukid event for all languages, rather than just English.
- Fixed broken custom loc due to typo
- Fixed typos in some heritages
- Fixed typo in Archimedes event
- Purged Remulus typo for the third time. Let us hope it stays purged this time…
- Fixed some issues with the religious subjects released by Sparta and Athens in their missions.
- Fixed a 'null_family' issue in the 'Athens in Chains' mission.
- Units in a lot of formables and Oreos will now use proper colors on their armor, rather than rave green.
- Troops in hired pirate fleets drown when said fleet is stackwiped as opposed to walking on water.
Standalone installers, and those of its
DLC, updated:
1.4.0 ⇒ 1.4.1 Archimedes.
Standalone installers updated
02-03 April 2020 with no changelog:
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters, and all its
--> Windows: ⇒ 1.0.6 GOG;
--> Linux: ⇒ 1.0.6 GOG;
--> Mac: ⇒ 1.0.6 GOG (also more DLC added).
Combat Mission: Afrika Korps:
1.03 ⇒ 1.03(a).
Crossroads Inn, and its
DLC - Mac:
1.13 ⇒ 1.15.
1.034 ⇒ 1.035.
Exanima [InDev]:
0.7.3d ⇒ 0.8.
Fantasy General II - Invasion, and its
01.01.09585 ⇒ 01.01.09586.
Fenimore Fillmore: 3 Skulls of the Toltecs:
1.7.4 ⇒ 1.7.5.
House Flipper, and its
1.2038 (9c71c) ⇒ 1.2089 (a5e7c).
Mana Spark:
1.0.21 ⇒ 1.1.07 (there's an announcement in the game forum from three days ago regarding the
Forgotten Crypts Update, but no further info. Anyone interested in details will have to go to Steam).
Murder by Numbers:
1.0 ⇒ 1.22.
PC Building Simulator, and all its
DLC: ⇒ 51.
Smart City Plan:
1.06 ⇒ 1.07.
Stellaris, and all its
DLC, except for the Mac version of
Stellaris: Apocalypse- Linux & Mac: ⇒ 2.6.2.
Stellaris: Apocalypse [DLC] - Mac: ⇒ 2.6.2.
The Universim - Windows: ⇒; Linux & Mac: ⇒
Vampire: The Masquerade - Coteries of New York - Mac:
1.0.6 ⇒ 1.0.6f1.
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, and its
27415 ⇒ 27968.
Also, from updates/changelogs posted earlier:
Endzone - A World Apart [InDev]:
0.7.7396.35288 ⇒ 0.7.7397.30764.
Combat Mission: Afrika Korps is yet another game which forum link directs to the General Discussion board; please fix, along with poor
Wuppo which still suffers from the same.