It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated
seppelfred: Yesterday I received a flag for Ori and the Blind Forest. No changelog.
That is probably for cloud saves I believe.

Here is the link
Post edited April 02, 2019 by alexandros050
high rated
Astrox Imperium
BUILD 0.0036 (02nd April 2019)

* Purchasing a new ship defaults to dock page upon completion.
* Fixed validation on new ship purchases before removing credits.
* Fixed SE-2 SEER ship, bad file data.
* Fixed activating the active ship in station hangar.
* Fixed Swap ship LS bug with bad filenames.
* Fixed ship unique filename bug cause missing ships.
* Fixed LS bug when selling ship.
* Fixed Galaxy mouseover sectors when docked in station.
* Galaxy map toggle in station closes all services.
* Disabled Star targeting until I enable energy harvesting.
* Fixed carry over skills boxes bug on new campaign.
* Fixed Steam achievement reporting. (GOG is coming next).
* Fixed Stat for Raider count.
* Fixed npc ship bug preventing notify popups upon dispatch.
* Killing Raiders now provides a faction bonus to the sector owners.
* Environment of starting sector no longer effected by events.
* Fixed scanner time for non prescan objects.
* Fixed a number of GPS issues and bugs.
* Added Skill sorting button for Electronics.
* Fixed bug with pilot panel reseting fleet panel.
* Fixed Merc fired image icon.

The Universim
Patch v0.0.32 (2nd April 2019)

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed: IDLE AI was called too often when there was not enough food (23645)
* Fixed: demand generated by warehouses, making Nuggets ignore existing piles
* Fixed: shifts stopping stats on AI start
* Fixed: students can become exiled
* Fixed: Nugget icons viewable through customizer panel
* Fixed: Modern Building collapse sound was ending too early
* Fixed: Issue when Nuggets despite being on the shifts still had all their stats ticking
* Fixed: Missing Building config produced an NRE which was slowing down the performance
* Fixed: Students were auto assigned to different buildings, preventing them from finishing their education
* Fixed: Certains references in the code to removes were missing, which produced warning
* Fixed: NRE which did not clear students spots after they left the University
* Fixed: Engineers were disappearing after they entered the engineering hut
* Fixed: NRE when you were selecting a building to place due to some parts of the code being executed prior to the building update code
* Fixed: Nuggets icons were viewable through the Clone Panel
* Fixed: Changing a Nugget shift would cause them to get stuck inside a building
* Fixed: Opening a building panel at a certain timeframe would cause NRE which would produce an issue where the building panel would be stuck on the screen
* Fixed: Sometimes all whales were located in just one lake instead of being spread out based on the size of the lake
* Fixed: Resources panel showed 0 resources for certain resources despite having those resources
* Fixed: Selecting creator powers in the creator mode would cause NRE
* Fixed: Issue when Nuggets would refuse to visit parks
* Fixed: Cupidon marriage issue. If Nuggets already have a family and the cupidon creator power is being used in order to connect married Nugget and another unmarried Nugget, but unmarried Nugget had a family previously, would lead to an issue where both Nuggets will go to different houses and will endlessly wait for each other inside the house.
* Fixed: Save file issues. Previously all saves files were allowed to be loaded, which caused a lot of issues and NRE due to the content change in the newest patches.
* Fixed: Building panels were missing new resources that were needed for building construction
* Fixed: Resources held in local storage (Wood refinery, cemetery) are displayed as available

General balance changes / Improvements:
* Hiding Nuggets when entering modern construction site
* Adjusted warehouse demand factor in order to improve the transportation requests
* Adjusted shifts timer in order to compensate the travel time
* Reworked the University and school work. Currently students won’t be auto assigned unless they manually assigned to a job. When students leave the school / university to eat / drink etc., they will reserve their spot at school. With the shifts on, students will reserve their spot. After their shift is done, they will continue their learning progress.
* School / University learning points were adjusted in order to provide faster education for Nuggets.

* Modern Eatery
* Lighthouse Model
* Modern Fishing Pier
* Electronic Components Factory
* Powder Rifle
* Electronic Components stockpile
* Medieval roads texture update
* Modern debris have decals now
* Modern Steel Factory
* Modern Residential Buildings
* Residential Buildings Accessories

UI Design:
* Electronic Components, Lighthouse, Steel factory construction menu icons and renders
* Update Archive panels
* Added icons for electronic components resource, 3d and white
* Added status icon - going to electronic factory
* Added new icons for perks
* New icons for Nugget customizer traits
* Research screen added auto research on/off toggle.
* New god power icons added: protective dome and meteor rain - 3d and white versions.

* Pathfinder performance boost

Known Issues:
* Long loading time when you start a new game. We are still investigating the issue that some users experience on their machines. Current solution to resolve the issue of a long loading time when you start a new game is: Turning off the grass in the settings of the game.

P.S. Our next endeavour will be to prove that the sun isn’t as hot as everyone makes it out to be. However, because it is an unproven hypothesis, we will go at night just to be safe.
high rated
Slime Ranchers has been updated to version 1.3.2c. No changelog.
high rated
Sudden Strike 4

Update 1.15 Hotfix (03 April 2019)

Fixed a bug, which prevented players from finishing the Pacific War DLC’s first US mission in challenge mode.
Fixed a bug which incorrectly displayed 40 stars for the Allied campaign in the vanilla game, instead of 28.
Fixed a bug that caused tanks to disappear when selecting a deployed MG and a tank and then giving the order to “pack up”.

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans

Hotfix (3 April 2019)

Default "fullresolution" value has been changed to "desktop".
Settings submenu has been expanded and now allows users to set their own values for fullscreen and windowed resolutions when needed.

Warcraft II Edition

Updated to 2.02 v3.
No changelog.

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War

Update v1.02.04 (02 April 2019)

Special resource features now value biomass percentage bonuses as double to offset the disproportionately higher biomass output of Tyranid buildings. To reduce the irregularities of map generation for Tyranids, more features now have a biomass bonus.

Reduced Grox Pasture from +20% biomass to +10% biomass.
Changed Trader Encampment for Tyranids from +20% influence to +10% influence and +5% biomass, and constant bonus from +2 influence to +1 influence and +1 biomass.
Changed Promethium Relay Pipes for Tyranids from +20% influence to +10% influence and +5% biomass, and constant bonus from +2 influence to +1 influence and +1 biomass.
Changed Recaf Leaf for Tyranids from +2 influence to +1 influence and +1 biomass.
Increased Zoanthrope cost by 33%.
Astra Militarum resource edicts now only increase the output of the associated resource buildings to prevent tilting edict efficiency towards certain resources that appear more frequently on buildings, such as Labor Corps and Manufactorum ore.
Spawning units now triggers overwatch.
Spawning units now capture outposts.
Smoke Screen can now be used on adjacent tiles.
Reduced Hunter-Killer Missile damage from 12 to 8 and armor penetration from 8 to 6.
Fixed Triarch Praetorians gaining Hammer of Wrath when using Jump Packs without having Hammer of Wrath researched.
Bolster Defences can now be used on its own tile.
Bolster Defences now gives invulnerable damage reduction instead of ranged damage reduction.
Reduced Siren Caster from +5 to +4 loyalty.


The world generator now tries to place players of the same team closer together.
Added Space Marine Shotgun flavor.
Clarified in trait descriptions that Barrage and Melee cannot overwatch.
Clarified in trait description that Pinning only works on fearful infantry.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Reclaim Unit target selection sometimes not showing a unit's value.
Fixed trait conditions sometimes matching wrongly if the unit has multiple instances of the same trait type, for example when being adjacent to a friendly and an enemy Synapse Creature simultaneously.
Fixed Flyers capturing outposts when a Fortress of Redemption is destroyed.
Fixed Ammo Runt not having Flash Gitz as requirement.
Fixed extraneous Stormraven Gunship requirement from Ceramite Plating.
Fixed Orbital Strike being usable on Headquarters under fog of war.
Fixed Malanthropes being able to consume water tiles.
Fixed an issues with units in transports becoming visible upon healing.
Fixed Bolster Defences being usable on tiles without units.
Fixed missing effect for bolster defences.
Fixed Gorkanaut effect visualization being off-center.
Fixed animation speed not applying to various effects.
Fixed Orbital Deployment having no sound.
Fixed several typos.
Fixed crash on quit.


Added \ to specify that the target does not require sight. 68
high rated
Low Magic Age
Update 0.91.07 (1 April 2019)

Posted by the devs here.
Standalone installer also updated.


Need to Know
Update 1.29.1 (03 April 2019)

Thanks so much for your continued feedback and bug reports! If you have any bug reports or suggestions to make - you can also visit this board to post them:

This update includes a number of fixes and performance improvements, to generally improve the stability of the game. Saving and loading is now faster, as is game startup, the progress of which is now shown by a loading bar on the splash screen. The installed size of the game has also been reduced, without compromising in-game visual and audio quality.

For a list of the changes made in v1.29.1, see below:

* Added loading bar to splash screen, to show loading progress more clearly and prevent game from hanging
* Changed backend of database loading to prevent memory allocation crash which was occurring on game startup for some users
* Changed backend of save game system to reduce loading lag on game startup, and significantly improve performance when logging out of game
* Fixed issue where ‘Skip to First Workday’ option on main menu was not working correctly
* Fixed possible game over loop in Skeleton Key missions directly after Operation SpotlessComb 2
* Fixed incorrect map in Skeleton Key missions directly after Operation SpotlessComb 2
* Fixed unclear rules in Operation SpotlessComb 1
* Reduced installed size of game by optimising internal compression for some assets
* General bug fixes and typo fixes

Update 1.3a (02 April 2019)

- added basic ride stats to build challenge voting UI
- fixed boats could get stuck forever when building multiple boat rides on the same body of water
- fixed boats sometimes returning to station much later than they should
- fixed visualization view legend blocking clicks
- fixed collision issue with steel support tower deco
- fixed a case where some parks could take much longer to load than they are supposed to, in extreme cases up to ~10 times as long
- fixed a case where transport rides could have wrong stats before completing a full test run
- fixed a case where setting a large amount of money in the scenario editor wouldn't get saved properly
- fixed a case where Monorail could be operated with only one car per train
- fixed a case where G-force calculation could be wrong

We. The Revolution
Update 1.1.1 (02 April 2019)

Nice and fresh update! Wonder what's inside?:)

* Added the new notification with summary of player’s influence points at the start of a day
* Improved dice randomization system
* Added influence points view to Speeches system
* Added refresh rate info into the resolution settings

* Fixed minor issues with audio in events
* Fixed issue with trial summary focus
* Fixed a few issues with updated court characters
* Fixed issue with tutorial about passing to the next scene
* Fixed issue with persistent tutorials in the courthouse
* Fixed issues with tutorials texts
* Fixed issue with stacking characters at the courthouse
* Fixed a few missing events miniatures
* Fixed issue with missing guillotine scenes
* Fixed issue with double loading scene after force-clicking on next scene button
* Fixed issue with disappearing music between the king cases
* Added the missing seal sound effects in the quick cases and statue selection signature
* Fixed wrong relations in verdict view with locked verdict
* Fixed issue with visible refugees counter with value “0” after a battle
* Improved family characters at home scene
* Improved family actions scene UI
* Fixed issue with double scale of attack icon on the map
* Fixed a few issues with the map under war time
* Fixed issue with too long names in the French localization
* Fixed a few issues with notifications
* Updated a few UI elements in Intrigues
* Fixed a few typos
* Updated visuals of the desk items at courthouse
* Improved a few characters at the courthouse
Post edited April 03, 2019 by HypersomniacLive
high rated

Updated to
No changelog.

Sudden Strike 4
Updated to 1.15.30080
No changelog.

The 7th Guest: 25th Anniversary Edition
Updated to 1.0fix
No changelog.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Patch 1.3.1 (4th April 2019)

Improved area transitions in Pitax.
A dialogue bug used to make it impossible to complete Kimo Tavon's quest "Affairs of the Heart". Resolution: fixed.
Classes & Mechanics
The Tactical Acumen ability of the Tactical Leader (Inquisitor Archetype) did not work. Resolution: fixed.
Even after getting to level 12, Tactical Leader's Swift Tactician ability would still take a standard action to use. Resolution: fixed.
Bonuses from Professor's Hat weren't attributed to it. Resolution: fixed.
User Interfaces
In the trade window, the "Non-magical" and "Masterwork" checkboxes didn't work - the "Offer" button wouldn't offer to sell said types of items. Resolution: fixed.
Starting character creation, then returning to the pregen selection, and proceeding to the creation again would result in a character missing their starting equipment. Resolution: fixed.
When levelling up, different spells could start overlapping. Resolution: fixed.
When entering the Global Map from the throne room, the party would consist of all characters that were picked the previous time, even if the player actually changed the party roster. Resolution: fixed.
Recruiting companions while the main character is the last in party order could lead to a crash. Resolution: fixed.
high rated
Since this is something that GOGdb cannot detect, I thought I'd draw your attention to it.

Following the change to the "Police Quest 4 - Open Season" Windows installer on March 20-21 (which GOGdb did detect), GOG updated the installer once more on March 22. This change was very small (only 16 byte difference between the two versions and the filename did not change), well below GOGdb's threshold, and was therefore not recorded there.

If you own the game and do backups, you might want to check that you have the latest version. You can identify it by its size: 412,304,560 bytes.

P.S. I expect the change is related to cloud saving.
Post edited April 09, 2019 by mrkgnao
x4_foundations & DLC

No report of files
high rated
Enter the Gungeon
Patch 2.1.2 (5th April 2019)

New Features

New guns, items and synergies
Two new playable characters to unlock
A new secret floor with unique enemies and a new boss
Rainbow mode - A new mode inspired by the community where you start each floor with a rainbow chest, but can only pick up one of the offered guns/items
A new Beholster shrine
Unlockable alternate art for starting weapons
You can pet the dog!

Gameplay Changes/Improvements

Increased the boss DPS cap slightly (making it more lenient for players)
Boss health bars now fade out when drawn over players
The Robot can now use shrines that cost health by spending armor instead
The empty bottle now works properly with more items
Radial traps will give the player more time to react upon entering the room
Critical shots should no longer be blindingly bright
Increased the dropped rewards for defeating the Old King
Pedestal and wall mimics now drop rewards on death
Wall mimics will no longer spawn in boss rooms unless you are particularly cursed
Increased the chances of spawning some special rooms
Red chests that reward health up items will now also drop one key
Optimization pass which should improve performance in scenes with many bullets (particularly bosses like the Gorgun)
Many balance changes to guns and items, which should make red chests more consistently good

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue which caused more wall mimics to show up on each subsequent run until the game was restarted
Fixed an issue where the speedrun timer counted down during some portions of the loading screen
Fixed an issue where duplicate resolutions could show up in the Video options menu
Fixed some missing or erroneous strings in several languages
Fixed a crash issue caused by the payday drill
Fixed an issue where the chest teleporter could sometimes cause chests to never reappear
Fixed an issue where co-op players could get stuck in walls during boss intros in boss rush mode or on the secret rat floor
Fixed an issue where some companions' bullets were triggering negative modifiers in Challenge Mode (Blobulin Rancher / Unfriendly Fire)
Fixed an issue where the dark room effect could persist unintentionally
high rated
Undead Horde

Updated to

No changelog on GOG.

The installer is wrongly labeled as (previous version was, but the in game version shows correctly as

Below, changelog from steam: "¡A nigromar!" 2 Apr


1st version of spanish localization Send us feedback! (Please note there are some missing strings)
Added a short sidequest to Orok's Lair
Added missing foliage to wasteland levels
New main menu & startup loading systems
Added fireball watchtower model (only in Citadel, not yet open)
Added custom loot table to giants for better drops
Necro hover does not stop if player stops moving
Drawing an arrow instead of sector for player
Items are given power words like fine, great, superior according to their power level compared to level requirement
Item power distribution randoms were tweaked a bit, now there's a chance for even more powerful item drops
Shops have more powerful items in general now
Some new affix icons
Player arrow gfx
Some typo fixes
Moved Orok's Lair entrance to Decrepit Tunnel
Some secret switches in Desert and Wasteland dungeons are now easier to spot
Chickenify targets enemy which fits into budget and has most max hp
More massive corpse explosion
Added more generic "no targets in range" text when no targets are found for corpsplosion or chickenify
New water textures
Removed grunt sounds when necro taking eot damage (poison/fire)
Block necro hover @ dialogue
New item naming system with a formatting string
If random chance is 0, the affixed item won't be in the shop
Rebalanced Chicken Amulet
Fixed a locked gate in Decrepit Tunnel being openable by merely using it
Improved haste effect
Scaled down catacomb sarcofagi a bit, nerfed the giant village in desert
Removed bear spawner near Greene in forest 2 as it was causing problems
Fixed a couple of bugs in levels
Adjusted loot so that hidden and gold chest do not yield so much rare items
Dagger can have more affixes which should reduce the amount of similar daggers
Added loot table for hidden chests which spawns less items
Floored the probability increase skewing to avoid easily duplicating 1 rare to 2 chance at some points - the levels now add a bit less rarity
high rated

#### Update v1.3.3 (02 April 2019)

* Fixed bug where object counts visible in build/buy menu would go out of sync when you traded an animal away.
* Fixed issue where if an error is logged from a worker thread the game would crash ( _shakes fist at Unity developers_ ).
* Modders only: Fixed bug where when the game generated a new tc3d from a new fbx file it would fail in countries where ',' is used as a decimal point.

#### Update 05 April 2019

* Linux version added.
Astrox Imperium

#### BUILD 0.0040 (05th April 2019)

* Fixed Audio level for new player settings.
* Fixed remote refinery bug with undocking and not checking refinery.
* Fixed description on Iron Coring.
* Fixed GPS destination recalculation bug.
* Fixed GPS toggle bug.
* Fixed GPS pathfinding bug causing random gate targeting.
* Fixed a few bad spec documents. more to come.
* Adjusted alignment and text on hotkeys options.
* Increased afterburner energy burn.
* NPC ships now reflect player afterburners effects.

###### BUILD 0.0039a

* Fixed mission insurance return exploit bug.
* Hotfix for bad wing mesh causing spins.
* Fixed platform save bug on title screen.

* * *

#### BUILD 0.0038 (04th April 2019)

* Fixed a few station services around the galaxy.
* Fixed drone repair rate bug.
* Adjusted drone flight behavior when close to target.
* Fixed shipyard display bug showing duplicate ships.
* Fixed shipyard display bug when loading ships.
* Added bloom option slider into graphics options.
* Adjusted sound effect volumes for all modules.
* Optimized audio code on title screen.
* Optimized audio code on game screen.
* Fixed volume slider for sound fx on title screen.
* Fixed volume slider for sound fx in game options.
* Death penalty is off as default, until sandbox.
* Fixed Bug with hotkeys assignment of Camera options.
* Fixed Scanner bug with chat missions.
* Fixed Tactical sensors , galaxy map dock bug.
* Fixed warpgate fee bug charging more than displayed.
* Adjusted base mission pay.
* Adjusted faction modifier for warpgate fees.
* Adjusted max warpgate fee to 100K
Objects in Space

#### Patch 1.0.7 (05 April 2019)

##### Mac:

* Put a fix in to stop the game crashing on load on certain systems.

##### Windows:

* Fixed an error causing mods to not load on some versions of windows.

##### Linux:

* Fixed an error causing news and infopedia articlse to not load correctly.

##### General:

* Re-wrote the docking routines to stop problems docking in auto-pilot using certain configurations of engine or RCS.
* Fixed another bug causing Betty to spawn erroneously.
The following offline installers have also been updated:
-> Low Magic Age to version 0.91.09
-> Rainswept to version v1.1.4a
-> Pathfinder: Kingmaker to version 1.3.1c (Windows & Mac installers only)
-> Megaquarium to version v1.3.3g
-> We Happy Few to version 79954.1
-> ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game to version 1.083
Post edited April 05, 2019 by WinterSnowfall
high rated
Wizard of Legend

#### Update 1.11 (05 April 2019)

Note: We’re working on the console patches for these changes and they will go
live as soon as we can port them and get the patches approved.

Hey everyone! Here’s a quick rundown of changes in this patch which mainly
consist of bug fixes related to the Sky Palace update. Thank you to everyone
who let us know about the various issues they’ve encountered!

##### Bug Fixes

* Shearing Chain’s signature version can no longer be looped indefinitely
* Fixed a few arcana that were giving signature charge when using the signature version of the spell
* Better positioning logic added for Engulfing Fissure around pits and obstacles
* Fixed bug with Bouncing Bubble that prevented it from being held down while signature bar was full
* Added better wall detection on Gale-Force Alignment
* Fixed issue where Shock Nova’s effects could linger after getting interrupted
* Fixed issue with dashes where the skill would not execute but the cooldown would be initiated
* Fixed Frost Wing dash interaction with Magsphere
* Fixed bug that caused Wave Front to occasionally spawn a water explosion
* Fixed issue with Magician’s Hat stripping empowered status from Piercing Void
* Fixed issue with Magician’s Hat relic and certain arcana that grant shields
* Fixed issue with Resurrect Ring and Fall pausing regeneration
* Fixed bug with final boss and resurrection relics that would cause him to constantly cast spells
* Fixed Freiya’s infinite guard issue as well as other bugs with all bosses and enemies at high levels of endless runs
* Airborne zoner enemies can now properly path over pits
* Fixed Knights and Lancers using dash skills through root status
* Fixed issue where the enemies remaining indicator would sometimes show that there are more enemies remaining than possible
* Fixed issue with treasure chest rooms spawning more than once per floor
* Fixed small artifacting issue with the player’s run animation while signature was available
* Fixed issue where hats sometimes would not properly align with players in post boss PvP sequences
* Fixed some spelling and grammatical errors in item descriptions and dialog

##### Adjustments

* Tectonic Drill no longer can fling you into pits
* Hammer of Atlas’ initial spin speed increased
* Heroic Leap’s landing delay shortened to bring it in-line with other jumps
* Lowered SFX volume for Blurring Falconry
* Added missing SFX to mini drill projectiles
* Nocturne now tries to take unempowered arcana first
* Roller Blob enemies now speed up based on difficulty
* Increased speed of Stone Shot basic and you can now hold the button to complete the basic sequence
* Volt Disc basic range lowered by 1 unit
* Fleet Lancer now occasionally dashes in for a basic attack
* Lowered Raffle Ticket proc chance from 30% to 25%
* Lowered icicle visuals for Perfect Storm
* Lowered prices for basic and dash arcana
P.S. Just as a heads up to anyone interested, unfortunately, I will no longer be able to post updates that often, but I will swoop by every weekend or so to post anything which was otherwise unmentioned (from the non-MaGOG covered titles, as usual). A big thank you to everyone who is helping out by filling the gaps.
high rated
Freedom Update - 1.5.133 (04 April 2019)

- New game mode "Invincible": great for players who want to overcome a challenging fight to enjoy the audiovisual and narrative experience that is Furi. But it's also perfect for gamers who want to practice their fight, in particular speedrunners looking to improve their record!
- Speedrun in Furier: for Speedrunners looking for an extra challenge, we are adding the the Speedrun mode in Furier difficulty, with its own rankings.
- Alternate control scheme D
- Misc bugfixes

The Guild 3
Update 0.7.5 (05 April 2019)

Posted by the publisher in two consecutive posts/parts here.
Post edited April 06, 2019 by HypersomniacLive
high rated
I haven't seen these reported yet:

VR Soccer 96 and Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

Those two also received cloud save updates.


Updated to 1.0.21.

No changelog.

Heroes of Hammerwatch

Updated to 95.

No changelog.
high rated
Low Magic Age

Update 0.91.10 (6 April 2019)

Posted by the devs here.

Enter the Gungeon

Patch 2.1.3 (5th April 2019)

* Fixed a softlock caused by entering miniboss rooms in certain layouts
* Fixed an issue with Orbital Bullets which could cause projectiles to behave oddly
* Fixed frame rate issues caused by some Orbital Bullet synergies
* Orbital Bullets no longer make Winchester's game super hard
* Fixed an issue where Paradox couldn't be unlocked as the Pilot
* Fixed an issue where the [REDACTED]'s starting weapon wasn't spawning correctly
* Fixed an issue with the Sprun and Blessed runs
* Fixed an issue where some guns were failing to spawn (e.g. alternate art weapons)
* Fixed an issue with dog petting (you can no longer start a pet while mid dodgeroll)
* Fixed an issue with the Third Party Controller and the Displacer Beast interacting poorly
* Fixed an issue where Advanced DraGun kills weren't counting for the Rainbow run award trophy
* Flight no longer makes accessing the new secret floor more difficult
* Baby Good Mimic can no longer become Gatling Gull (... c'mon)
* Added some new audio for several new guns
* Fixed an issue where intro text wasn't showing up correctly
* Fixed a typo in Orbital Bullets
* Removed some duplicate guns from the Ammonomicon
* Nitra will now show up correctly in the Ammonomicon
Post edited April 08, 2019 by Splatsch