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Smannesman: My tip is also leaking.
Just T TIP?
HunchBluntley: Just T TIP?
Yep, that's all that'll fit.
Gede: However, I to like the UK as part of the EU because I buy a lot of books in English on-line.
Even if I'm all in for the Brexit, that's the only thing I would miss. Maybe I should buy all what's left on my Amazon UK wishlist before customs taxes are added :o)
Gede: It is strange that I do not hear much on the media about this.

I personally think that the UK government is too pro-USA to do much good on the EU. However, I to like the UK as part of the EU because I buy a lot of books in English on-line. But if they don't want to stay, I think that Europe would be better off without them and the influence of the USA. Look at the state of Europe after the US subprime mortgage crisis!
Well they just released the leaked documents today. Now the goverments and negotiators are trying to downplay the issue or to smear the greenpeace documents that they aren't the real TTIP agreement and are just standpoints of US :)

We are already in deep shit when it comes to euro. As it seems now we are nearing the end of it. I mean its a few weeks ago that the eu central bank started to think about giving every euro citizen a certain amount of money (accounts go around 1300€) since the eurozone is in deflation which means job loss, less production and lower prices. The central bank is almost out of ideas now and helicopter money (what i described above) was the last idea (made by Milton Friedman in 1969). From my viewpoint if UK leaves Europe or not it doesn't matter. They only represent cca. 3% of EU GDP.

Edit: I was mistaken about UK share in GDP. The number above is wrong.
Post edited May 02, 2016 by Matruchus
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Hmm, another reason then that Brexit is actually to the BEST INTERESTS of British people, as well as other europeans, too...
Eitot: It is exactly the opposite. The UK Government and Parliament are actually among the biggest proponents of this treaty. The fact that the US is demanding some serious concessions from the EU, and that the negotiations are continuing regardless, just shows how much determination and power play is really going on. Do you think that an individual government will be able do the right thing? On the European side, this treaty ultimately needs 28 votes in favour, all of which are subject to government approval, ratification and potentially also several referenda. The EU Parliament and EU Council have not had a say yet either. Imagine if the situation were not a ‘friendly negotiation’ but a hostile coercion.
Eh? Helping drop the TTIP Bomb at EU and then brexiting?
Kind of brilliant.
Matruchus: We are already in deep shit when it comes to euro. As it seems now we are nearing the end of it. I mean its a few weeks ago that the eu central bank started to think about giving every euro citizen a certain amount of money (accounts go around 1300€) since the eurozone is in deflation which means job loss, less production and lower prices. The central bank is almost out of ideas now and helicopter money (what i described above) was the last idea (made by Milton Friedman in 1969). From viewpoint if UK leaves Europe or not it doesn't matter. They only represent cca. 3% of EU GDP.
I have been hearing about this deal since the Trans-Pacific Partnership was being talked about. I know there was little detail to approach it with...

Is the "helicopter money" you describe related to Keynes' "digging holes" view on stimulating the econ? I did read about giving some minimum funds to needy families, but that is already going around (and being misapplied) here in Portugal for some years. I can relate to the principle, but not with its current implementation.

And if the UK represents so little of the EU's GDP, how did Cameron manage to strike a "special deal" with Brussels? It seems to me that the UK hold a lot of influence around here.

You seem like a very well informed person. I would like to read what else you have to say on this matter.
Matruchus: We are already in deep shit when it comes to euro. As it seems now we are nearing the end of it. I mean its a few weeks ago that the eu central bank started to think about giving every euro citizen a certain amount of money (accounts go around 1300€) since the eurozone is in deflation which means job loss, less production and lower prices. The central bank is almost out of ideas now and helicopter money (what i described above) was the last idea (made by Milton Friedman in 1969). From my viewpoint if UK leaves Europe or not it doesn't matter. They only represent cca. 3% of EU GDP.
Your numbers are a bit suspect I'm afraid. The UK is the 5th largest economy in the world, if you consider that there are 28 eu member states, if the UK was contributing just 3%, that would make it the smallest contributor to GDP, below countries like Malta (assuming a roughly even distribution of the rest), which is clearly untrue.

There are some numbers on wikipedia from 2015: some basic arithmetic there puts the figure at 17.5%, recently I've heard numbers chucked around between 13% and 17%, it's somewhere in that ballpark.

Also, while Friedman first proposed the concept of helicopter money in 1969, this is the first time it's actually been properly tried by a developed economy.
wpegg: ]
Your numbers are a bit suspect I'm afraid. The UK is the 5th largest economy in the world, if you consider that there are 28 eu member states, if the UK was contributing just 3%, that would make it the smallest contributor to GDP, below countries like Malta (assuming a roughly even distribution of the rest), which is clearly untrue.

There are some numbers on wikipedia from 2015: some basic arithmetic there puts the figure at 17.5%, recently I've heard numbers chucked around between 13% and 17%, it's somewhere in that ballpark.

Also, while Friedman first proposed the concept of helicopter money in 1969, this is the first time it's actually been properly tried by a developed economy.
You are correct about the GDP thing. I was mistaken. I googled around and it seems the share is bigger then what Slovene financial newspapers and TV were saying (aka 3%GDP share). Although there is no gdp share estimate available even at Eurostat. Eitherway EU represents only arround 45% of UK export market and is slowly declining. And since UK export share in GDP is only 30% which (2013 data) means export to EU would represent around 13-15% of your GDP which could be quite a hit.

Gede: ()
Here something about helicopter money:

As for GDP share of UK - I was wrong.
Post edited May 02, 2016 by Matruchus
Matruchus: Eitherway EU represents only arround 45% of UK export market and is slowly declining. And since UK export share in GDP is only 30% which (2013 data) means export to EU would represent around 13-15% of your GDP which could be quite a hit.
There you have come to the nub of the economics on the brexit argument, what would our trade look like out of the EU. I have views, and there are many arguments proposed by economics folk. However this isn't a thread on Brexit (I'm sure one will come up), so we should really get back to TTIP.
Eitot: It is exactly the opposite. The UK Government and Parliament are actually among the biggest proponents of this treaty. The fact that the US is demanding some serious concessions from the EU, and that the negotiations are continuing regardless, just shows how much determination and power play is really going on. Do you think that an individual government will be able do the right thing? On the European side, this treaty ultimately needs 28 votes in favour, all of which are subject to government approval, ratification and potentially also several referenda. The EU Parliament and EU Council have not had a say yet either. Imagine if the situation were not a ‘friendly negotiation’ but a hostile coercion.
anothername: Eh? Helping drop the TTIP Bomb at EU and then brexiting?
Kind of brilliant.
It is an interesting question. Assuming that the British electorate will indeed vote against membership, then the UK Government would still have to notify the European Council of the withdrawal, as a result of which the two-year ‘grace period’ will start. Nobody knows when that will happen, but some Tories have said that Cameron should resign and let someone take over who starts this process, so they might not delay it. Within that time the UK is still formally a Member State, so they could still participate in the negotiations and vote for TTIP. My guess is that the British representatives in Brussels will probably work overtime to get as much done as possible for as long as they have a say.
Matruchus: Here something about helicopter money:

As for GDP share of UK - I was wrong.
Thank you for the link.
And I too was wrong. There was some cover of TTIP yesterday on TV. However, I think it lasted less than the first anniversary of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge.

Eitot: Assuming that the British electorate will indeed vote against membership, then the UK Government would still have to notify the European Council of the withdrawal, as a result of which the two-year ‘grace period’ will start.
Within that time the UK is still formally a Member State, so they could still participate in the negotiations and vote for TTIP.
Oh, great point. I was unaware of those details.
So, if the UK leaves the EU, they can spend 2 years messing things up to ensure the EU will not pose a threat to their influence in the region? I know that their vote alone poses a limited influence, but if they can cause the acceptance of some legislation that they will not be subjected to in the following day, where is the fairness in that? We already know what parties do before leaving office.

I'm sorry if I have a somewhat unflattering view of the UK, but I never recognized them as much of a team player in the EU.
Gede: I'm sorry if I have a somewhat unflattering view of the UK, but I never recognized them as much of a team player in the EU.
It's not unflattering, simply accurate. It was best summed up about 30 years ago:
anothername: Sooo... a call to all exteremists to aim some specific bigwigs instead of random woman, men & children to become popular instead of villified?
No. Not exactly... More like an unveiling of the biggest villains out there, currently, whom besides every human alive, threaten the future of everyone and the environment, as well as future generations, too. But seriously, anyone who manages to eliminate "Monsanto", fully deserves the title "Saint"; by whatever means available, of course... And the likes of them. Survival, health, environment and future itself are VERY heavy words and concepts, for random corporate suits to forcibly cut off from everyone; for mere money, too...
Post edited May 03, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Gede: I'm sorry if I have a somewhat unflattering view of the UK, but I never recognized them as much of a team player in the EU.
wpegg: It's not unflattering, simply accurate. It was best summed up about 30 years ago:
Oh, I watched that series a couple of years ago. Excellent show! The Brits do have good TV, I'll grant you that.
It is a bit scary to recognize how little so many things changed. And how many situations make me recall scenes on the show.

I'm thinking of watching the British House of Cards one day.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Hmm, another reason then that Brexit is actually to the BEST INTERESTS of British people, as well as other europeans, too... Should EU start falling apart, or countries forming it seek out a better ethnical composition and ruling of themselves FOR THEMSELVES thereoff, no american w@nk like this TTIP is likely to hit us all together, at least at the same time and magnitude...

The ONLY thing muslims got right, is that America is evil. Well, not the continent itself, really, just the world-bankers residing there, the corporations, the warmongering military... And Monsanto. And companies like it.
The whole history and development of human society is centered around working together and grouping up into larger structures. Things like European union are just another step towards unity. And before anyone starts freaking out, no unity does not destroy local customs and culture as seen on the example of the most massive states like People's republic of China, USA or Russia. Hell even one village has different customs then the next one in UK or anywhere else in the world. So yeah, the idea of EU is good and it's in everyone's best interest to reform it to better efficiency rather than destroy it.
"ruling of themselves FOR THEMSELVES"? Yeah good luck with that. Especially with the countries heavily dependent on importing stuff stince they fucked up their agriculture by setting up ineffective solar plants and shit.
Do you want to see a european country ruling itself for itself anyway? Check out Ukraine.