XYCat: The whole history and development of human society is centered around working together and grouping up into larger structures. Things like European union are just another step towards unity.
That only works up to a certain limit. Once society (or even a company/organization) gets too large, sizing up becomes inefficient and even counterproductive because of administrative costs. The biggest mistake you can make with a massive collection of people is "top-down" government.
The main problem with top-down government:
-Inherently suppresses the will of the people; promotes oligarchy
-Inevitable corruption and political misbehavior as the scummiest people do whatever they can (disregarding ethics and the will of the people) in their bids to get into office.
-Ever-increasing government management/administrative costs
The only way to scale up a society/group of people to a theoretically unlimited size is a "bottom-up" approach (similar to how the USA was originally founded) - where decisions must be made at the lowest level/smallest group where they could be practically implemented. Any choices where the individual knows best should be left to the individual. Small, localized decisions should be left to city/town/local governments. If wider regulations are needed, then they are made at the state/federal level. The bottom-up approach keeps people closest to the governing law that affects them the most, so there's almost no need for central management and massive bureaucracy.
(Before anyone counter-argues that the USA already has central management, oligarchy through mega-corporations, and massive bureaucracy: the main reason why that happened is that the nation's founding principles and Constitution have largely been ignored for decades.)
The biggest problem with a one-world government is that there's no personal freedom of choice. You either accept the one world government or... find another planet to live on. A side note: A lot of the conflicts around the world would disappear if there was just another place to go. In the old days, most of the land on Earth was unclaimed - if you didn't like how your local government was ruling, you could always pack up and move out ("voting with your feet"). These days, almost all habitable land has been claimed.
Good fences make good neighbors. Great borders make great nations. If every culture gets its own land and the freedom to prosper or collapse, then the most worthy cultures will attract the most people while the most unworthy/self-destructive/oppressive ones collapse through their own mismanagement and stupidity. Immigrants should be required to adopt the cultures of their host nations to prevent "metastatic migration cancer" (where a particularly destructive culture destroys its own nation and land, then migrates somewhere better and brings all of its problems in, eventually collapsing its new host nation)
XYCat: And before anyone starts freaking out, no unity does not destroy local customs and culture as seen on the example of the most massive states like People's republic of China, USA or Russia. Hell even one village has different customs then the next one in UK or anywhere else in the world.
Unity through mutual agreement preserves local customs and culture. Forced unity destroys it. The reason why the USA works is that it was built from the ground up with somewhat independent states allied together under the Constitution and the federal government (that isn't working too well now, but that's a different matter entirely).
China's government has been selectively destroying local and/or traditional customs and culture. In recent years, Christians have been increasingly oppressed there (mostly through government-mandated church demolitions). There are also various Eastern religious groups (mostly variants of Buddhism/Taoism) that are heavily persecuted in China. The Communist party there has also increased its suppression against dissent in recent years.
Russia's government is currently broke due to the oil crash and they have widespread corrupt and government inefficiency problems. After the U.S. broke the Soviet Union back in the Reagan era, the former Soviet "satellite nations" drifted off and continue to have large corruption problems and widespread crime.
XYCat: So yeah, the idea of the European Union is good and it's in everyone's best interest to reform it to better efficiency rather than destroy it.
The Eurozone is currently a mess and its government is largely stacked against its people:
-There's a central European Parliament with "representatives" from each nation actually appointed by the nations' governments (instead of being elected through a popular vote).
-The Eurozone regulations affect every member nation, so there's always an incentive for member nations to have laws written in a way that favors them at the expense of everyone else.
-European states aren't American states. The USA was built united from the ground-up. On the other hand, some of the Eurozone's member states were at war with each other 70-100 years ago.
-The USA has traditionally been culturally and linguistically united. Europe has a hodgepodge of various languages and cultures.
-Eurozone-wide regulations produce a "one size fits none" effect where many laws might be a poor fit for a large number of member nations.
-There's too little protection from member nations acting in bad faith then expecting others to bail them out. Examples: governments spending and borrowing their future away, then demanding that the rest of the Eurozone bail them out. There's no framework in the Eurozone to force governments to balance their budgets, and the rest of the member nations are stuck being tied to other member nations with big government debt-machines.
-Another major problem: the "spread the migrants around" push. This allows some member nations to cheap out on border enforcement, then send any migrants they are unable to handle elsewhere.
XYCat: "ruling of themselves FOR THEMSELVES"? Yeah good luck with that. Especially with the countries heavily dependent on importing stuff stince they ****ed up their agriculture by setting up ineffective solar plants and ****.
That wasn't "government for the people by the people". That was corrupt big business and the United Nations climate change agenda (another one-world-government facade) forcing inviable power plant "solutions" on the public (through taxes, regulation, fearmongering, and big media/public education lies).
XYCat: Do you want to see a european country ruling itself for itself anyway? Check out Ukraine.
Ukraine's chock full of corruption. Bad example.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Nice try. Ukraine isn't European. Americans promised it NATO support and Europeans monetary aid, should its leadership "defect" to european union. We saw what became of it, as the end result of this little stunt.
America and the Eurozone only did that to spite Russia.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Europe and America is full of lies, fake promises, double agendas and when the trap they themselves set springs inevitably, they even accuse the ones who simply take action to restore order and were former pals to the "victims", in same former union, too.
Yes and no. The government, media, and a lot of megacorporations are full of lies, double agendas, and fake promises. Most of the average people are good and honest though. The last time so many governments have been stacked against their own people was in the Middle Ages.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Add Georgia in the picture, too. Be proud of European active meddling in foreign countries' affairs. And find the REAL culprit behind their tragedies.
Add Israel in the picture, too. Europe spends a crapload of money sending NGOs and other troublemakers to undermine the only democracy and Western-style nation in the Middle East.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: NATO is desperate to operate bases under the nose of Russia and they are very provocative, as of late; hell, recently they violated russian borders.
The entire "Cold War 2.0" is a massive waste on both sides. It's a waste of the West's money provoking Russia, and these counter-provocations (usually Russian military planes buzzing U.S./NATO planes and ships) are a waste of money that Russia isn't able to afford.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Watch the larger picture. And do follow militaristic news... Besides, the double standards are hard to miss; Obama declared Erdogan "within rights to drop the Russian plane" and "Turkey should be respected to defend her borders", while daily Turks abuse our own borders, sometimes multiple times during same day and no one says anything, puts them in their place, or urges them to respect our borders. Great allies; "With allies like those, what do we need enemies for?", a local saying goes.
It's more than just the Greek border. Turkey under Erdogan has been a major bad actor in recent years and a big part of the Eurozone migrant apocalypse. First, in the middle of the Syrian civil war, the Turkish administration "threw more fuel on the fire" there, prolonging the civil war and displacing massive numbers of Syrian civilians. Next, they are using the migrant apocalypse to twist the Eurozone's arm into giving Turks easy visa access (what's next, demanding membership in the Schengen zone?). The entire European "migrant exchange" agreement with Turkey is a farce and a setup - a lot of these migrants set sail from Turkey. The Eurozone should just send all the migrants back to Turkey (after all it was the Turkish administration that was largely responsible for the migrant apocalypse), then build a wall along the Turkish border and make NATO pay for it.
Oh, and Europe should never forget the recent weeks where Erdogan has been aggressively pushing to censor European freedom of speech.