Posted March 02, 2018

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

No worries.
Registered: Jun 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted March 03, 2018
Just got flags for Brutal Legend and The Walking Dead Season 1, both internal installer updates, no changes to game files.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

White Owl
Registered: Feb 2014
From Portugal
Posted March 03, 2018

Judas, could you please check this? Thanks in advance!
Post edited March 03, 2018 by Tannath

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted March 03, 2018

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted March 03, 2018
high rated
Nothing has changed since yesterday, so I've compiled this last week's update summary and posted it in the 'Weekly Digest' thread. :)

New User
Registered: Apr 2013
From United States
Posted March 03, 2018
I had Grim Dawn and Hellmut update on me last night. Hellmut was a puny update.
user deleted
New User
Registered: May 2013
From United States
Posted March 03, 2018
high rated
Kingdoms & Castles: Merchants and Ports Update now on Galaxy. Offline installers will probably be updated on Monday.
- Bigger Maps and Deep Water
- New Building: Outpost
- New Building: Dock
- Merchant Ships
- Transport Ships
- New Building: Draw Bridges
- Job Priority System
- You can now rename any building, just click on the little edit button next to its title
- Reworked UI a bit and how resource tooltips are accessed (now you click on them to view the info).
- Tax rate is now set on the UI in the bottom left rather than on the Treasure rooms
- Lots of new sound effects
- You can now specify specific desired amounts of resources per stockpile. Anything above the amount you have specified will be removed by people seeking resources.
- Granaries now employ more people, but those people help bring in the grain and can carry twice as much as farmers (much like market workers).
- Library, Church, and Tavern provide bonus happiness in a radius as before, but you just need to build a certain amount of them rather than requiring you to provide total coverage. The happiness ui explains more in-game.
- Other small tweaks and tuning to worker counts and bonuses
- Fixed bug where villagers would sometimes not collect bread from bakers even if they were hungry
- Fix for Gates not visually closing when vikings are near
- Lots of other small fixes and tweaks
- Optimizations to loading time for save games.
- Optimizations to many other game systems, most notably pathfinding (and more on the way)
More detailed overview can be found on Steam:
- Bigger Maps and Deep Water
- New Building: Outpost
- New Building: Dock
- Merchant Ships
- Transport Ships
- New Building: Draw Bridges
- Job Priority System
- You can now rename any building, just click on the little edit button next to its title
- Reworked UI a bit and how resource tooltips are accessed (now you click on them to view the info).
- Tax rate is now set on the UI in the bottom left rather than on the Treasure rooms
- Lots of new sound effects
- You can now specify specific desired amounts of resources per stockpile. Anything above the amount you have specified will be removed by people seeking resources.
- Granaries now employ more people, but those people help bring in the grain and can carry twice as much as farmers (much like market workers).
- Library, Church, and Tavern provide bonus happiness in a radius as before, but you just need to build a certain amount of them rather than requiring you to provide total coverage. The happiness ui explains more in-game.
- Other small tweaks and tuning to worker counts and bonuses
- Fixed bug where villagers would sometimes not collect bread from bakers even if they were hungry
- Fix for Gates not visually closing when vikings are near
- Lots of other small fixes and tweaks
- Optimizations to loading time for save games.
- Optimizations to many other game systems, most notably pathfinding (and more on the way)
More detailed overview can be found on Steam:

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted March 05, 2018
high rated
Just got an update flag for Grim Dawn - No changelog. I guess it is the corrected offline installer for last update. Downloading and testing now.
Edit: I can confirm that the offline installer of the latest Grim Dawn update ( is now working.
Foxtail has been updated.
Changelog for Update (05 Match 2018)
fixed the save method (made it faster and save files take less space);
fixed the menu bug with spontaneous loudness changes;
corrected English and German translations.
Edit: I can confirm that the offline installer of the latest Grim Dawn update ( is now working.
Foxtail has been updated.
Changelog for Update (05 Match 2018)
fixed the save method (made it faster and save files take less space);
fixed the menu bug with spontaneous loudness changes;
corrected English and German translations.
Post edited March 05, 2018 by MarkoH01

'My Rewards' is DRM
Registered: Sep 2011
From Malta
Posted March 05, 2018
high rated
Tangledeep has been updated:
Buld b104 (05 March 2018) -
We’ve observed that the maximum potential for corral pets is extremely high. A maxed-out pet is nigh-unstoppable, dealing thousands of damage per hit and taking almost none. We think your pet should not be massively stronger than the hero, but at the same time, we don’t want to make lower-level, non-bred pets useless. The following changes are meant to tone down the upper limit of pet power, but also make it a bit easier to get to that limit.
Monster stats are now capped at 150 (down from 255). This is a major contributing factor to physical & elemental resistances.
Maximum weapon power is now 1500 (down from 2550)
Slightly increased weapon power scaling via breeding (+1% per generation)
Increased the JP cost for maxing out growth of upper-rarity monsters
Reduced the influence of player level on pet insurance cost, thus reducing overall pet insurance cost
Paladin’s Radiant Aura now costs 12 Energy per block (up from 9), Skill Orb version costs 14 Energy (up from 10)
Seraph’s Tear’s heal on block effect now only triggers if you are under 50% Health
Sword Dancer’s Qi Mastery now restores 3-5 Energy on crit (down from 3-6).
Reduced the Token cost of Casino items by about 50%. They should be much more accessible now.
Many monster abilities that dealt fixed damage regardless of level now scale with monster level. This should help if, for example, you get a Salamander or Alchemist and breed it with stronger monsters.
The “Familiars” magic mod now grants summoned pets +10% Health and +5% defense (instead of +15% Health)
All summoned pets now gain an extra 1% defense per player level
Deadly Riposte (3rd sword mastery) now grants +50% counter damage, down from +100%.
Abilities like Hail of Arrows and Relentless Current with a ‘windup’ now use the power of the weapon equipped when first casting the power. Previously, they used the power of the weapon equipped when the power finally executed.
Slightly reduced JP scaling from monsters higher than you in level
Reduced award JP scaling of higher level rumors
Reworked the Floraconda’s “Bed of Thorns” skill (from Floramancer tier2 passive). This is now a fixed-position ability that the Floraconda uses if there are enemies in melee range. It does not follow the Floraconda around. The damage is also lower now, but it does stack with YOUR Bed of Thorns, and it can be recast more often.
Modified spawn tables in Fungal Caves. Floracondas will now start appearing on 8F (instead of 7F), and River Spirits on 10F (instead of 9F).
Blood Frenzy (Airacudas passive) no longer lasts forever once triggered
Fixed Casino text referencing winning gold instead of tokens.
Fixed bug where Spellshaper’s Kinetic Magic would not activate until you dropped below 50% Stamina - it should activate at 50% Stamina
Fixed Sneak Attack triggering bug
Using Shield Slam multiple times should correctly stack the effect AND refresh duration
Fixed bug where summoned pets were not getting the +25% Health bonus in New Game+ as intended
Shadowstep should now cause bleeding to targets around the tile YOU land on, not the tile you clicked on
When extracting a mod from an equipped or hotbarred item, the item should now be completely unequipped and removed from your hotbar
Fixed bug with spawn rates on floors with Fungal Columns. Previously, killing columns would increase the overall spawn rate permanently.
Fixed sprite clipping bug when moving from the southeast and southwest
Item Dream monster healing crystals no longer affect friendly monsters
Fixed bug where Overdrawing quiver mod was not working correctly when firing ranged weapons with the mouse
Fixed bug where Ramirel’s Dismantler was not using a lower proc rate vs. hostile enemies
Fixed bug with Wild Child’s “Foraging” passive where Health herbs never spawned (health herbs restore about 8% max health, modified by Spirit)
It should no longer be possible to push or pull the final boss (phase 1)
Fixed bug where ace-high Straight was not recognized by Gambler’s Wild Cards (yes, I know this bug is ridiculously obscure)
Fixed bug with water, mud, and electric visuals that could occur sometimes on load
Fixed bug with pull effects where the player could sometimes end up on top of friendly pets (or vice versa)
Friendly Airacudas will now reliably use Fish Rush
Fixed bug with Watery Heal and several other monster powers
Fixed bug with Radiant Aura that was causing it to heal 2x as much as intended
Fixed bug (again) where items with 5 mods could not handle a free additional Skill orb as intended
Fixed bug where pressing anything on the keyboard would hide comparison info in shops the after using the mouse
Spinebro / Quillkin corral pets should no longer become immobile on game load
The Skill Orb version of Verse of the Elements will no longer hit allied creatures
Items inserted into the Dreamcaster may now have affinities related to specific monster families, such as Frogs, Magic, Insects, Jellies, etc. These Item Dreams have (as you might guess) more of these monsters than other types. Monsters of this type will be level-scaled to match the rest of the monsters in the dream. For example, a high-level item may have a Moss Jelly scaled up, while a low-level item could have a Mottled Sandjaw scaled down. More variety and fun!
Added a simple new option for players who want an even bigger challenge in New Game+. When starting your NG+ playthrough and you opened any Pandora’s Chests in your previous playthrough, you will be asked whether you want to maintain the current “Opened Chest” count. This does nothing but make your NG+ playthrough even harder, and give you bragging rights if you can beat it anyway!
Added new “Tenacious” mod for NG+ champions
The combat log top/bottom padding have been reduced slightly, allowing for more visible text
A new “Smaller Combat Log Text” option has been added. This allows for yet more text to be shown at once in the log, and may be desirable depending on your monitor, viewing distance, and resolution
A new “Battle Text Size” option has been added. This controls the size of popup text during combat, such as damage/healing numbers, “STUNNED!”, “ROOTED!”, etc
Captured Thunder Spirits (and their progeny) should no longer use Static Charge constantly
Thorns summoned by your Floraconda are now dimmer, to reduce map clutter
When entering items with affinities using the Dreamcaster (i.e. Challenge/Rewards greater or less than 0), the affinities will now contribute to the difficulty text (i.e. “Easy”, “Tricky”, “Impossible”). In other words, the difficulty text should be a little more accurate now.
The info bar at the top of the screen will now show ability costs for whatever ability you are using
The fast travel dialog at the cave to Tangledeep now shows the closest main floor / path to each side area
The fast travel dialog now also shows if a side area has a shopkeeper with new goods
Rumors to side areas now show the nearest main path floor as well
Added assignable keybindings to use Knight’s Shovels and Monster Mallets from your inventory with just a single key (or button) press. These will be default bound to V (for shoVel) or T (for malleT)
The “Compare Alternate” keybind can be used while in shops to compare any listed accessory to your Accessory slot 2
Any kind of fast travel back to town (such as from a side area’s portal menu) will now take you to the cave entrance to Tangledeep, instead of the south part of town
Added flavor text for the Emerald set
Slingshots renamed to Slings, to match the art
Onigiri renamed to Nigiri, also to match the art
Buld b104 (05 March 2018) -
We’ve observed that the maximum potential for corral pets is extremely high. A maxed-out pet is nigh-unstoppable, dealing thousands of damage per hit and taking almost none. We think your pet should not be massively stronger than the hero, but at the same time, we don’t want to make lower-level, non-bred pets useless. The following changes are meant to tone down the upper limit of pet power, but also make it a bit easier to get to that limit.
Monster stats are now capped at 150 (down from 255). This is a major contributing factor to physical & elemental resistances.
Maximum weapon power is now 1500 (down from 2550)
Slightly increased weapon power scaling via breeding (+1% per generation)
Increased the JP cost for maxing out growth of upper-rarity monsters
Reduced the influence of player level on pet insurance cost, thus reducing overall pet insurance cost
Paladin’s Radiant Aura now costs 12 Energy per block (up from 9), Skill Orb version costs 14 Energy (up from 10)
Seraph’s Tear’s heal on block effect now only triggers if you are under 50% Health
Sword Dancer’s Qi Mastery now restores 3-5 Energy on crit (down from 3-6).
Reduced the Token cost of Casino items by about 50%. They should be much more accessible now.
Many monster abilities that dealt fixed damage regardless of level now scale with monster level. This should help if, for example, you get a Salamander or Alchemist and breed it with stronger monsters.
The “Familiars” magic mod now grants summoned pets +10% Health and +5% defense (instead of +15% Health)
All summoned pets now gain an extra 1% defense per player level
Deadly Riposte (3rd sword mastery) now grants +50% counter damage, down from +100%.
Abilities like Hail of Arrows and Relentless Current with a ‘windup’ now use the power of the weapon equipped when first casting the power. Previously, they used the power of the weapon equipped when the power finally executed.
Slightly reduced JP scaling from monsters higher than you in level
Reduced award JP scaling of higher level rumors
Reworked the Floraconda’s “Bed of Thorns” skill (from Floramancer tier2 passive). This is now a fixed-position ability that the Floraconda uses if there are enemies in melee range. It does not follow the Floraconda around. The damage is also lower now, but it does stack with YOUR Bed of Thorns, and it can be recast more often.
Modified spawn tables in Fungal Caves. Floracondas will now start appearing on 8F (instead of 7F), and River Spirits on 10F (instead of 9F).
Blood Frenzy (Airacudas passive) no longer lasts forever once triggered
Fixed Casino text referencing winning gold instead of tokens.
Fixed bug where Spellshaper’s Kinetic Magic would not activate until you dropped below 50% Stamina - it should activate at 50% Stamina
Fixed Sneak Attack triggering bug
Using Shield Slam multiple times should correctly stack the effect AND refresh duration
Fixed bug where summoned pets were not getting the +25% Health bonus in New Game+ as intended
Shadowstep should now cause bleeding to targets around the tile YOU land on, not the tile you clicked on
When extracting a mod from an equipped or hotbarred item, the item should now be completely unequipped and removed from your hotbar
Fixed bug with spawn rates on floors with Fungal Columns. Previously, killing columns would increase the overall spawn rate permanently.
Fixed sprite clipping bug when moving from the southeast and southwest
Item Dream monster healing crystals no longer affect friendly monsters
Fixed bug where Overdrawing quiver mod was not working correctly when firing ranged weapons with the mouse
Fixed bug where Ramirel’s Dismantler was not using a lower proc rate vs. hostile enemies
Fixed bug with Wild Child’s “Foraging” passive where Health herbs never spawned (health herbs restore about 8% max health, modified by Spirit)
It should no longer be possible to push or pull the final boss (phase 1)
Fixed bug where ace-high Straight was not recognized by Gambler’s Wild Cards (yes, I know this bug is ridiculously obscure)
Fixed bug with water, mud, and electric visuals that could occur sometimes on load
Fixed bug with pull effects where the player could sometimes end up on top of friendly pets (or vice versa)
Friendly Airacudas will now reliably use Fish Rush
Fixed bug with Watery Heal and several other monster powers
Fixed bug with Radiant Aura that was causing it to heal 2x as much as intended
Fixed bug (again) where items with 5 mods could not handle a free additional Skill orb as intended
Fixed bug where pressing anything on the keyboard would hide comparison info in shops the after using the mouse
Spinebro / Quillkin corral pets should no longer become immobile on game load
The Skill Orb version of Verse of the Elements will no longer hit allied creatures
Items inserted into the Dreamcaster may now have affinities related to specific monster families, such as Frogs, Magic, Insects, Jellies, etc. These Item Dreams have (as you might guess) more of these monsters than other types. Monsters of this type will be level-scaled to match the rest of the monsters in the dream. For example, a high-level item may have a Moss Jelly scaled up, while a low-level item could have a Mottled Sandjaw scaled down. More variety and fun!
Added a simple new option for players who want an even bigger challenge in New Game+. When starting your NG+ playthrough and you opened any Pandora’s Chests in your previous playthrough, you will be asked whether you want to maintain the current “Opened Chest” count. This does nothing but make your NG+ playthrough even harder, and give you bragging rights if you can beat it anyway!
Added new “Tenacious” mod for NG+ champions
The combat log top/bottom padding have been reduced slightly, allowing for more visible text
A new “Smaller Combat Log Text” option has been added. This allows for yet more text to be shown at once in the log, and may be desirable depending on your monitor, viewing distance, and resolution
A new “Battle Text Size” option has been added. This controls the size of popup text during combat, such as damage/healing numbers, “STUNNED!”, “ROOTED!”, etc
Captured Thunder Spirits (and their progeny) should no longer use Static Charge constantly
Thorns summoned by your Floraconda are now dimmer, to reduce map clutter
When entering items with affinities using the Dreamcaster (i.e. Challenge/Rewards greater or less than 0), the affinities will now contribute to the difficulty text (i.e. “Easy”, “Tricky”, “Impossible”). In other words, the difficulty text should be a little more accurate now.
The info bar at the top of the screen will now show ability costs for whatever ability you are using
The fast travel dialog at the cave to Tangledeep now shows the closest main floor / path to each side area
The fast travel dialog now also shows if a side area has a shopkeeper with new goods
Rumors to side areas now show the nearest main path floor as well
Added assignable keybindings to use Knight’s Shovels and Monster Mallets from your inventory with just a single key (or button) press. These will be default bound to V (for shoVel) or T (for malleT)
The “Compare Alternate” keybind can be used while in shops to compare any listed accessory to your Accessory slot 2
Any kind of fast travel back to town (such as from a side area’s portal menu) will now take you to the cave entrance to Tangledeep, instead of the south part of town
Added flavor text for the Emerald set
Slingshots renamed to Slings, to match the art
Onigiri renamed to Nigiri, also to match the art

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted March 05, 2018
high rated
First updates of this week!
Games included in this batch:
· Grim Dawn
· Kim
· Layers of Fear
· Layers of Fear: Inheritance [DLC]
· Project Highrise
Grim Dawn has changed
* File changed: DLC: Ashes of Malmouth: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- Size *FROM* 1.9 GB *TO* 1.9 GB (-2.0 MB)
* File changed: DLC: Crucible: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 110.0 MB *TO* 109.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Collectors: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Drunken Master: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 6.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Early Access: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 6.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Standard: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Loyalist Package: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Loyalist Upgrade: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Pioneer Package: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 4.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Pre-Kickstarter Epic: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Pre-Kickstarter Legendary: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 6.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
Kim has changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- Name *FROM* kim_enUS_1_4_1_1_18283.pkg *TO* kim_enUS_1_4_1_2_19005.pkg --- Version *FROM* *TO*
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- Name *FROM* setup_kim_1.4.1.1_(18283).exe *TO* setup_kim_1.4.1.2_(19005).exe --- Version *FROM* *TO*
Layers of Fear has changed
Layers of Fear: Inheritance [DLC] has changed
>>> Genres changed *FROM* Simulation, FPP, Horror *TO* Adventure, FPP, Horror
Project Highrise has changed
* File removed: Patch 1.5.11 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 1.5.12 [Windows] --- Size: 3.0 MB --- Version: 18834 -> 19000
* File changed: DLC: Las Vegas: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Las Vegas: Windows installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: London Life: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: London Life: Windows installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Miami Malls: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Miami Malls: Windows installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Tokyo Towers: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Tokyo Towers: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 4.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 117.0 MB *TO* 116.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
Games included in this batch:
· Grim Dawn
· Kim
· Layers of Fear
· Layers of Fear: Inheritance [DLC]
· Project Highrise
Grim Dawn has changed
* File changed: DLC: Ashes of Malmouth: Windows installer, English (part 2 of 2) --- Size *FROM* 1.9 GB *TO* 1.9 GB (-2.0 MB)
* File changed: DLC: Crucible: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 110.0 MB *TO* 109.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Collectors: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Drunken Master: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 6.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Early Access: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 6.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Kickstarter Standard: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Loyalist Package: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Loyalist Upgrade: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Pioneer Package: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 4.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Pre-Kickstarter Epic: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 6.0 MB
* File changed: DLC: Pre-Kickstarter Legendary: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 6.0 MB *TO* 5.0 MB
Kim has changed
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- Name *FROM* kim_enUS_1_4_1_1_18283.pkg *TO* kim_enUS_1_4_1_2_19005.pkg --- Version *FROM* *TO*
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- Name *FROM* setup_kim_1.4.1.1_(18283).exe *TO* setup_kim_1.4.1.2_(19005).exe --- Version *FROM* *TO*
Patch (05 March 2018)
- Updated system for storing attack orders issued with the game paused
- New stun logic that preserves previous attack target irrespective of number of hits received
- Unified line of sight system applicable to both Kim and enemies to ensure that if they can hit you, you can hit them!
- Various minor tweaks and optimisations to combat
(Full changelog) - Updated system for storing attack orders issued with the game paused
- New stun logic that preserves previous attack target irrespective of number of hits received
- Unified line of sight system applicable to both Kim and enemies to ensure that if they can hit you, you can hit them!
- Various minor tweaks and optimisations to combat
Layers of Fear has changed
Layers of Fear: Inheritance [DLC] has changed
>>> Genres changed *FROM* Simulation, FPP, Horror *TO* Adventure, FPP, Horror
Project Highrise has changed
* File removed: Patch 1.5.11 [Windows]
* File added: Patch 1.5.12 [Windows] --- Size: 3.0 MB --- Version: 18834 -> 19000
* File changed: DLC: Las Vegas: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Las Vegas: Windows installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: London Life: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: London Life: Windows installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Miami Malls: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Miami Malls: Windows installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Tokyo Towers: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: DLC: Tokyo Towers: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 5.0 MB *TO* 4.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: Mac OS X installer, English --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
* File changed: Windows installer, English --- Size *FROM* 117.0 MB *TO* 116.0 MB --- Version *FROM* 1.5.11 *TO* 1.5.12
Update 1.5.12 (05th March 2018)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed visibility of expansive offices to London Life content pack
- Arrays and antennae shouldn't be placeable underground
- Fixed a bug with Tokyo Towers deco not unlocking
- Typo and localization fixes
(Full changelog)Bug fixes:
- Fixed visibility of expansive offices to London Life content pack
- Arrays and antennae shouldn't be placeable underground
- Fixed a bug with Tokyo Towers deco not unlocking
- Typo and localization fixes

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted March 05, 2018
high rated
Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach
Update 1.8 (05 March 2018)
Changes to morale. All melee units now inflict morale damage in a radius around them as long as their morale is greater than 50 in Veteran and Grim Darkness difficulty.
Low morale now reduces a units combat skill (the chance to hit and dodge in melee combat)
Added tiles to the tactical display to visualize new morale loss from melee units system
Tweaks to random army list unit selection in skirmish mode. Should provide more balanced lists with a more even distribution of unit types.
Fixed Gorkanaut flamer getting infinite attacks
Added missing strings for Legacy of the Weirdboy DLC
Minor tweaks to AI to stop flamers targeting tanks as much
Fixes to shaders and lighting tweaks
Fixed Flight of the Morkanoughts mission not ending
Fixed side icons on results screen.
Increased warbikers movement by 1 tile
Fixed bug where user maps would not load
Reduced amount of reinforcements slightly
Decreased turn limit on Rear Guard mission
Increased turn limit on Sulphuric Refinery mission
Removed artillery from Clockwork massacre mission
Increased damage of Valkyrie missiles slightly
Decreased damage of Ork choppas slightly
Increased damage of thermal cannon
Increased damage of vanquisher cannon
Decreased accuracy of storm bolters slightly
Decreased damage and power of bolt pistols and sluggas
Decreased the transport size of space wolf heroes in terminator armour
Decreased accuracy of supa kannon slightly.
Changes to tournament scoring. Score is now out of 100 with 30% for winning, 30% for who has most victory location points, 40% for casualties.
Added Russian font support for translation testing.

Bastard Lunatic
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted March 05, 2018
high rated
And now, the missing new bits...
#### Update (05 Match 2018)
* fixed the save method (made it faster and save files take less space);
* fixed the menu bug with spontaneous loudness changes;
* corrected English and German translations.
Heroes of Hammerwatch
#### Patch 57 (05 March 2018)
* Replaced the controller system
* Updated the multiplayer system to the latest version
Hellmut: The Badass from Hell
#### Patch 1.0.1 (05 March 2018)
##### Bug fixes:
* Updated Localizations
* Solved problem with Chinese language
* Fixed problem when Carpet Eater can be shot outside of the room
* Fixed issue when sometimes the enemies could not move after exploding barrel
* Fixed use of primary attacks at the beginning of the fight for Modular Boss FIghts that are capable to attack during the movement
* Fixed problem when switching to the dead Transformation
* Improved ending scene
* Minor UI fixes
##### Balancing:
* Slowed down combat speed for Knight boss form
* Fixed too long duration when switching from messenger ability to other ability
* Demonspawn main attack and secondary attack rebalanced
* Final Boss improvement
##### Improvements:
* New sound effects added and existing improved
Into the Breach
#### Patch 1.0.14 (05 March 2018)
* Save and Profile backup system to prevent corruption after catastrophic failure (BSOD, power loss, etc.)
* Glittering C-Beam fixed (hopefully)
* Critical Shields Passive fixed for Final Battle
* Additional logging to diagnose startup crashes
* More potential fixes for save issues
* Fixed crash when using End Turn hotkey during the tutorial
* Preventing early End Turn with hotkey before Player Turn starts
* Fixed Glittering C-Beam from triggering incorrectly
* Final Mission will no longer randomly remove shields from units
* Fixed: Terraformer mission would count as a failure if you froze the terraformed land
* Game Timer UI bugs fixed (would show HH:MMM:SS)
* Potential fix for infinite teleport bug
#### Update (05 Match 2018)
* fixed the save method (made it faster and save files take less space);
* fixed the menu bug with spontaneous loudness changes;
* corrected English and German translations.
#### Patch 57 (05 March 2018)
* Replaced the controller system
* Updated the multiplayer system to the latest version
#### Patch 1.0.1 (05 March 2018)
##### Bug fixes:
* Updated Localizations
* Solved problem with Chinese language
* Fixed problem when Carpet Eater can be shot outside of the room
* Fixed issue when sometimes the enemies could not move after exploding barrel
* Fixed use of primary attacks at the beginning of the fight for Modular Boss FIghts that are capable to attack during the movement
* Fixed problem when switching to the dead Transformation
* Improved ending scene
* Minor UI fixes
##### Balancing:
* Slowed down combat speed for Knight boss form
* Fixed too long duration when switching from messenger ability to other ability
* Demonspawn main attack and secondary attack rebalanced
* Final Boss improvement
##### Improvements:
* New sound effects added and existing improved
#### Patch 1.0.14 (05 March 2018)
* Save and Profile backup system to prevent corruption after catastrophic failure (BSOD, power loss, etc.)
* Glittering C-Beam fixed (hopefully)
* Critical Shields Passive fixed for Final Battle
* Additional logging to diagnose startup crashes
* More potential fixes for save issues
* Fixed crash when using End Turn hotkey during the tutorial
* Preventing early End Turn with hotkey before Player Turn starts
* Fixed Glittering C-Beam from triggering incorrectly
* Final Mission will no longer randomly remove shields from units
* Fixed: Terraformer mission would count as a failure if you froze the terraformed land
* Game Timer UI bugs fixed (would show HH:MMM:SS)
* Potential fix for infinite teleport bug
Post edited March 05, 2018 by WinterSnowfall

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Registered: Jul 2014
From Poland
Posted March 06, 2018
high rated
Nothing remarkable in the rest of updates detected by Legacy MaGog for today:
Games included in this batch:
· Shadowgrounds
· Shadowgrounds Survivor
· System Shock™ 2
Shadowgrounds has changed
>>> System requirements for OS X changed *FROM* OS X 10.7.0 or later. (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 1GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM, Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled *TO* OS X 10.7.0 or later. (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, and 10.13), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 1GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM, Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled
>>> Compatibility changed *FROM* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility, Mac OS X notice: OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12 are currently not supported. *TO* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility.
Shadowgrounds Survivor has changed
>>> System requirements for OS X changed *FROM* OS X 10.7.0 or later (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM (ATI or NVIDIA), Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled, Mac Compatibility notice: Please be advised that the game does not run on Intel graphics solutions (such as Macbooks from 2006-2008 and the new MacBook Pro 13 models from 2011). The game does run on most Macs from 2009 onwards that have a distinct graphics chip (such as those with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M but graphics details need to be turned down for smooth gameplay) *TO* OS X 10.7.0 or later (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, and 10.13), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM (ATI or NVIDIA), Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled, Mac Compatibility notice: Please be advised that the game does not run on Intel graphics solutions (such as Macbooks from 2006-2008 and the new MacBook Pro 13 models from 2011). The game does run on most Macs from 2009 onwards that have a distinct graphics chip (such as those with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M but graphics details need to be turned down for smooth gameplay)
>>> Compatibility changed *FROM* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility, Mac OS X notice: OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12 are currently not supported. *TO* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility.
System Shock™ 2 has changed
>>> System requirements for OS X changed *FROM* OS X 10.7.0 or later, Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: 256 MB of video memory Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled. Compatibility notice: Intel integrated graphics cards are not supported, Please note: This game currently does not support macOS 10.13 High Sierra *TO* OS X 10.7.0 or later, Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: 256 MB of video memory Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled. Compatibility notice: Intel integrated graphics cards are not supported
Games included in this batch:
· Shadowgrounds
· Shadowgrounds Survivor
· System Shock™ 2
Shadowgrounds has changed
>>> System requirements for OS X changed *FROM* OS X 10.7.0 or later. (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 1GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM, Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled *TO* OS X 10.7.0 or later. (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, and 10.13), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 1GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM, Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled
>>> Compatibility changed *FROM* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility, Mac OS X notice: OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12 are currently not supported. *TO* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility.
Shadowgrounds Survivor has changed
>>> System requirements for OS X changed *FROM* OS X 10.7.0 or later (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM (ATI or NVIDIA), Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled, Mac Compatibility notice: Please be advised that the game does not run on Intel graphics solutions (such as Macbooks from 2006-2008 and the new MacBook Pro 13 models from 2011). The game does run on most Macs from 2009 onwards that have a distinct graphics chip (such as those with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M but graphics details need to be turned down for smooth gameplay) *TO* OS X 10.7.0 or later (not compatible with Mac OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, and 10.13), Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with 256 MB shared or dedicated RAM (ATI or NVIDIA), Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled, Mac Compatibility notice: Please be advised that the game does not run on Intel graphics solutions (such as Macbooks from 2006-2008 and the new MacBook Pro 13 models from 2011). The game does run on most Macs from 2009 onwards that have a distinct graphics chip (such as those with NVIDIA GeForce 9400M but graphics details need to be turned down for smooth gameplay)
>>> Compatibility changed *FROM* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility, Mac OS X notice: OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12 are currently not supported. *TO* Please be advised that Windows 10 operating system will receive frequent hardware driver and software updates following its release; this may affect game compatibility.
System Shock™ 2 has changed
>>> System requirements for OS X changed *FROM* OS X 10.7.0 or later, Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: 256 MB of video memory Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled. Compatibility notice: Intel integrated graphics cards are not supported, Please note: This game currently does not support macOS 10.13 High Sierra *TO* OS X 10.7.0 or later, Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz+, Memory: 2 GB of RAM, Graphics: 256 MB of video memory Recommended two-button mouse, or Apple mouse with Secondary Button / Secondary Click enabled. Compatibility notice: Intel integrated graphics cards are not supported