catpower1980: A good reminder is that they just stopped printingthe 500 euros bills this week and I canbet you that if Euro still exists in 5 years, the 200€ bill will disappear too and they could even dare to supress the 100€ one because "virtual" money is the way to go.... I'm going to steal some copper cables: that's one thing those greedy banks won't have :o)
wpegg: They stopped printing the 500 euro note because it was not something anyone carried around in their wallet, and was just something people used for laundering large amounts of money. It's nothing to do with business, or the desire to move us to other notes / currencies.
There are suggestions from some people that this was a bad idea as the EU was making a fair bit of cash from it, but I have to favour the moral vote on this one. There was no need for a 500 euro note.
I would have considered the "moral" point of view valid if it weren't for a global tendency over the years to go "the cashless way": promoting mobile and internet payments, reducing the number of ATM's, reducing the amount you can withdraw per "period" and per withdrawal, reducing the variety of bills and so on in order to keep your money on an account which can subjected to negative interest rates (actually, with the fees and the 0% rate, we are near that point).
Some cashless articles:
Former US Treasury Secretary wants to kill the 100$ bill (geez, I guess the 100€ bill is next):
Denmark, Sweden and Norway go hand-in-hands: A pro-cash article: And a bit of personal poetry because it's nearly midnight and i wanna sleep ^o^
[i]"First they came for the 500€ bill, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a criminal.
Then they came for the 200€ bill, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not an entrepreneur.
Then they came for the 100€ bill, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not rich.
Then they came for my purse — and there was no cash left in it."[/i]
Well, time to go to bed I think #TeamConspiracy2016 :FEAR: :o))))